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Pakistan’s external debt set to grow to whopping $90b


Jun 29, 2015
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Pakistan’s external debt is projected to grow to a whopping $90 billion in the next four years and the country will need $20 billion a year just to meet its external financing requirements amid concerns that all constitutional arrangements put in place to manage debt have become ineffective.

The external debt figures compiled by renowned economist and the country’s former finance minister Dr Hafiz Pasha are about $14 billion higher than the projections made by the International Monetary Fund.

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Dr Pasha on Saturday shared his doomsday scenario in a National Debt Conference, arranged by the Policy Research Institute of Market Economy (PRIME) – an independent think tank.

Dr Pasha’s projections are based on official data. The $14 billion difference was mainly on account of foreign loans that will fly in to finance China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) projects. The government is not including CPEC loans in total public debt.

“At the moment, we do not have details about the loans that will be taken under the CPEC,” said Ehtesham Rashid, Director General of the Debt Office at the Ministry of Finance, while responding to these projections.

He said once details are available, the Office may have to re-do the entire debt management strategy.

There is enormous support for the CPEC in Pakistan but this game-changing corridor has financial implications for the country that have to be highlighted for better management of debt, said Dr Pasha. His comments come after State Bank of Pakistan governor Ashraf Wathra in an interview last week said there was a need to divulge more details on the debt and investment portions of CPEC, stressing the need for more transparency on part of the government.

Dr Pasha said by 2018-19 amortisation payments would double to $8.3 billion. The current account deficit – the gap between external payments and receipts – will exponentially widen to 4% of the total size of the economy against this year’s level of just under 1% of GDP, he said.

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The current account deficit will widen due to import of machinery and plants for CPEC projects, in addition to imported fuel like Liquefied Natural Gas and coal.

As against IMF’s projections of just $8.6 billion requirement, Dr Pasha said that total external financing needs, including bridging the current account deficit and repayment of loans, will alarmingly triple to $20 billion by 2018-19.

“This will push the total external debt to $90 billion by 2018-19, showing a growth of 38% over current volume of the foreign debt of over $65 billion,” said Dr Pasha.

He said Pakistan’s exports would have to improve to at least $36 billion if the alarming increase in debt was to be arrested. The country’s exports currently hover around the $24-billion mark.

Constitutional arrangements

The constitutional arrangements put in place to better manage debt are not effectively working as there is hardly any serious debate in the Council of Common Interests and National Economic Council on the debt issue, said Abdul Wajid Rana, former Secretary Finance. He said the Debt Management Office has become subservient to Secretary Finance and was not autonomous.


Sakib Sherani, former Principal Economic Advisor to Ministry of Finance, said that the government was playing with debt numbers. His comments come after the government’s decision to exclude non-plan loans from public debt.

He said the debt-to-GDP ratio has become irrelevant in case of Pakistan as the country lacks the capacity to repay the debt even at its current 65% level of debt-to-GDP ratio.

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“In case of Pakistan, the debt-to-revenue ratio is more relevant. 350% would be the limit, beyond which it wouldn’t be sustainable. Currently, this ratio stands at an alarming 523%,” said Sherani.

“By 2018-19, the debt-to-revenue ratio will be over 750%,” said Dr Pasha.

In order to ensure transparency, there must be a law requiring government to take parliamentary approval of any deal signed with the foreign governments and lending agencies, said Dr Kaiser Bengali, an economic consultant to government of Balochistan.

Pakistan’s external debt set to grow to whopping $90b - The Express Tribune
“In case of Pakistan, the debt-to-revenue ratio is more relevant. 350% would be the limit, beyond which it wouldn’t be sustainable. Currently, this ratio stands at an alarming 523%,” said Sherani.

“By 2018-19, the debt-to-revenue ratio will be over 750%,” said Dr Pasha.
US has 18 trillion $ of debt and they are friggin rich. :usflag:
What does these figures of 350%, 523% and 750% explains.
Well you know revenue right
Revenue Definition | Investopedia
to generate revenue you need debt. e.g. if you get an order of 100cr T Shirts(for example) You need loan to buy the raw materials + services ( cotton+ salaries etc ) to fulfill that order. that loan is debt.
debt to revenue is just how much money you borrow to fulfill that order.
For countries, according to this economist it should be < 350%.

The US also prints hard currency and sells it to the world which Pakistan can not.
USD is the number one export item of USA more than arms or any given item.
Don't underestimate pakistan's resilience.
Well you know revenue right
Revenue Definition | Investopedia
to generate revenue you need debt. e.g. if you get an order of 100cr T Shirts(for example) You need loan to buy the raw materials + services ( cotton+ salaries etc ) to fulfill that order. that loan is debt.
debt to revenue is just how much money you borrow to fulfill that order.
For countries, according to this economist it should be < 350%.

Don't underestimate pakistan's resilience.
My maths sucks.
Well in that case, in three years it might go upto 750% then what, keeping resilience in mind ? :undecided:

Which makes it even more important for pakistan to legitimise and increase trade with India.
Well you know revenue right
Revenue Definition | Investopedia
to generate revenue you need debt. e.g. if you get an order of 100cr T Shirts(for example) You need loan to buy the raw materials + services ( cotton+ salaries etc ) to fulfill that order. that loan is debt.
debt to revenue is just how much money you borrow to fulfill that order.
For countries, according to this economist it should be < 350%.

Don't underestimate pakistan's resilience.

What resilience?
Every burdened country ends up at the doorstep of ADB/IMF/WB and knocks their doors desperately to refinance their previous unsustainable loans at midnight. And this is where the solvency factor of the debtor nation kicks in and is put under scrutiny.

That, when translated into an actual ground reality means more harsher measures prescribed to borrowing countries.

And finally when the limit is crossed or its over, no more borrowing a la Somalia.
These are the international norms for borrowing from World financial body.
My maths sucks.
Well in that case, in three years it might go upto 750% then what, keeping resilience in mind ?
Here is a one line explanation that is highly simplified.
pak to fulfill orders worth 100cr is taking loan worth 523 cr and will take loan worth 750cr (because rising CAD, interest payment on ond debt etc.)
What resilience?
Every burdened country ends up at the doorstep of ADB/IMF/WB and knocks their doors desperately to refinance their previous unsustainable loans at midnight. And this is where the solvency factor of the debtor nation kicks in and is put under scrutiny.

That, when translated into an actual ground reality means more harsher measures prescribed to borrowing countries.

And finally when the limit is crossed or its over, no more borrowing a la Somalia.
These are the international norms for borrowing from World financial body.
CPEC (or PCEC ) will link pak's economy with China and Iran + Russian blessings ..... pak will weather this storm easily.

Which makes it even more important for pakistan to legitimise and increase trade with India.
India ne theka le rakha hai kya south asia ka? Jisko dekho aajata hai trade trade , cricket cricket.
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Pakistanis should link economy to nationalism and sloganeering etc. Then they will want to do trade with us, like they want to play cricket with us.

Right now I only see clamor for cricket, multiple threads on PDF too talk about that, but NOT one person talks about trade. Obviously Pakistanis find the idea of lifting millions out of poverty drab but the idea of wearing a green t shirt and screaming after 11 players playing ball of national interest.
CPEC (or PCEC ) will link pak's economy with China and Iran + Russian blessings ..... pak will weather this storm easily.

As it is, the mother earth wants more prosperous & aware earthlings for its own sustenance to not destroy it further.

Good luck.
The US also prints hard currency and sells it to the world which Pakistan can not.
That part is flawed. Printing currencies only devaluate money. And giving them to a foreign nation means giving them the ability to flood the domestic market and devaluate the currency. Thus government issues bonds.
The US also prints hard currency and sells it to the world which Pakistan can not.
USD is the number one export item of USA more than arms or any given item.

What about Greece debt ?? if i am not wrong it's more then 550 Billion US dollars. Still Greece is on the Map and Prospering.
May you expound it further?
The way I see it, its surviving but not thriving.

Greece achieved a primary government budget surplus in 2013. In April 2014, Greece returned to the global bond market as it successfully sold €3 billion worth of five-year government bonds at a yield of 4.95%. Greece returned to growth after six years of economic decline in the second quarter of 2014, and was the Eurozone's fastest-growing economy in the third quarter.

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