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Pakistan's geopolitical standing; It should use her power to balance affairs b/w GCC and Iran.

This thread is about Pakistan playing its role in balancing things b/w GCC and Iran and dint mention the name india anywhere why did you guys had to jump in .

And read my last post again its not only a bomb we never exported that but even then we have exported lot mote weapons than india clearly showing the difference b/w our defence industries so bury this issue here or open a thread about it.

Here if you guys can contribute something on this thread you are welcome otherwise save yr pak hate for some concerned thread this thread is not about India.

Pakistan lies on the outskirt of GCC and Iran, so there is little scope of balancing act. Other thing is religious significance, the influence of Iran among Shias across the world and that of Saudi among Sunnis across the world, both are oil rich countries and thus have lots of countries to follow them. So, Pakistan don't stand anywhere in such influence or balancing act.
Pakistan must play its role to bridge the gap between Iran and Saudi Arabia.

I have been saying this since I joined this forum. Pakistan is unique in the sense that it has has shia and sunni Muslims at very influential positions in the power structure. Not just that, there is no secatrian group in the country which is economically or socially disadvantaged. They all have a share in success of Pakistan.

Also, traditionally Pakistan had excellent neighborly relations with Iran. Ever since we had been under Saudi influence, relations with Iran have strained. But then Pakistan must realize that it must balance these relations nad must shake off this perception that it is pro-Saudi. It is not and and it must not be.

To unite our people, I mean the Muslim world, Pakistan must come forward and have equally warm and brotherly relations with both Iran and GCC countries. Pakistan can do it.
Is just having nukes enough? Without any power projection capability and soft power, it will be very difficult for Pakistan to gain any significant influence to be seen as a credible mediator by countries even in the Muslim world.
Is just having nukes enough? Without any power projection capability and soft power, it will be very difficult for Pakistan to gain any significant influence to be seen as a credible mediator by countries even in the Muslim world.
You need power projection when you need to deal with things militarily. But in this case we are looking at diplomacy more than military.
You need power projection when you need to deal with things militarily. But in this case we are looking at diplomacy more than military.
But countries with larger power projection capability generally have a larger diplomatic clout as well.
Its a thread about Pakistan and there is no mention of India but Indians here seem most excited. They wont even let us discuss without their shallow and idiotic interjections.
Its a thread about Pakistan and there is no mention of India but Indians here seem most excited. They wont even let us discuss without their shallow and idiotic interjections.
Its like maan na maan mai tera mehmaan..

On topic I feel Pakistan is having a relation with saudia good enough to bring them on the table with proper reasoning biggest of which is simple logic do they saudis think a bad relation with Iran is better for them than a neutral one.I think we would be able to find neutral voices in saudi circles.

As far Iran is concerned we first need to build a better trust worthy relation with them to make them understand we are not against them and wish them a prosperous and peaceful existence only after that some meaningful outcome can be expected.
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