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Pakistan's minorities minister Shahbaz Bhatti assassinated

I am still wondering how long this govt is going to hide it's incompetency behind conservative and liberal cr@p. This murder could have been avoided if govt handled this blasphemy law issue properly and if we didn't had a clown as interior minister.

i just saw the pictures of minister's car, it was badly hit and holes as a result of bulets.
Its an injustice to abuse the word mullah. we also call an imam of a mosque as Mulvi or mullah who has nothing to do with any bigotry and only give imamat for prayers. so please dont abuse the word by using it for everyone.

Its an even bigger injustice when these same men spew nothing but venom and incite hatred amongst people. Those who lead prayers are also actively engaged in promoting hatred, bigotry and violence.

Perhaps you should visit this website and listen to some of the sermons to get an idea of what is said by the people.


call those as extremists who are spreading extremism..

Mullahs are actively spreading extremism, this has been happening for a long time and almost all the people know this except for a few.

and NO one can call himself a Mufti as its not a title based on his liking but the title is given when he receives the educational certificate based on criteria set for that rank by religious institution which btw are not ignorant ones at higher level

Really, in this country, people can get a fake certificate and call themselves whatever they like.

Even Babar Awan, a man known for his moral and worldly corruption is known as a doctor and a religious scholar.

Best of all, his education is all fake.

Even then he is invited to take part in jalsa's, gatherings and religious circles to talk on Islam.
Its an even bigger injustice when these same men spew nothing but venom and incite hatred amongst people. Those who lead prayers are also actively engaged in promoting hatred, bigotry and violence.

Perhaps you should visit this website and listen to some of the sermons to get an idea of what is said by the people.


I agree with you those who are spreading venom. but keeping in view the population of Pakistan and number of common imams the majority is not into it. i am saying because here in my province atleast we havent heard them spreading any kind of hatred.

even imam of our colony's mosque nicely come up with some most appreciative topics for sermons like rights of women and respect as given by Prophet, fight against financial corruption. He hardly talks about any morality based corruption.

Really, in this country, people can get a fake certificate and call themselves whatever they like.

Even Babar Awan, a man known for his moral and worldly corruption is known as a doctor and a religious scholar.

Best of all, his education is all fake.

Even then he is invited to take part in jalsa's, gatherings and religious circles to talk on Islam.

Possible but this trend in religious institution is not common so we cant say it with conviction
I think it is safe to say that many of us use the word 'mullah' as shorthand for 'extremist mullah'.

We all know there are decent mullahs also, but they are not involved in this mess.
I agree with you those who are spreading venom. but keeping in view the population of Pakistan and number of common imams the majority is not into it. i am saying because here in my province atleast we havent heard them spreading any kind of hatred.

even imam of our colony's mosque nicely come up with some most appreciative topics for sermons like rights of women and respect as given by Prophet, fight against financial corruption. He hardly talks about any morality based corruption.

The good are deemed worthless when they cannot and are not able to counter the negative ifluence being spread by their colleages. Sure. there are many good people but its not being good that counts, its being able to put up a counter move to limit or end the spread of insanity.

Knowing full and well on what is going around you, its best to tackle those issues, if you overlook them, you are just letting the extremists win and there will be a day when none will be left to distinguish extremist from moderates.

Possible but this trend in religious institution is not common so we cant say it with conviction

I know feudal lords who have their own Mufti's and Mullahs, trust me, they do not have an ounce of knowledge on Islam but they are religious leaders.
Holy ! Thse bastards killed Shahbaz Bhatti as well now. This man was the only remaining voice for Christians like me after the killing of Salman Taseer.
WTF is happening?
another target killing... what is the major cause behind of all this. why the incidence occurs.:police:
Any idiot can call himself a Mufti or Mullah, in Pakistan there is no restriction or pathway to become one. Most poor families just send their rotten child to become a mullah and he goes through limited learning in a madrassa, after which he becomes a Mullah.

The distinction is based on actual undertaking of education, not some political affiliation or through the help of others.

No one can called himself mullah or Mufti, question is logical but not emotional.
Linguistically Mullah is general title means A male religious teacher or leader & some time used as part of name. There is specified ranks by Madrisas by education level so no need to mix them.
Same like in social level we use MIAN, Choudhary Shah gee, Khwaja saab for every one some time as part of family bases and most of all for jok or general meanings.

come to topic

Once again there is need to stop using religious meaning for political use.
Religious Illiteracy dangerous & brought us worst situation, but you cant blame on itself titles & ranks. It all depends over personal interests which sometime distribute or spread whole setup in plus & minus reflections.
has any groups claimed responsibility yet?

In the light of Davis' incident and how deeply CIA is involved in Pakistan I wouldn't doubt the agency or their contracted assassins' involvement in this attack. Read the report in Davis thread, "I too had Davis' job." Here is a little quote from there

It was all a very well planned operation, 60 years ago, involving the military and diplomats out of the US Embassy. It had been going on a long time when I was there during the 1968 Tet Offensive. This continued for a long time, until we were routed and had to abandon the whole war as a failure.

In Laos the program I was attached to carried out a systematic assassination of people who were identified as not loyal to U.S. goals[

pretty scary stuff there. Now with this guy being caught and so many other CIA agents being rounded up across Pakistan, god knows what they were involved in and what they want to stir up, these are not conspiracy theories anymore.
most likely blasphemy law.

NO thats not the most likely reason. it can be a cover up the terrorists might had used but there must be something more than that which is the real reason. one of these creating a political mess
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