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Pakistan's Missile Technology

@ Developero sir , What are the chances of Jamming the Brahmos or its Mission computer ?
The spate of Indian tantrums notwithstanding, the fact is that Brahmos is super/hyper sonic. Get it? sonic, as in the speed of sound.

Now the speed of electronic calculations and radar tracking is measured in milli/microseconds, not minutes, so any interceptor missile will have plenty of time to intercept the Brahmos.

Why on earth would an interceptor have to catch up to Brahmos? The Brahmos is coming towards it. All the interceptor has to do is to calculate the trajectory and make sure it gets in the way. Boom! End of Brahmos.

So, unless the Brahmos has some sort of optical detection mechanism and constant evasive maneouvering (impossible at that speed), it is easy to intercept. Especially since the interceptor missile is invisible to Brahmos; it is not emitting any radar because it is looking at the Brahmos massive heat signature.

its is 2-3 times faster than a bullet, if it was the way you think, why even the greatest of minds havent been able to develop a machine to counter it??

First of all, by the time Radars trace it, it hits the target... fo an interceptor missile to launch, it takes certain calculations such as the altitude, speed and the velocity and the time it takes to reach the point where you intend your ABM to destroy Brahmos, The problem is it takes man hours to make such calculations... and BRAHMOS hits its target by then....
I think a trail should be conduct to from here to Developereo place......I think only then wo mana ga
I have taken part with American and European in military forum even they agree with me on this.

Uh huh. I am sure they do. :rofl:

argumentum ad verecundiam

U r claiming Pakistan have got 100% full poof air defense from every type of most sophisticated missiles in the world.

No, I am claiming that the Brahmos threat is exaggerated and it can be intercepted by a subsonic missile.
@ Developero sir , What are the chances of Jamming the Brahmos or its Mission computer ?

Don't know, boss. I am sure people are working on it, but I was simply focussed on demonstrating that it can be intercepted. People confuse intercepting it with overtaking it. The two have nothing to do with each other.

if it was the way you think, why even the greatest of minds havent been able to develop a machine to counter it??

And you know this because....?

First of all, by the time Radars trace it, it hits the target... fo an interceptor missile to launch, it takes certain calculations such as the altitude, speed and the velocity and the time it takes to reach the point where you intend your ABM to destroy Brahmos, The problem is it takes man hours to make such calculations... and BRAHMOS hits its target by then....

Maybe on Indian computers.
Modern radar systems and computers can count the blades on a jet engine in real time. Calculating the trajectory of an aircraft, even at hypersonic speeds, is trivial. Especially one like the Brahmos which, due to its high speed, cannot make sudden evasive maneouvers.
@ Developero sir , What are the chances of Jamming the Brahmos or its Mission computer ?

The currently deployed Brahmos:

- is made to reduce radar and Ir signatures, hence making it hard for it tobe detected, a Indian developed "radar absorbing pait(like the one in the us planes) is being tested on the brahmos

- has multiple flight trajectories, and multiple way point options, hence the missile can approach the target from any directions,

- has he ability to "swarm" , that is communicating with fellow brahmos missiles, hence ensuring that not all hit one target, or if needed take out a target that survived an attack(the chances of one surviving a brahmos attack is very very low indeed)

- is especially ahrdned agasint jamming/spoofing/countermeasures. its an area into which much effort was put, cos unless a missile is ensured not to be fooled by electronic and phsical countermeasure..whats the use in developing a missile

- has counter Electronic warfare capability, but the technical details are kept a secret

- can "maneuver" as is approaches the target, hence ensuring even more survivability

- a super fast computer and programming by India (all avionics and electronics are provided by India) ensure that this missile dsoent have the prob the older anti ship missiles had, that is insufficient time to acquire a target in supersonic speeds, or to differentiate fthe target from countermeasures.multiple tests have shown that brahmos is not fooled that way, and can easily sort out electronics and physical"clutter" from the actual target.
The spate of Indian tantrums notwithstanding, the fact is that Brahmos is super/hyper sonic. Get it? sonic, as in the speed of sound.

Now the speed of electronic calculations and radar tracking is measured in milli/microseconds, not minutes, so any interceptor missile will have plenty of time to intercept the Brahmos.

Why on earth would an interceptor have to catch up to Brahmos? The Brahmos is coming towards it. All the interceptor has to do is to calculate the trajectory and make sure it gets in the way. Boom! End of Brahmos.

So, unless the Brahmos has some sort of optical detection mechanism and constant evasive maneouvering (impossible at that speed), it is easy to intercept. Especially since the interceptor missile is invisible to Brahmos; it is not emitting any radar because it is looking at the Brahmos massive heat signature.

You are right in assuming that the interceptor is coming from the forward direction. However there are a few points to be noted :

1. Brahmos is a cruise missile, so it can alter the path on detection of any adversary. Which once done and effected will leave the interceptor no chance

2. The interceptor does not come head on but at an angle, so the chance of hit is negligible. And that too the intelligence embedded in onboard computer is designed for avoiding these kind of obstacles.

Yes that is why it is deadly as it has triple advantage : fast, accurate and maneuvering.

Similar technology of target acquiring is being put in other missiles, so the CEP is very low.

Theoritically hypersonic cruise missile can be intercepted.

Practically, (with avialable technologhy) even a sub-sonic cruise missile is hard to intercept.
The currently deployed Brahmos:

- is made to reduce radar and Ir signatures, hence making it hard for it tobe detected, a Indian developed "radar absorbing pait(like the one in the us planes) is being tested on the brahmos

- has multiple flight trajectories, and multiple way point options, hence the missile can approach the target from any directions,

- has he ability to "swarm" , that is communicating with fellow brahmos missiles, hence ensuring that not all hit one target, or if needed take out a target that survived an attack(the chances of one surviving a brahmos attack is very very low indeed)

- is especially ahrdned agasint jamming/spoofing/countermeasures. its an area into which much effort was put, cos unless a missile is ensured not to be fooled by electronic and phsical countermeasure..whats the use in developing a missile

- has counter Electronic warfare capability, but the technical details are kept a secret

- can "maneuver" as is approaches the target, hence ensuring even more survivability

- a super fast computer and programming by India (all avionics and electronics are provided by India) ensure that this missile dsoent have the prob the older anti ship missiles had, that is insufficient time to acquire a target in supersonic speeds, or to differentiate fthe target from countermeasures.multiple tests have shown that brahmos is not fooled that way, and can easily sort out electronics and physical"clutter" from the actual target.

I am sure all of those things are true.
And none of those things will help when an interceptor (or a fleet thereof) shows up in its flight path at the last minute. The interceptor is invisible to the Brahmos; it is flying silently, homing in on the Brahmos massive friction heat signature.

1. Brahmos is a cruise missile, so it can alter the path on detection of any adversary. Which once done and effected will leave the interceptor no chance

2. The interceptor does not come head on but at an angle, so the chance of hit is negligible. And that too the intelligence embedded in onboard computer is designed for avoiding these kind of obstacles.

It can't evade what it can't see. The interceptors are invisible to it.
i hope with Pakistan now in 3rd position for their missile capabilities UK, France, Germany, china, Israel, Spain , Italy and all will be queuing up for some technology transfer from the brilliant minds..
I am sure all of those things are true.
And none of those things will help when an interceptor (or a fleet thereof) shows up in its flight path at the last minute. The interceptor is invisible to the Brahmos; it is flying silently, homing in on the Brahmos massive friction heat signature.

It can't evade what it can't see. The interceptors are invisible to it.

U can evade bad smell but u can't see smell, can u see smell???????????
Brhmos uses an “S” manoeuvre to be able to evade an interceptor.

Brahmos can manoeuvre evan at supersonic speed.

And intersepting missile can't destroy it because of Brahmos's pace and "S" maneuverability.
Don't know, boss. I am sure people are working on it, but I was simply focussed on demonstrating that it can be intercepted. People confuse intercepting it with overtaking it. The two have nothing to do with each other.

Intercepting a normal ballistic missile is possible, but this is a super sonic cruise missile.... tell me how on earth can you co-ordinate a counter attack in such small time frame??? and moreover its radar signatures are very low,built very stealth,It gives High super sonic speed all through the flight

And you know this because....?

I know it because There is no weapon system developed as of now to counter supersonic cruise missiles, todays ABM'S are limited only to engaging sub sonic missiles....

Maybe on Indian computers.
Modern radar systems and computers can count the blades on a jet engine in real time. Calculating the trajectory of an aircraft, even at hypersonic speeds, is trivial. Especially one like the Brahmos which, due to its high speed, cannot make sudden evasive maneouvers.

I dint know that pakistani radars can figure out a supersonic missile with low radar signature the moment it reaches the territory , the world is not adavanced enough as that of pakistan, happy now?

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