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Pakistan's minorities minister Shahbaz Bhatti assassinated

I dont understand y pakistanis want everything to be compared to India.

Does india has fundamentalists...??---Yes they do, i would say millions...
Did any indian government use religion card? --Yes perhaps..

Does our constitution has any laws targetting any minority religion??? ---NO NO...
Are political murderers showered with flowers by lawyers? ---- NO NO

So, dont compare pakistan which has barbaric laws like blasphemy laws in its constitution with India.

Pakistan's constitution doesn't say anything about targeting minority religions either. In fact, the religious places of all religions are well maintained, and all minorities are granted state protection as per the constitution. The issue of the Blasphemy Law involves all sects & religions, but mostly has targeted fellow Muslims, & in very very few cases (Asia bibi), targeted non-Muslim. So it's not a minority thing, the barbarity of the Blasphemy Law has targeted everyone. I am very hopeful that it will be scrapped off very soon, especially when the proponents of the Law indiscriminately kill people in the same way the TTP did, and lost support of the masses.

Modi has been showered by flowers, and countless others things after Gujarat 2002. I can even post the pictures if you want.
So i was right about international response & external agenda:

Vatican says killing 'unspeakable'

So you can see all attention diverted toward Pakistan. Case solved.

oh surely the old geek is interfering in Pakistani affairs.

btw thanks they are using every tactic to divert attention from Davis issue
I dont know what colour your aunty jee carries.

as far as my report is concerned all enemies of Pakistan are not only stinking but rotten. what is so racist it in?

Today pakistanis are the ones who are enemies of pakistan.

BTW, I agree with your comments.
How is eradicating the Mullahs a bad idea?

If they are not eradicated, this will continue till the state itself is no more.

What is the alternative anyway, nothng has worked so far and things have just gotten worse over time.

Your use of words is wrong. eradicate extremism and before painting every religious scholar with same brush calling everyone "Mullah" you should define who is a Mullah and who is not . what does a Mullah word has to do with all religious scholars
oh surely the old geek is interfering in Pakistani affairs.

That 'old geek' is the religious leader of a large number of people across the world.

So mind your language.

But I guess you have license to troll.

btw thanks they are using every tactic to divert attention from Davis issue

Why do they need to divert attention? Davis is going to come out anyways.
Today pakistanis are the ones who are enemies of pakistan.

BTW, I agree with your comments.

A bharati's verdict on enemies of Pakistan is as good as heap of trash.

anyone be he/she is internal or external who is working against Pakistan is a rotten stinking enemy of Pakistan
That 'old geek' is the religious leader of a large number of people across the world.

So mind your language.

But I guess you have license to troll.

Why do they need to divert attention? Davis is going to come out anyways.

Sorry i dont care as long as you have the license to mock our religious leaders even imam of Kaaba then why you are so much on fire if we call him an old geek as well.

These same geeks even dont spare any chance to abuse our Prophet (PBUH) and you same Indians were supporting them in that on pretext of freedom of expression.
How is eradicating the Mullahs a bad idea?

If they are not eradicated, this will continue till the state itself is no more.

What is the alternative anyway, nothng has worked so far and things have just gotten worse over time.

T-Faz, I agree with you about the law itself and its brutal, non-Islamic nature. However, killing the proponents of the Blasphemy Law is not the solution. It will further complicate matters. Look at the Lal-Masjid operation. It gave rise to the TTP. However, I am very hopeful that the Blasphemy Law will be scrapped off very soon, especially when the proponents of the Law indiscriminately kill people in the same way the TTP did, and lost support of the masses. I am in complete favor of a moderate Islamic Republic of Pakistan, and I personally believe that the Blasphemy Law has nothing to do with Islam.
RIP to the late minister.

Anyone saw this? Can anyone post the complete image? It's the image of pamphlet that terrorists left after murdering Bhatti.

Your use of words is wrong. eradicate extremism and before painting every religious scholar with same brush calling everyone "Mullah" you should define who is a Mullah and who is not . what does a Mullah word has to do with all religious scholars

How do you eradicate extremism when you are not able to deal with its source?

Mullah is merely a cleric, not a religious scholar, there is a big distinction between them and its all to do with being learned and/or educated.
Moreover i also not rolling out that RAW planned this assassination to divert Pakistani attention or world attention from injustice decision of Indian court over Gujarat riots case.

I advise them to debate on BJP evil character in Gujrat train case where they killed more than 1500 Muslims only to take political grip on Gujrat. Deads also were minorities. (only discuss in related thread)

This gentleman knows it all and speaks the truth. Everyone listen to what he has to say and give it a rest. :hitwall:
So you came on track where foreign policy make want to bring Pakistanis.

That was their evil agenda to scrap down this law and alleged moderate Muslims ever caught in their trap first.
You have to revise again Blasphemy thread.
Moderate Muslim is baseless term. Only Muslim.

There is no connection between Bhatti assassination and Blasphemy law. Try to understand.
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