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Pakistan's Monetary,Fiscal,Commercial & International Trade Policies Review



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A new prospective at Pakistan’s Monetary and Economic Policies
By Asif Ameer July 11, 2011

The complexities of the International Financial Markets are abstract by nature but the underlying principles are very simple - Lower the supply, higher the price and vis-versa. Combine this simple rule with the fact that the Government will leave no resources unwasted. The Private sector will always be more efficient (provided there is healthy competition) than the Government. Example is the explosion of the Mobile Phone market after the privatization of PTCL. Combine these simple common- sense ideas and we have laid a sound framework of our Economic Model.

National Sovereignty:

With that said, let’s put our prospective on the word Sovereignty in terms of Economics.
Sovereignty gives a sovereign Government

1. The right to issue and maintain its own currency.
2. Taxation
3. Regulate International trades as its agenda dictates (For e.g. Pakistan wouldn’t sell arms to India)

Money is the medium of trade and the most important aspect of the economy. Almost every empire has failed by mismanaging its money supply. Money shares the same market principles – scarce supply higher its value. Issuing money against thin air dilutes the currency. This is the most dangerous form of taxation. This is taxation via inflation. Taxation of this kind effect reduces commerce, encourages hoarding and puts an unfair burden on the already struggling class. Today in principle, Pakistan Government prints against its foreign reserve balance – The US Dollar. Dollar itself is created out of thin air. Key to a stable economy is its stable currency. Even in principle, the foundations are flawed. Treating the US Dollar as the foreign reserve currency goes back to the Bretton Woods agreement when the dollar was backed by Gold. West Germany was the first country to withdraw from this agreement after the ‘Gold window’ was closed in 1971. This action alone translated into West Germany’s signs of economic improvement in a matter of three months.

The government has it wrong on both fronts – Money Supply and Taxation. The Pak Rupee was being backed by Gold via the US Dollar till 1971. It needs to be put back to the Gold standard to bring in confidence and stability. Gold cannot be printed but minted. This alone will stop the Government’s runaway spending.

Implementation of the Gold Standard:

Last year, Pakistan booked US $ 17 billion in its foreign reserve. These reserves, that are bought via valuable Exports (Cotton, Wheat, Fish, Fruits, Vegetables, etc), in return Pakistan gets fiat US Dollar which then the Pakistan Government leverages to get more debt from IMF, a subsidiary of the US Federal Reserve, to entertain its bureaucracy. With the way relations Pak- US relationships have been going, it wouldn’t be unwise to dump the US Dollar into the International Market and buy Bullion Gold and Silver from it. Make a Public announcement that every issue currency note of Rs 5000 would be backed by 1gm of 24ct Gold coin. Hence the government would buy back its own Rs 5000 note for 1 gm of 24ct Gold. Then default on all its existing international debt. There is nothing immoral about it. World Financial Institutions knowingly financed Pakistan Government’s bureaucracy, not its infrastructure. Iceland defaulted too. Sure it was painful in the short run but they have already been upgraded by Fitch Rating Agency and the World Bank, the same institutions that promised doom and gloom if Iceland defaulted.

In the meantime, impact of moving to the Gold Standard would change the realities on ground. Imagine going out for grocery and realizing that price of rice, atta and daal have fallen 10% because Gold prices went up compared to the food prices. Electric rates are falling because natural gas and Oil prices are stabilizing. Removal of inflation would fix hoarding of goods. From an international prospective, putting the Pk Rupee on the Gold standard would guaranty a huge influx of foreign capital. Returning monetary and currency stability would immediately bring help the Pk Rupee appreciate, cause commodities prices to fall, reducing inflation.

Taxation and Government spending

Along with a strong currency policy agenda, the Government would need to implement fair taxation for the social welfare of the nation. Taxation is best divided on 3 levels
1. Fixed Tax % on the income side – this covers the higher income bracket
2. Fixed Tax % on consumption – this covers the lower income bracket
3. Imports Tax – to regulate foreign trades and policies
4. Set up Bait-ul-Maal – discourage idle capital and provide safety net for the society.

Government should not spend any more than what it collects in via taxes. Direct taxation is the only form of representative taxation, unlike inflation taxation. Just like a common household, Governments should always run a balanced budget. Nor should the Government be allowed to borrow. It should end all subsidies to all Industries. Prices should reflect the costs. This would be a steep contrast to the system in place in Pakistan today where prices are fixed for Petroleum to sugar by the Government. Current conditions are a proof that the status- quo is not working. This will not be easy by any degree because all inefficient systems in the economies will collapse but sounds investments will be made in industries that will no longer rely on Government subsidies. Also this policy will encourage the “roll-up-sleeves and get it done” attitude of the general public. If a Pakistani can work 16 hrs-a-day in a developed country and remit money back to his family in Pakistan, he will gladly work 14 hrs while living with his family. Opening of the markets will also reverse the on-going brain-drain process Pakistan has been witnessing since the 60s.

Above mentioned points cover policies pertaining to Money Supply and Taxation. Implementing just the ‘Gold Standard’ will not be enough to fix everything. For the Gold Standard monetary policy to work, the Banking Infrastructure has to be reformed.

Fractional Reserve Lending:

Any attempt to reform the monetary system without touching the Banking sector would be pointless. There is a practice in the Banking Industry called “Fractional Reserve Lending”. When money is deposited into a commercial bank, it is completely legal for the bank to lend out 15~30 times the deposited amount on interest. If a new bank is chartered with an initial amount of Rs 1 crore, that money can be counted as deposit and now the bank can lend out Rs 15 crore, creating Rs 14crore out of thin air, collecting over 8% on the lent Rs 15crore which would be Rs1.2Crore. Mind it, the initial investment of the bank was 1crore. The bank isn’t making 8% on the lent money, its making 120% per year on its initial investment.

Not only is it immoral, but this action is a direct dilution of the currency in circulation. This is currency-counterfeiting made legal. If this practice is not outlawed, eventually Private Commercial Banks in Pakistan will asset strip its citizens of every belonging and own the whole nation. This is where banks will end up owning everything and the citizen and its government will be owing everything to the banks. Western countries have already started witnessing this cycle. Putting Pakistan back on the Gold Standard would be rendered meaningless if the Private Banks continue to create its own money.

Banning of this practice should include naked short positions in the equity, bond, currency and options markets. These practices are all tied to the Fractional Reserve Lending that causes erosion of private savings and misallocation of resources in the economy. This was the leading cause of the Great Depression in 1930s in US. One wouldn’t be off the mark to blame the current Global Financial crises on this practice either. This is no different than stealing private property. It’s not clearly visible because the whole society pays the price via inflation.

Banks should also reform how they invest savings. Instead of guaranteed profits (interest), Banks should be encouraged to enter partnership. Every entity should have its skin in the game.
Western Banking system may be fair for the free-market but not for a free and fair market.

Fallacy of Export:

Every major industrial sector in Pakistan aims for the International markets even if there remains a severe shortage of goods in the local market. Profitability dictates business decisions. Accept it as a part of life. Fleeing goods from the local market further causes inflation. In return for goods, Pakistan receives inflation by injection of dollar liquidity into the State Bank which pays the exporters in Pak Rupee. Exports do not help Pakistan where it stands today. It is productive to export products with deflationary pricing trend in the local market. With this in mind, everything disqualifies for export in the current market situation. Also Export transactions should be settled in Pak Rs only.

Status Quo:

There are basically two political parties in Pakistan that I have witnessed during my childhood.

1. Roti, Kapra aur Makaan.
2. Karz utaro, Mulk Sawaro

Mere bhai agar kio roti kapra aur Makaan banaye ga he nahi to kahan se ayega Roti Kapra aur Makaan? There were times when PTCL was run by the Government and subscribers had to wait years to get a phone line. Now imagine the Government being reponsible for Roti, Kapra aur Makaan. Let the People of Pakistan maintain their dignity. Thanks but no thanks!
About the other slogan, how can a Government achieve “Karz Utaro” by importing millions of imported Hyundai, creating trade imbalances and Federal Deficits? Mulk Sawaro” - How can a country flourish when its budget is being designed by the IMF - a subsidiary of the US Federal Reserve, World Bank - a subsidiary of the US Federal Reserve, and Charter Accounts working private banks (For E.g. Citibank - a subsidiary .. do you want to guess?) Whose interests will these institutions maintain?

Bottom line is, if the major Pakistani Media outlets take the responsibility to educate the citizens of Pakistan, it will bring about an educated generation of Great Thinker who will be our own blood and carry our culture forward.

Asif Ameer is a concerned ex-pat Pakistani. He trades Equities, Bonds, Futures and Derivatives in the International Capital Markets.
He can be reached via Twitter @ AsifAmeer_AP
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