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Pakistan's First Coal Power Project Starts Functioning

If something is black it is most likely not gold

Germans love black.

What's so great about coal power plant in 21st century? We should be getting away from this shit.. We are doing the opposite.

Yeah i know they produce less emissions than old generation plants but still poison is poison doesn't matter if it served in less quantity.

its like scrap

wht people throw out

we pick it up and claims a new discovery---

europe is fighting for polution free

we are buying cancer plants to kill our citizens....





its like scrap

wht people throw out

we pick it up and claims a new discovery---

europe is fighting for polution free

we are buying cancer plants to kill our citizens....




Please think twice before criticising coal.

Yes it is a pollutant but think you have two option - develop with coal or no development. Your choice is made as you will need to save on foreign import.

Nuclear takes longer time to invest and need more capital.
It is a Pakistani CEO who is pulling the numbers of thin air

Look at coal reserves and coal production by country

Outside wiki try to find and read some serious reports.check this u will find your answer on page one of report by Japan International Cooperation Agency which u can check on on favorite wiki is an govt agency

Please think twice before criticising coal.

Yes it is a pollutant but think you have two option - develop with coal or no development. Your choice is made as you will need to save on foreign import.

Nuclear takes longer time to invest and need more capital.

Yes friend what an dilemma for us :(
Outside wiki try to find and read some serious reports.check this u will find your answer on page one of report by Japan International Cooperation Agency which u can check on on favorite wiki is an govt agency

on one hand your leaders are begging to buy oil/gas on deferred terms. on the other hand you claim you have hundreds of billions of tons of coal. someone is making a fool of themselves
It is a Pakistani CEO who is pulling the numbers of thin air

Look at coal reserves and coal production by country

Funny thing is that it may India thats overstating its coal reserves:

According to the referenced report, India may only have 50 to 70 Billion tonnes of extractable coal. The rest of India's coal reserves are in locations that may not be mined easily.
Funny thing is that it may India thats overstating its coal reserves:

According to the referenced report, India may only have 50 to 70 Billion tonnes of extractable coal. The rest of India's coal reserves are in locations that may not be mined easily.

I am not saying the numbers here are perfect
There has to be some correlation. India produce 478 million tons out of 90 billion tons reserves.

You cannot claim to have 180 billion tons - mine 4 million tons and go around begging for oil/gas on deferred credit
someone is a fool. you can decide who.

You are surely an American expecting all hard work to be done by us .Here is the link

what you are saying is that your leaders are fools not exploiting this coal and going around selling the country for deferred oil/gas
Read the report it cant be exported and why we used it so late??some political and economical issues(mostly political 3rd world politics hard to define) u can also find it composition in it thats why give u all links check yourself
I am not saying the numbers here are perfect
There has to be some correlation. India produce 478 million tons out of 90 billion tons reserves.

You cannot claim to have 180 billion tons - mine 4 million tons and go around begging for oil/gas on deferred credit
someone is a fool. you can decide who.

what you are saying is that your leaders are fools not exploiting this coal and going around selling the country for deferred oil/gas
it does, thousand die of hunger in pakistan...super critical coal plants will have far less side effects than poverty

for reference even in 2050 USA and other devloped countries will be using 10x more coal than out total production
in germany it still >50%..they are not phasing out coal completely theyare simply chnaging the mix

i agree coal is not good for global warming but richer countries with per capital 50x greater than ours not poor countries should pay the price

Our priority should be revival of economy and for that we need cheap and uninterruptable electricity. India is massive pollution bomb in this region. Their pollution spreading industries are located next to Pakistan border so let the world deal with them first. We have many hungry mouths in Pakistan to feed.
Our priority should be revival of economy and for that we need cheap and uninterruptable electricity. India is massive pollution bomb in this region. Their pollution spreading industries are located next to Pakistan border so let the world deal with them first. We have many hungry mouths in Pakistan to feed.
having said that hydro power potential of Pakistan should not be ignored
hydro coal and solar should be the three focuses simply because they are cheaper too these days. coal should follow. we should avoid LNG as even though its cheaper and cleaner its based upon imported fuel
I am not saying the numbers here are perfect
There has to be some correlation. India produce 478 million tons out of 90 billion tons reserves.

You cannot claim to have 180 billion tons - mine 4 million tons and go around begging for oil/gas on deferred credit
someone is a fool. you can decide who.

what you are saying is that your leaders are fools not exploiting this coal and going around selling the country for deferred oil/gas

The Thar coal deposits were only discovered 30 years ago. We had dumb politicians that chose to relay on gulf oil and built only oil fired generators. So even today a big portion of our electricity come from oil.

We didn't have the luxury of the British finding and developing coal mines hundreds of years ago like India had. But don't worry, give 20 years, and we will be digging out more. Our reserves are in a lightly inhabited desert so we should be able to mine as much as is economically feasible without locals and environmentalist stopping us. I know its hard accept for you buts that's the reality.
having said that hydro power potential of Pakistan should not be ignored
hydro coal and solar should be the three focuses simply because they are cheaper too these days. coal should follow. we should avoid LNG as even though its cheaper and cleaner its based upon imported fuel

Solar is not cheap plus it occupies tons of space. What the govt should do is to give tax breaks to those residence/industries who convert their houses/industries on solar electricity and stop buying electricity from National Gridline.
Solar is not cheap plus it occupies tons of space. What the govt should do is to give tax breaks to those residence/industries who convert their houses/industries on solar electricity and stop buying electricity from National Gridline.
  • was..it is cheap now..(except in pakistan corrupt deal of quaid i azam solar park)
  • solar rates are now comparable to coal..
  • look at india ...
  • only problem is it being fluctuating source which makes it unsustainable
  • space?????..we have whole cholistan and tal and thar areas where you can lay them for miles and they are close to grid too

pakistan can use solar as source and dams as battery to power its grid
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