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Pakistan's intelligence says 3 politicians with links to RAW and Irani spy

shining eyes

Apr 2, 2010
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Pakistan's intelligence says 3 politicians with links to RAW and Irani spy agencies behind menace

Tariq Habib | Pakistan Today

KARACHI - Three important political personalities of Pakistan have close ties with intelligence agencies of India –the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) – and Iran, and are behind the ongoing incidents of violence across Karachi in compliance with the orders of their foreign masters, Pakistan Today has learnt.

High-level sources in the local intelligence agencies told this scribe that a senator, a Member National Assembly (MNA) and a former federal minister affiliated with the government and its allied party are playing in the hands of the enemies of the country. The investigation against these influential personalities came to a halt after the involvement of the Interior Ministry, whereas the government also has not taken any action on such a report, the sources added.

They said that after the attack on the Mehran base by terrorists, intelligence agencies had conducted an in-depth investigation. During the investigation, it was discovered that one of the senators has close links with the Iranian intelligence agency and his involvement in the sectarian killings across Karachi was also found, they added. Sources said that an MNA is in touch with RAW.

Local intelligence agencies have the record of the meetings between this MNA and some Indian citizens, and some of these meetings were held in Dubai, the sources added.

They said that a former federal minister also has links with RAW, and this former minister had made close ties with Indian officers by taking advantage of his former ministry. All of these personalities are running their own terrorist groups across Karachi and are also involved in the targeted killings of their political rivals as well as innocent citizens, they added. Sources said that the historical rival of Pakistan does not want peace to prevail in the country, and is using these types of people as their puppets to disrupt the law and order situation in the country, especially in Karachi, the financial hub of the country.

Huge caches of latest weapons and explosive materials sent by the foreign intelligence agencies have also been received by these political personalities to fulfil the demands of the terrorists, the sources added. They said, “The situation in Karachi and Balochistan proves internal involvement. These people are also involved in sending youngsters out of the country for receiving training in terrorism.” Terrorists in Karachi and Balochistan are receiving training in terrorist camps situated in India and Iran, they added.

Sources said that dozens of terrorists are receiving instructions from their masters in the southern part of India. Some target killers arrested in the country told the authorities about the involvement of influential political personalities in terrorist activities across Karachi and Balochistan, the sources added. They said that local intelligence agencies have sent a brief report about the involvement of these political personalities in disrupting the law and order situation in Karachi to the Foreign and Interior ministries.

They also said that the intelligence agencies have collected the data on out-of-country visits of these political personalities and their activities there. However, they added, the investigation against these political personalities came to a halt after receiving instructions from an influential person in the Interior Ministry.
Pakistan's intelligence says 3 politicians with links to RAW and Irani spy agencies behind menace ~ Terminal X
Isn't it funny??? linking all bad to RAW??

“The situation in Karachi and Balochistan proves internal involvement. These people are also involved in sending youngsters out of the country for receiving training in terrorism.”
Does it means Iran???

Kindly post some reliable news source...
Isn't it funny??? linking all bad to RAW??

Does it means Iran???

Kindly post some reliable news source...

And dont you guys do the same, Pakistan and india are states that are vary of each other. And it dont come to me as a surprise at all if some politician is at raw's payroll. As far as Iranians are concerned they have their own demons.
Kill those 3 politicians who has links with RAW and Irani spy agencies.
By the way, will some one share their names. ?
may or may not be true
thats a little too biased news,any other sources ??even from pakistan media will do
its easy to blame RAW for this as you dont need to give any explanation. BUT i highle doubt...
if some one is really involved then he might be dead by now or dissapeared.

its just attempt to divert the attention.
so this is one of the biggest news and no names of the politicians, arent we suppose to kill them right away, they are traitors.
I am supprised it took this long for one side or the other to start making acusations that the other is a RAW puppet bent on destroying Pakistan
Very convenient for Pakistanis. Of course, it was the "foreigners" all along! So now I assume Pakistanis will go on thinking that they don't need to change anything, just go along, make up new very vague reports without any sources, making vague accusations against unnamed persons, which will help Pakistan stay in denial, and further doom the country.
i think the proper investigations must run and criminals whether from india or pakistan must be arrested because somebody is surely at fault for such a poor situation in pakistan

practical steps must be taken rather then using words

our security is being compromised daily, and daily our people are killed and nobody is taken into account for that

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