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Pakistan's ISI Targeted For Uncovering American Betrayal


Jul 11, 2008
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An informative article highlighting why India, US & Afghanistan are after ISI. (Source)

Sunday, 10 August 2008.

The question that arises here is this: Why has this anti-ISI campaign been launched all of sudden when the ISI is considered to be a major tool in crushing terrorism and extremism? The ISI is suddenly the target of Washington, New Delhi and Karzai because the Pakistani spy agency has solved the mystery behind the funding and arming of anti-Pakistan insurgency in Balochistan and NWFP. The trail of evidence leads all the way to gates of CIA at Langley and RAW in New Delhi. ISI has handed over more than 500 terrorists to the Americans, but CIA has been backstabbing Pakistan by supporting terrorism against Islamabad. If one goes by the sequence of the anti-ISI statements by the Indians, by the Americans, by the Afghanis and the stance of pro-CIA media of the United States, it can be very easily figured out that there is a motivated campaign against the ISI, well coordinated by the American, the Indian and the Afghani leaderships.

A leading U.S. newspaper, The New York Times, has reported that Pakistan’s premier intelligence agency ISI (Inter Services Intelligence) has links with the local militants and the Taliban. Earlier, the U.S. President, Mr. George W. Bush, according to Pakistan’s defense Minister Mr. Ahmad Mukhtar, had expressed reservations over the functioning of ISI. Before that, the Indian national Security Advisor stated that ISI must be eliminated.

If one goes by the sequence of the anti-ISI statements by the Indians, by the Americans, by the Afghanis and the stance of pro-CIA media of the United States, it can be very easily figured out that there is a motivated campaign against the ISI, well coordinated by the American, the Indian and the Afghani leaderships.

As a comprehensive campaign, certain hands are constantly engaged in mudslinging and image tarnishing of Pakistan’s premier intelligence agency that is considered to be the main custodian of Pakistan’s security and is playing a very vital role in ensuring regional and global peace by eliminating terrorism.

The question that arises here is this: Why has this anti-ISI campaign been launched all of sudden when the ISI is considered to be a major tool in crushing terrorism and extremism?

The Daily Mail believes very strongly that this is because the ISI has solved the mystery behind the funding of the local militants and Taliban and it has discovered that the trail ends at the gates of Langley [the CIA headquarters] and New Delhi, since there a clear evidences that the American CIA and Indian RAW are in fact indirectly funding Baitullah Mehsood and other militants in Pakistan.

There are certain elements that are playing the role of a bridge between RAW-CIA and the local militants and are providing them with finances to continue their holy Jihad against the Pakistani State. The objective is to maintain a state of chaos and instability in Pakistan so that Pakistan’s nuke assets can finally be targeted. When the ISI figured it out, it perturbed all the dirty players of the game and a motivated and well-coordinated campaign was launched.
KashmirWatch, August 10

By Zaheerul Hassan

Since couple of months, some of Western electronic and print particularly Americans media jumped into the support of self-generated cold war of notorious Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) against Pakistani Intelligence Agency (ISI). As usually its allied agencies, RAW, Khad and Mossad are assisting the US intelligence agency covertly in the completion of their agenda of destabilizing this region. The malicious operating roles of the revealed agencies against Pakistan, China, Russia, Bangladesh, Iran, Middle East countries and Sri Lanka are totally now an open secret game because of their common interests of containing the emerging super power like Russia and China to get hold of the future markets. Washington-led block believes that their political economic goals can only be achieved through targeting the opponents’ intelligence agencies, launching puppet governments of their own choice, destroying important institutions, assassinating popular political leadership and creating unrest and destabilization in the developing countries particularly in Asia .

The psychological war between KGB and CIA was remained on the top till disintegration of the former Russia after the World War II. Similarly, US in collaboration with Raw and Mossad are engaged in disturbance creation plan in like China and Arab countries. In the recent past, Raw with the help of her master agency CIA staged a plot of sabotaging Beijing Olympic Games through of Dalai Lama movement which was a simplest example of nefarious activities in this region being undertaking by her.

The European intelligence agencies led by CIA now-a-days have started tarnishing the image of ISI just to cover their failure in Iraq and Afghanistan. The responsibility of every unsuccessful action like deteriorating law and order situation in Afghanistan are being put on the shoulder of ISI so as to conceal their own clandestine activities. On, July 31 and August 1, The New York Times levelled the series of allegations while quoting CIA Deputy Director Stephen Kappes visit of Pakistan, in which he confronted to Pakistani officials on the evidence of ties between ISI and the militants in the tribal areas—aiding in bombing of Indian embassy in Kabul on July 7. Instead of taking confidence building measures, President Bush too contended with Prime Minister Gilani about the "divided loyalties of ISI." Next day, Washington Times and American electronic media too repeated these baseless allegations. PM Gilani rejected these accusations as "unbelievable" in relation to any links between Pakistan’s ISI and the militants. Pakistan Army spokesman and foreign minister also declared these allegations as rubbish. Basically all this have been done intentionally by American officials just to pressurize Pakistani Prime Minister during his talk with Bush.

Basically, Washington, New Delhi and Tel Aviv are launching covert and overt operations through their secret agencies in China, Russia and other countries of the region. In the 1980s, Larry Wu-Tai Chin (Jin Wudai), a translator for the CIA's Foreign Broadcast Information Service, was arrested and charged with espionage in China. He had been recruited as US officer in 1944 while stationed in China, who remained invisible for four decades. In 2003, Chinese-American Federal Bureau of Investigation employee and Republican Party fund raiser Katrina Leung was arrested and accused of being a double agent for both the FBI and the Chinese government, although she was acquitted of charges of copying classified information, and convicted only of tax charges and of lying to the FBI. The charging of Katrina is also revealing one more fact, which is causing harassment for the completion of unlawful tasks of CIA.

The missions of ISI and Chinese Security agencies since their inception are very common and simple, the security of their respective states through effective measures against enemy agents, spies, and counter-revolutionary activities designed to sabotage or overthrow. But on the other hand, the missions of CIA and its allied agencies include achieving their aims of protecting their interests through destruction, destabilization and over throwing undesired rulers of other countries. According to the available information’s on websites, The Central Intelligence Agency was created in 1947 with the signing of the National Security Act of 1947[1][2] (PL 235 - 61 Stat. 496; U.S.C. 402) by President Harry S. Truman. The Act was amended by the National Security Act Amendments of 1949 (63 Stat. 579; 50 U.S.C. 401 et seq.). Somehow this agency in general masses is known as a powerful central state of America.

The National Security Act charged the Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) with coordinating the nation's intelligence activities and correlating, evaluating and disseminating intelligence which affects national security ... The CIA is an independent agency, responsible to the President through the DCI, and accountable to the American people through the intelligence oversight committees of the U.S. Congress but working of this agency is quite different from that which a layman thinks or know that CIA even doesn’t spare her own political leadership. Actually, it is on record that CIA itself promoted terrorism in the world because Bin Laden, Amil Kancy and many others even some of main activists operating in FATA are her products . In this context, Ramzi Yousaf who was well-aware of the activities of the American secret agencies had stated in the US court in 1997, "You are butchers, liars, and hypocrites. You keep on talking about terrorism to the media, but behind closed doors you support terrorism." His statement about the CIA activities is absolutely right by which world came to know their dealing with prisoner of war.

In the recent past, an officially declassified document of the CIA had revealed that during the Cold War era, the agency had tried to kill the Cuban President Fidel Castro. US journalist Ron Suskind unfolded some of CIA actions in his book, "The Way of the World" regarding taping of Benazir Bhutoo conversation with Musharraf. These tapes may be wrong or right but fact is there that it’s a very normal activity and condemnable action in the part of American agency. In fact, assassination of Edi Ameen of Uganda, murder of Kennedy , efforts of toppling over of present Iran government , hanging Sadam , execution of Bhutto in Zia’s regime and killing Shah Faisal through his nephew somehow suspected to be undertaken or launched by CIA. The inhuman acts with prisoners in Guananamo Bay are being condemnd world over. The current case of Dr. Aafia Siddique by so called civilized country (US) is again a big question mark for sleeping NGO dealing with Human Rights. Reportedly, she along with her innocent kids have been picked by CIA in 2003, taken to Afghanistan and transported to America. Print and electronic media of Pakistan and western countries have reported that she have been fired, tortured physically and mentally. Government must provide her legal support to rescue from the case. Similarly, Raw in Kashmir, Mossad in Palestine and Khad are playing with the innocent individuals, women and children by to pressurizing—creating harassment through rape and killing to fulfill there own interests .

Unfortunately some of leaders unintentionally, play in the hands of anti -Pakistan agencies and start doing those actions which directly give the benefits to our opponents. The latest example of issuance of a notification on July 26 last month by some officials to bring ISI under the control of the interior ministry and later on withdrawing the same in no time on the occasion of the recent trip of Pakistan’s PM Gilani to the US exposes an international plot against the ISI .The role of ISI in relation to country’s security is undoubtedly very important. The agency works in and outside the boundary to guard and protect the interests of our own nation which can never be taken as positive by the anti- Pakistan elements. While, US and its allied agenda is to compromise ISI, degrade the image of Pakistan Army in the masses, destabilize Pakistan, and then go for nuclear assets of the lonely Islamic state. Thus issuing of notification regarding ISI might be unsuccessful move of creating rifts amongst newly elected government and ISI.

Concluding the discussion, I must say that CIA and its allied agencies are on the mission to fulfill their agenda by tarnishing the image of ISI but indirectly they are causing damage to the war against terror. Pakistan’s political leadership must take step to guard against the potent threat to the country’s security. US think-tanks must ask their leadership to curtail the activities of CIA if they want to go for real peace in the world.

Kashmir Watch :: Exclusives
This is exactly what I've been saying all along that the goal is cornering ISI (Pakistan's frontline defence) and Musharraf and topple Pakistan Army = faster Balkanization plans.

The recently slipped story of Afia Siddiqi after so-called 5 years is one link in the chain of propaganda. Why doesn't USA let off and produce in courts & human rights organizations advocate, for every single person held in detention in Cuba & Bagram?

The coruupt demon-crats will run away back to Dubai, UK, Saudia and uSA.... where their properties are secured!
You know, I have never seen this level of support for the ISI in Pakistan - in the Pakistani editorial and opinion pages and by Pakistani analysts.

So if nothing else, this vilification campaign being carried out against the ISI has won it a lot of admirers.

The hope in Washington may have been that given the suspicion with which it is already viewed by Pakistanis, and its notoriety for influencing the political scene, going on a propaganda blitz against it might just be enough to topple it or severely compromise its operational capabilities.

Now people are actually viewing the agency in a positive light - as a national asset, with the US, Afghanistan and India hell bent upon destroying it.
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