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Pakistan's ISI funding pro-Khalistan groups in India, abroad: Report

neational security evidence are shared with govt not public, this is not the evidence of whose cow eat my grass!

So basically you have nothing....

This is such a total waste of time and Pak is the biggest drama queens ever!
There are plenty of maps available for the supposed state of Khalistan(for it is fictitious state)..the one I presented you was from Babar Khalsa website.

So what, important thing is the revival of Khalistan movement ....

And why should Khalistan exist without Lahore

Why does Bangladesh exist without Calcutta

..as per you sikhs want Khalistan and they want Lahore to be the capital of their country.

As per me or by the Sikh community .... its 'your people' who want Khalistan .....

and its you who is asking Lahore (we can understand your obsession with Lahore) not Sikh Leader, who is very clear in his statement ....

In his statement, he said that Khalistan will serve as a buffer nation between Pakistan, India and China, which will be an ideal example of peaceful existence of all communities.
SAD (Amritsar) president demands a separate Khalistan state, stirs controversy | The Indian Express

Mirchi Lagi wo bi Andhra ki

And Pakistanis want sikhs to have Khalistan, so why don't you give up your Punjab for khalistan to become a reality ?
We promise you, we will if you will.

Who said Pakistan want Sikh to have Khalistan .... we just want a 'buffer state' .....
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I like the way Pakistan is blowing their tax/aid money..
your own ministers gave evidences, not enough for you
What evidence? Not to be rude, but Do you know what evidence means? , I think you may be mistaking the term "evidence" for " hearsay".
What evidence? Not to be rude, but Do you know what evidence means? , I think you may be mistaking the term "evidence" for " hearsay".

so you stupid ministers are hearsaying
Their legitimate territory is this


You give them your Punjab, we will happily give them ours...deal?

Pakistan will annex the Khalistan and give Sikha their true rights
Sikhs have legitimate right to be free and India cannot suprees them. Even UN should be coming to help them get control of their legitimate territory.

Mr. MODI don't poke Pakistan if you've got a soft balley and India has so many of those. In sandhi, they say "hon lordo" and in Punjabi, "hon pughto".
Abey chew logo, wo khalistan main sirf amtitsar hi nhi Lahore bhi mang rhe hai, pehle tum Lahore do.
No, it just means your stupid govt doesn't have any evidence.

so someone breaks into your house and steals you TV, next day your neighbor says I did it...but you will not confront him until you do your own investigation, right?
My Sikh friends in Australia hate hindus and they want a independent khalistan
so someone breaks into your house and steals you TV, next day your neighbor says I did it...but you will not confront him until you do your own investigation, right?

It's a matter of hearsay and twisting the interpretation..solid evidence is actually based on solid intelligence, witnesses and transcripts...none of which has been furnished, which essentially means none exists. A couple of videos..especially the one about Parrikar mentions terrorists being taken down by terrorists..does not even name pakistan..If you accept what he says is true...then the fist part about terrorists is true as well..That means you equate pakistan with terrorists...to bE taken down by terrorists. .which you equate with pakistani Taliban and mqm - who btw are pakistani too.

My Sikh friends in Australia hate hindus and they want a independent khalistan

Quite an ignorant bunch of friends you have there...Sikhism came into existence as a martial force to actually kill muslims...(which they have done in the millions over the centuries...and still do)..and protect Hindus.
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