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Pakistan's Onslaught Against India at UNGA - What's Next?

First an unauthorized + from me, as a token of appreciation, for your analyses are very illuminating.

The difference, from the past few decades, is that the political temperatures, both in India and Pakistan, are too high. In such scenarios, untoward and inadvertent things happen and then circumstances go out of control, which IK is indicating again and again.

A page from history, as an example. In early 1946, Cabinet Mission arrived from UK to India and, after having extensive discussions with various political stakeholders, presented their Plan, which was a confederation sort of a political arrangement/scheme, devised to retain the unity of India, after independence. Muslim League accepted the Plan. Congress, though on paper, accepted the Plan, but in fact rejected it, by virtually reinterpreting it, in their own intriguing way. A political stalemate ensued. Quaid e Azam called for celebrating a "Direct Action Day", on August 16, 1946, in whole of the India, where Muslim League was to hold processions and gatherings to inform people about the meaning and nature of the "Direct Action" and its implications. The day went very well, throughout the India, with peaceful demonstrations, except for Calcutta, where it took an unexpected ugly turn. Clashes ensued between Muslim League and Congress political workers and continued for a number of days, leaving thousands of them dead. This was an unprecedented incidence, in the whole history of India, and thereupon changed the course of events for all times to come.
That's a nice window into historic events of the 46 Direct action day...

Indian Media on fire against Imran Khan that UN allowed Hafiz Saeed concession to draw monthly amount from frozen bank account.
That's a nice window into historic events of the 46 Direct action day...

The purpose, of alluding to an important historical incidence, shall not be lost. It was to demonstrate that: When political temperatures and stakes are high; untoward incidences take place and leave an indelible mark on the pages of time.

One irony of India is that many sex workers, pros and escorts have adopted the profession of TV journalism; because it is far more lucrative and paying.:p::p::p:
Prick. Hindu pogroms against Muslims began long before Aug 5th. During partition, pre partition, there was no beginning and there will be no end to their anti-Muslim inferiority complex-driven attack against any strong independent Muslim community who refuses to do communal Pooja and accept Hindutva bullcrap that the whole of India is a Hindu nation. Mughals and Brits built India from naked tree dwelling elephant rider communities. And presently, Sikhs defend India.

This is what Imran Khan and many before him have pointed out.

Hitler's blame game gave him a convenient target for his homogenization efforts in the Jews. RSS pricks are no different.

To suggest Muslims or Kashmiris or Pakistanis deserve pogroms because of terrorism is laughable and precisely what IK convinced the world of today. India will attack Pakistan, Muslims and all Kashmiris because of an attack against Indian paramilitaries. What pusssssis, occupying Kashmir yet they call it "terrorism" when resistance attacks armed trained soldiers. Don't make me laugh. Plenty of Jews were in the French resistance and they would do exactly what happened at pulwama.

There are no hard and fast rules or right and wrong. Only interests.
Prick)................pls mind your language,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, otherwise it clearly shows .. how you were born, raised, in pti incubater.......
A lot has already been said in favor of a brilliant and well balanced address of Prime Minister Imran Khan at UNGA. Even many of his critics thoroughly enjoyed and praised PMIK's speech and have been seen saying "proud of being a Pakistani today" after quite a long time. His speech was heard across the globe and at one point, #ImranKhanVoiceOfKashmir became a top trend on twitter. Approximately a million tweets have been posted since, which means that his address (positively or negatively... doesn't matter) is being discussed all over the world on social media.

The four concerns raised in PMIK's speech were placed in an extremely intelligent way. People might say that he wasn't reading from his notes, but honestly speaking, it wasn't a speech without a thorough preparation. The words he used, the sentences he spoke, the emotions he showed and the warnings he delivered were so nicely connected, and the concerns were so logically lined up, that it seemed Pakistani mission contracted a psychologist in addition to many other experts to assist in formulating this masterpiece delivered by PMIK today.

He started with environmental concerns, which attracted many people who might not know about the sub-continent let alone Kashmir, proving himself as a concerned citizen of the planet Earth. After attracting environmentalists (and everyone now considers himself as one) and those who are badly affected by global warming, he tried to attract all the countries that face poverty due to corruption supported by the richer economies by creating tax heavens. This speech is a reminder to those countries which only blame the third world countries of plunder-friendly laws, but conveniently close their eyes on their actions to provide security to the wealth of looters and money launderers. His address will also impact the next session of FATF as PMIK has tried to capture moral high ground here. It was then a turn to attract Muslims. The way he presented Islam I can see that every Muslim who has listened to his speech will do some soul searching. Has anyone from the Muslim Ummah raised these points at a liberal forum with such a confidence before him? In his 5 minutes, he completely separated radicals (belonging to any religion) from the mainstream. It was one of the best, if not the best defense of Islam in current turbulent times.

Once he gathered the attention of the above, he started his onslaught against India on Kashmir. I am sure 90% of the concerned Indian population might have changed the tv channels and gone back to bollywood songs during his address.


OK, enough said about the address. 2019 has been an eventful year for all three parties i.e. Pakistan, India and Kashmiris. So far, Pakistan has responded effectively to the limited strikes, 5th generation war on media, and on the diplomatic fronts. For Indians, it was a good year indeed as they annexed Kashmir quite easily by striking or amending a couple of articles in their constitution. Realistically speaking, world will keep its eyes closed due to a over-a-billion-people's-market even after PMIK's desperate efforts to wake up the conscience of the world's leaders. In these desperate times, money can easily be preferred over justice, no doubt about it. We have been haplessly and helplessly watching the land being snatched from Palestinians and no one could do anything to stop Israelis.

Pakistan has played almost all the diplomatic cards as of today. By not escalating the situation in February this year and returning the Indian pilot, by engaging ourselves in the Afghan peace process, by offering our help in Middle East's crisis, by raining environmental concerns and by using different platforms to convey Kashmiri plight, we have shown the world that we are a peaceful nation which believes in coexistence. But is this enough? What if world again goes to sleep and we end up as a lone voice on Kashmir? Will India take any measures to help Kashmiris? What if India lifts curfew but Kashmiris are not able to put up a strong Taliban like resistance on their own? Will we continue to prove ourselves as a peaceful non-violent nation and helplessly see our brethren in Kashmir getting killed, sisters getting raped and children getting kidnapped?

This is now crystal clear that Pakistan will not support any proxy war, and will not initiate a limited or full scale war. My question to all Pakistani forum members.. What now? Please shed some light on what do you think about the next few months/ years.. and predict the next steps of India and Pakistan.

@Dubious @Mangus Ortus Novem @Shane @Signalian @ali_raza @Path-Finder @war&peace @Areesh @Farah Sohail @Zibago and others

My opinion has always been that Pakistan should take Kashmir matter to UN and follow it up with international community. And IK has done a suitable job as seen by the reaction of world leaders as well as UNGA. This step was necessary since India has been looking for a chance to malign Pakistan's image in front of international community. Indian leaders, Indian media, Indian Military, Indian Public, Indian Expat community - all have joined hands for one cause - to isolate, to disintegrate, to annihilate and wipe out Pakistan from the face of the Earth. In 2019, India and its military has been trying their best to trap Pakistan in one way or another to make a folly - one wrong decision to land in disaster. GOP and Pakistani Military have been level headed in making decisions whenever confronted by new situations, whether these are false flags, cross border incursions from Afghanistan through proxies supported by India, Violations on CFL, weapon acquisition, the issue of water distribution in rivers etc. Even then some members here on PDF were hellbent that Pakistan and its military have not responded aggressively to Indian misadventures.
Should the Indian pilot have been thrown in jail instead of being handed back to India?
Should the Indian submarine been fired at and sunk after it was locked on to ?
Should Pakistan send reinforcements into IOK ?
Should Pakistan send military in Afghanistan to rout Indian proxies ?
and there are a lot more questions which have been asked here.

Sure, Pakistan could have done all of the above. Given tit for tat response. But what was really required from Pakistan was to show restraint in matters that could escalate within minutes and turn into full fledged war. India will not attack Pakistan militarily in an all out war. India has been slowly damaging Pakistan since early 2000's. USA sitting next to Pakistan in Afghanistan gave India a lot of options to capitalize upon and India did. The likes of TTP were born, BLA/BRA and other related factions became stronger, Pakistan's armed support for Indian occupied Kashmir's struggle was stopped and India started labeling Pakistan time and again for all the disastrous incidents that happened in India. However, 20 years on wards, Pakistan stands at a stable ground now.

You have asked, what now ?
Pakistan is continuing its duty to raise the Kashmir issue in UN, there is another avenue that can be pursued - the coalition formed by KSA gives a good example of Muslim countries working together Militarily to pursue common goals. Pakistan has delivered the message of IOK freedom across the globe, even to its close friends like China. The response has been observed.

Now its time for Pakistan to form and lead a coalition of its own- a coalition of Muslim countries who are concerned about struggle of oppressed Muslims throughout the world. Pakistan should lead this coalition by inviting countries like Turkey, Malaysia, Egypt, Jordan, Algeria, Kuwait, Libya, former USSR states like Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan etc. This can go on further in two ways - either through countries under OIC or approaching UN mission with a proposal of Task force from Muslim countries which are interested in conducting peace-keeping operations in IOK. India would of course stand defiantly against both options and will never allow a UN peace keeping mission inside IOK. Another option is Pakistan Military openly and actively sending troops to Yemen war with KSA which would result in starting a border conflict with Iran but will allow full support from KSA and its allies like UAE against Indian Military in kashmir. This option will help allow KSA and UAE to fund Kashmir struggle while Pakistan opens its corridors again for freedom fighters and starts supporting the freedom struggle inside Kashmir with supplies of men and material. In both cases- Pakistan leading a coalition of Muslim countries or joining KSA's coalition- India simply cannot blame Pakistan singularly as it has been doing in the past. Now India will be facing multiple muslim countries assisting Pakistan in assisting the freedom Kashmiris in IOK. This will not only solve the funding issue which Pakistan faces now but also India's plan to isolate Pakistan from the rest of the world will be nullified. In 1980's, the USSR was defeated by major partnering of three countries- USA, Pakistan, KSA. Alliance is the key factor here.

However, if any of above plans are followed, at some stage Pakistan will have to use military force to attack kashmir when the struggle is at its peak. This is the same way how India used Mukti Bahini in East Pakistan - when the insurgency rose to its peak, Indian forces invaded as Pakistan attacked in the west. So, if India does not attack, even then Pakistan will have to attack to capitalize on the opportunity created by Freedom fighters.

You have mentioned that Mountain terrain is excellent for Guerilla warfare. Yes and No. Any terrain can be excellent for Guerilla warfare, whether its a jungle or desert or plain land. But what about the Guerillas ? Guerillas are trained personnel, they are trained to fight with help and assistance from locals, they use hit and run tactics, they ambush, snipe at enemy commanders, sabotage bases and depots etc. Pakistan is using its intel and SF assets inside Pakistan primarily. 4-6 SSG operators can effectively conduct mission through their established training standards than 10-20 freedom fighters who just know how to fire guns. Not anyone holding a gun becomes a guerilla. Pakistan Military cannot spare own troops to venture inside IOK and start conducting operations against BSF and IA. Similarly, ISI assets will need to be placed inside IOK who will coordinate and communicate within the locals to support SSG operators and other local freedom fighters. A whole set-up needs to be established for this purpose. Supply dumps and routes will need to be set up, medical camps will need to be established as wounded will not be attending hospitals. If SSG operators are made incharge of freedom fighter sections then through their leadership and guidance, some sort of success in Ops could be expected, otherwise be prepared for massacres also. Also a rise of disastrous incidents will start occurring inside Pakistan as India will absolutely retaliate in its own method, just like the ones in past decade. India will start a crackdown on freedom struggle more stringently than before, deploy more wings of BSF and the valley will remain constant curfew. If Pakistan turns to international community, its voice will not be heard due to its military presence inside IOK. So far IK's voice has been heard since the world knows that Pakistan is not participating militarily or covertly in any operations inside Kashmir. Even then if Pakistan follows the above plan, then the stats could look like 50-75 freedom fighters martyred and maybe 100 BSF troopers killed, where will this go from then on ? probably in next 2-3 years, 150 freedom fighters martyred and 200 BSF troopers killed. A guerilla war can be started but circumstances will keep getting uglier and more messy. Indian troops will not stop their atrocities, those will increase. India will take revenge for its fallen troopers and freedom fighters will do the same. More killing on both sides. CFL will remain hot all the time. The firing wont cease to exist because Indians will be anticipating an attack from Pakistan and will deploy BSF to check if movement across CFL is happening. At some stage, Pakistan or India will attack due to situation in Kashmir and the war will begin. Last time, it was kargil war.

I have tried to create a picture of few military options. I still think that its best to create a consortium of Muslim countries to follow up Kashmir issue without using military intervention. If more voices speak up and join in this cause, the struggle for Indian occupied Kashmir's freedom will remain in headlines. Pakistan is not falling into the traps set by India and not being lured into a war neither into a sticky situation - so the direction seems to be correct.
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I have tried to create a picture of few military options. I still think that its best to create a consortium of Muslim countries to follow up Kashmir issue without using military intervention.
Excellent post yet again. I too have been in favor of KSA option but having failed to avail it to date, we have shown reluctance to openly go down that road. Since our help to GCC on Yemen is covert to date so is their response towards the Kashmir issue limited to economic help to Pakistan - something nobody can deny.

Therefore, I proposed the other option to get China on board about supporting Kashmiri freedom struggle. That would not only put pressure on India with a two and a half front war threat but also other countries would get the necessary cover in their covert support to the Kashmiri cause.

Let me again make it clear, India will not go for an all out war with Pakistan at the initial stage but would start planning for it as time goes on and the Kashmiri armed struggle gains momentum. We definitely need to form an alliance with our allies to keep India behaving responsibly instead of launching attack on Pakistan. India fears war with China more than a war with Pakistan is a no brainer So we have to use this threat and exploit it to the fullest.

Never mind the heads of Muslim states, Once the struggle starts on the ground in Kashmir, the whole Muslim Ummah which is the common Muslim populous around the world would pitch in to help the Kashmiri cause. Who dares wins - shamefully for us - it was the Extemist Hindutwa Leadership of India which grew so bold as to have thrown the gauntlet this time around due to their miscalculation about our response - but still...

Let's not disappoint the Kashmiris willing to fight and prepare proper grounds for them to be able to give it a fair go, not just the diplomatic support of Turkey and Malaysia but also our alliance with China - KSA etc and our own Strategic military might should be able to manage India quite nicely.

. .
Yours was short of oxygen by the looks of things.

happy to hear that lt general imran k. nazi has given every one a pay raise in barracks. anyway,

he was check mate by modi/ now only speeches wont bring back JK..

i have been hearing his speeches a long time now/ master of u turns.

KAFIRS, MUSHRIKS WILL MEDIATE FOR MUSLIMS....???????? woah what an oxford brain?
For mediocre trolls, Rabid Patwaris, Bilawal BaBes and Diesel warriors talking about Kafirs and Mushriks, some points to ponder in the following video for the suddenly self righteous, suddenly pretending to be Staunch Muslims; but first bring some leader to the fore who has done anything close to what Khan has done for Kashmir to date by Internationalizing the issue like never before:

He has said.. if India attacks us, it will be a nuclear war. But what if India doesn't attack? This is my question.

Indian attack was limited to Quran learning school... who are any way targeted by certain Pakistani quarters. So India and allies are fine there, as long we are helping them in their quest.
However Indian not attacking Pakistan doesn't mean, they are going to return Kashmir to Pakistan or stop killing, rapes and kidnappings.


what sort of mediation are we looking for? cease fire on control line... which is no more a control line! or Indian army vacating Kashmir?

Indian leaders, Indian media, Indian Military, Indian Public, Indian Expat community - all have joined hands for one cause - to isolate, to disintegrate, to annihilate and wipe of Pakistan
This i have been saying from decades... every single Indian is speaking against Pakistan, every time they meet a foreigner.
I have seen Indians bitching about Pakistan with each other in English, after some firing in surroundings. They could have talk to each other in Tamil, which those ugly creatures actually were but they spoke loudly in English in public bus.... this was one example. I have caught Indians bitching about Pakistan, Islam and terrorism on multiple occasions.

That's a nice window into historic events of the 46 Direct action day...

Indian Media on fire against Imran Khan that UN allowed Hafiz Saeed concession to draw monthly amount from frozen bank account.

What's UN business with Hafiz Saeed?
This i have been saying from decades... every single Indian is speaking against Pakistan, every time they meet a foreigner.
I have seen Indians bitching about Pakistan with each other in English, after some firing in surroundings. They could have talk to each other in Tamil, which those ugly creatures actually were but they spoke loudly in English in public bus.... this was one example. I have caught Indians bitching about Pakistan, Islam and terrorism on multiple occasions.

What's UN business with Hafiz Saeed?

I have also observed the same thing in Germany that most of indian students tried to "ridicule" Pakistan whenever they used to get the opportunity. I have seen many POS so-called "educated" young indian students in Germany behaving no different than RSS type bastards that we see these days under BJP government and I am talking about 2007, 2008 era. They always have been POS whether RSS types or so-called university students studying engineering or sciences. The Gangus have a severe inferiority complex about themselves because vast majority of them look hideous and instantly become insecure if they find a "non-gangu" looking Pakistani which was the case with me because I didn't look like the perceived "Pakistani" in their minds so I could always "listen" to their BS about Pakistan because they never suspected that the guy sitting next to them could be a "Pakistani".
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Same in situation among the indian expats. in surrounding states of Germany.
They all support Modi and defend his actions, even the Gujrat massacre.
Rediff.com » News » It's jihad: Imran on Kashmir after returning from US
It's jihad: Imran on Kashmir after returning from US
September 29, 2019 21:06 IST


Prime Minister Imran Khan on his return from the United States on Sunday said that those standing by Kashmiris were doing 'jihad' and Pakistan will support Kashmiris even if the world does not.

Prime Minister Khan, who focussed on the Kashmir issue in his maiden address to the United Nations General Assembly, told his party workers at the airport in Islamabad that 'whether the world is with the Kashmiris or not, we are standing with them'.


"It (standing by Kashmiris) is jihad. We are doing it because we want Allah to be happy with us," he said.

More like this

Imran warns of 'direct military confrontation'

'Even Pakistan will ditch Kashmir...'

"It is a struggle and do not lose heart when the time is not good. Do not be disappointed as the Kashmiris are looking towards you," he said.

He said 'Kashmiris would win if the Pakistani people stood by their side'.

Khan on Friday raised the Kashmir issue in his address to the UNGA and demanded that India must lift the 'inhuman curfew' in Kashmir and release all 'political prisoners'.

In his speech that went on for about 50 minutes, far exceeding the 15-minute limit for UN speeches during the General Debate, Khan devoted half of his address to the Kashmir issue, warning that if there's face-off between two nuclear-armed neighbours, the consequences would be far beyond their borders.

His war rhetoric was in sharp contrast to Prime Minister Narendra Modi's peace message from the same podium few minutes earlier in which he said India is a country, that has 'given the world, not war, but Buddha's message of peace'.

Pakistan has been trying to internationalise the Kashmir issue after India withdrew the special status of Jammu and Kashmir on August 5, but New Delhi has asserted the abrogation of Article 370 was its 'internal matter'.

India's decision evoked strong reactions from Pakistan, which downgraded diplomatic ties and expelled the Indian ambassador.

India ended Jammu and Kashmir's special status by abrogating Article 370 of its Constitution on August 5.

India's decision evoked strong reactions from Pakistan, which downgraded diplomatic ties and expelled the Indian ambassador.

Pakistan has been trying to internationalise the Kashmir issue after India withdrew the special status of Jammu and Kashmir on August 5, but New Delhi has asserted the abrogation of Article 370 was its 'internal matter'.
. .
A lot has already been said in favor of a brilliant and well balanced address of Prime Minister Imran Khan at UNGA. Even many of his critics thoroughly enjoyed and praised PMIK's speech and have been seen saying "proud of being a Pakistani today" after quite a long time. His speech was heard across the globe and at one point, #ImranKhanVoiceOfKashmir became a top trend on twitter. Approximately a million tweets have been posted since, which means that his address (positively or negatively... doesn't matter) is being discussed all over the world on social media.

The four concerns raised in PMIK's speech were placed in an extremely intelligent way. People might say that he wasn't reading from his notes, but honestly speaking, it wasn't a speech without a thorough preparation. The words he used, the sentences he spoke, the emotions he showed and the warnings he delivered were so nicely connected, and the concerns were so logically lined up, that it seemed Pakistani mission contracted a psychologist in addition to many other experts to assist in formulating this masterpiece delivered by PMIK today.

He started with environmental concerns, which attracted many people who might not know about the sub-continent let alone Kashmir, proving himself as a concerned citizen of the planet Earth. After attracting environmentalists (and everyone now considers himself as one) and those who are badly affected by global warming, he tried to attract all the countries that face poverty due to corruption supported by the richer economies by creating tax heavens. This speech is a reminder to those countries which only blame the third world countries of plunder-friendly laws, but conveniently close their eyes on their actions to provide security to the wealth of looters and money launderers. His address will also impact the next session of FATF as PMIK has tried to capture moral high ground here. It was then a turn to attract Muslims. The way he presented Islam I can see that every Muslim who has listened to his speech will do some soul searching. Has anyone from the Muslim Ummah raised these points at a liberal forum with such a confidence before him? In his 5 minutes, he completely separated radicals (belonging to any religion) from the mainstream. It was one of the best, if not the best defense of Islam in current turbulent times.

Once he gathered the attention of the above, he started his onslaught against India on Kashmir. I am sure 90% of the concerned Indian population might have changed the tv channels and gone back to bollywood songs during his address.


OK, enough said about the address. 2019 has been an eventful year for all three parties i.e. Pakistan, India and Kashmiris. So far, Pakistan has responded effectively to the limited strikes, 5th generation war on media, and on the diplomatic fronts. For Indians, it was a good year indeed as they annexed Kashmir quite easily by striking or amending a couple of articles in their constitution. Realistically speaking, world will keep its eyes closed due to a over-a-billion-people's-market even after PMIK's desperate efforts to wake up the conscience of the world's leaders. In these desperate times, money can easily be preferred over justice, no doubt about it. We have been haplessly and helplessly watching the land being snatched from Palestinians and no one could do anything to stop Israelis.

Pakistan has played almost all the diplomatic cards as of today. By not escalating the situation in February this year and returning the Indian pilot, by engaging ourselves in the Afghan peace process, by offering our help in Middle East's crisis, by raining environmental concerns and by using different platforms to convey Kashmiri plight, we have shown the world that we are a peaceful nation which believes in coexistence. But is this enough? What if world again goes to sleep and we end up as a lone voice on Kashmir? Will India take any measures to help Kashmiris? What if India lifts curfew but Kashmiris are not able to put up a strong Taliban like resistance on their own? Will we continue to prove ourselves as a peaceful non-violent nation and helplessly see our brethren in Kashmir getting killed, sisters getting raped and children getting kidnapped?

This is now crystal clear that Pakistan will not support any proxy war, and will not initiate a limited or full scale war. My question to all Pakistani forum members.. What now? Please shed some light on what do you think about the next few months/ years.. and predict the next steps of India and Pakistan.

@Dubious @Mangus Ortus Novem @Shane @Signalian @ali_raza @Path-Finder @war&peace @Areesh @Farah Sohail @Zibago and others

Endians received a bashing never seen before...
Now slowly we are making narrative for our real Muslim Ummah. I am now very happy.
What a guy is this Khan, lol, how easily he has declared jehad on one hand and equated it with standing with Kashmiris on the other, adding even if the rest of the world does not because we want to gain the approval of Allah that we did not leave the side of Kashmiris. Nothing new here to read for anyone, lol...

What a guy is this Khan who spoke on return from UNGA speech like anyone who picks up a glass of water when thirsty, takes a sip and puts the glass back where it was.

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