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Pakistan's minorities minister Shahbaz Bhatti assassinated

Happened right near my house, between street number 70 and 71, sector I-8/3, one of my friend saw everything happen with his own eyes, he said first they took the driver out of the car and shooted 25 bullets from the rear side of the car, and ran away in Suzuki Mehran, Minister died on the spot on the passenger street, the driver burst into tears when he saw Minister dead, so he drove the same car to the nearest hospital, but it was of no use, according to some people the driver is in the custody of police, poor he

Minister was on a visit to his mother's place, huge tragedy for her and obviously for the people of Pakistan, I hope the perpetrators die a miserable death, my condolences to the ministers family

I can't describe how disappointed, sad, and angry I feel right now! Pakistan has lost one its bravest men and its one of those dark days in the history of Pakistan.

Mosharraf Zaidi posted this on his twitter account:
"My minister Shahbaz Bhatti loved Pakistan. Loved Pakistan more than his own life"
We need to repeal this stupid law & control these mullahs before killings in the name of religion become a norm in this country. I mean seriously, every Mullah in this country can go on record declare someone 'Wajib-ul-qatal' & next day the faithfuls do their work of God without any shame, its sad the way whole of Pakistan's mentality is been hijacked by religion

unfortunatly the sad truth is majority pakistanis wont condemn and protest against this until the same fundo mullahs will declare them wajibulqatal .... fail to understand what planet is this nation living on if they think it wont happen to them , minorities are stage one ... its other muslim sects who will be next in line ...
unfortunatly the sad truth is majority pakistanis wont condemn and protest against this until the same fundo mullahs will declare them wajibulqatal ..
License to Kill?
By Khalid A.
London, UK

It has become commonplace for preachers and clerics to use the term 'wajib-ul-qatal' when they are talking of allegations of blasphemy or apostasy. The term wajib-ul-qatal, if used within its literal meaning, can lead to a lawless society where anyone can be murdered by anyone else, on the basis of suspicion. This would be quite unacceptable in any law abiding and civilized society. So this term should be banned.
We can always say that such and such crime carries a 'death sentence' but the sentence can only be awarded by a competent court of law, after a due process of trial. The defendant will have the usual opportunities of defense and appeal.

it is a sad day in Pakistan; a very sad day (another sad day).

He was a brave and noble person. This is not a good message for our Christian community, whom we live side by side with. Certain heads need to be rolling. He did have adequate security but at that particular time they were not present.

This is a huge blunder. It would have been wise to limit movements, but then again he was not scared of the threats by these cowards.

A very strong message needs to be sent out. This is the 3rd high profile assasination of a political figure in our country in 4 years. Absolutely unacceptable, unforgivable.

May the Holy Divine bless his soul and comfort his family.

as the Christians say:

Blessed are the mournful
For may they be comforted.

death --- to the enemies of Pakistani Nation and it's great people.
the blasphemy law SHOULD be repealed. Let these misguided people burning streets and over-turning cars and smashing objects. Let them expose themselves.


and whoever supports these qadri type killers --- burn in hell
i didnt know that, will she ever come back? but he was an MP, she cant leave just like that?

I am not sure, but some people was saying that due to security reason, she was escorted to some other country
He didn't like having security with him when going to his mother's house. It's obvious the killers had been keeping an eye on him for a while.
Happened right near my house, between street number 70 and 71, sector I-8/3, one of my friend saw everything happen with his own eyes, he said first they took the driver out of the car and shooted 25 bullets from the rear side of the car, and ran away in Suzuki Mehran, Minister died on the spot on the passenger street, the driver burst into tears when he saw Minister dead, so he drove the same car to the nearest hospital, but it was of no use, according to some people the driver is in the custody of police, poor he

Minister was on a visit to his mother's place, huge tragedy for her and obviously for the people of Pakistan, I hope the perpetrators die a miserable death, my condolences to the ministers family

i know these things happened fast, but wasnt he briefed to keep the doors locked; and to GUN the accelerator if any suspicious people approach

what incompetence. I know it's easy to rag on people without actually being there, but this was most unprofessional, given the threat-level against him

Islamabad is on lockdown, exits have been sealed. But how many bloody ''white Mehrans'' are there in Isloo, let alone all of Pakistan :hitwall:
This is a huge blunder. It would have been wise to limit movements, but then again he was not scared of the threats by these cowards.
Do I smell "blame the victim" here? How do you know he wasn't scared? Maybe he just put his faith in the people of Pakistan, that if something happened to him they wouldn't let him down and would fight for his legacy themselves. Are you up to that, AZ?
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