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Pakistan’s elusive quest for parity

man I need his autograph, why is he in the US , he should be in Pakistani Govt. He has just shown the mirror to his countrymen

wow, he has the guts to accept the reality, people like him always force me to believe that one day we can be good friends :-)

He was a good carrier diplomat with quite liberal vision.If our western neighbour agrees with him we would be in deep trouble.Fortunately for us that is not going to happen.
He is in US and he cant set his feet in Pak Soil.
There is a lot of beneficiaries inside and outside of the Pakistan
that is cashing on their current worst situation.
Can we afford a single day without petrol ? But they are suffering with that for weeks.What would be condition of our state govt and central govts if such a thing is happened in India ?:lol:
We can be a good friends once their majority of population speaks like Hussain Haqqani .Until then it will status quo.

So is India!!!
We (US and India) 're 2 mean friends, India plays neutral for a reason.

Pakistan must now wake up and smell the coffee. Lol

You know what's the worst feeling in this world??
the feeling of being ignored!!!
Pakistan finds it hard to believe that its not India's agenda anymore, and that it has been ignored. The kind of articles thats coming from Pakistani think tanks, journos and politicos makes 'em all sound like cry babies now.

RIC meeting!!
I'm looking forward to it. Security and trade would be the key issues that will be discussed. The 3 countries, Russia-China and India can get the behemoth Asia back on the tracks of progress. Inshallah! that should happen soon.

RIC meeting +PM visit to China after two months.
Exactly .Look at their media and former minister Rehman.Maliks comment crying like a Scooby doo.
Now they are facing the reality of wasted decades.
of course these indians would quote a traitor like Husain Haqqani :laugh:

we are different sized countries with differing interests, differing (clashing) objectives.......we dont seek "parity" - just seeking that which is in our own interests. What is in our interests is not what is in indian interests. The countries have been enemies since 1947 and will likely continue to be enemies for the foreseeable future, at least until the bilateral issue(s) are sorted out

we have our shortfalls, india has more than its fair share of shortfalls too....we recognize ours, whereas keyboard indians like some of the 'fine' and enthusiastic indian guests on this forum (we seem to let plenty in here, unchecked) think they are a superpower - ignoring the rampant and highly visible poverty that is still existing throughout india

it's quite rich reading an article from a man like Haqqani who changes hats faster than most people change socks....he even used to brush shoulders with hardliner Islamists opposed to Benazir Bhutto govt then one day he switched hats and became a cat's paw of the PPP (a corrupt, inept, incompetent political party that represents marxism/socialism & feudalistic ideals at the same time)

thank God the traitor is no longer here
janab : instead of calling every one who dares to speak bitter truth had pakistan done the opposite and tried to adress and rectify its own internal faultlines & used its assets and strategik loactionfor its own good use and expanding its trade and commerce pakistan would have been a much more developed nation than even china in this regon now so tell me instead of terming HH as a traitor and reading his whole article in totality do u still think his asesment is wrong cause mind you time and tide waits for no body and those who dont take right steps in time never get a chance to survive like they dreamt of ... have a nice day Admin sir
Brilliant article, apart from this:

There is no "global" perception that Pakistan is the epicentre of Islamic terrorism. Please keep this Indian BS elsewhere.

Well that was not our article.It was your own former diplomat Hussain Haqqani.And perhaps he was just mentioned about OBL episode.

of course these indians would quote a traitor like Husain Haqqani :laugh:

we are different sized countries with differing interests, differing (clashing) objectives.......we dont seek "parity" - just seeking that which is in our own interests. What is in our interests is not what is in indian interests. The countries have been enemies since 1947 and will likely continue to be enemies for the foreseeable future, at least until the bilateral issue(s) are sorted out

we have our shortfalls, india has more than its fair share of shortfalls too....we recognize ours, whereas keyboard indians like some of the 'fine' and enthusiastic indian guests on this forum (we seem to let plenty in here, unchecked) think they are a superpower - ignoring the rampant and highly visible poverty that is still existing throughout india

it's quite rich reading an article from a man like Haqqani who changes hats faster than most people change socks....he even used to brush shoulders with hardliner Islamists opposed to Benazir Bhutto govt then one day he switched hats and became a cat's paw of the PPP (a corrupt, inept, incompetent political party that represents marxism/socialism & feudalistic ideals at the same time)

thank God the traitor is no longer here

But question is Is there is any mistake in his article ?
Yes you have your own reason to call him as a traitor.But what is the problem.in this article.
We agree with you.We have still a long way to go.
But you knows Pakistan was quite better than India in 60s and 70s.
We dont need to become a Super Power.All we need a good prosper India with a lot of opportunities.
Hussein Haqqani's particular statement:

“India is expanding by most measures of national power while Pakistan has been able to keep pace with it only in manufacturing nuclear weapons and their delivery systems"

is exceedingly powerful and a truth Pakistani military policy makers and government, ossified in old ways of thinking are unwilling to acknowledge.
we have our shortfalls, india has more than its fair share of shortfalls too....we recognize ours, whereas keyboard indians like some of the 'fine' and enthusiastic indian guests on this forum (we seem to let plenty in here, unchecked) think they are a superpower - ignoring the rampant and highly visible poverty that is still existing throughout india

Sorry dear,but India's situation is getting better and better everyday.We are doing better than you in Indicators like HDI,literacy rate,per capita income & hunger index.

As for 'Superpower' No one here believes India is one.We are a regional power.You have problem with it ?
@SrNair I see whenever you open a thread you never forget to tag me but i do not comment which i also feel bad about but i hope you wont mind :D
Every year, 8,900 Indians get a PhD in the sciences compared with the 8,142 doctorates awarded by Pakistan’s universities since Independence. :haha::haha::sarcastic::sarcastic:
History repeats itself. Pakistan gotta stop taking refuge under any country. First US now China. I bet you the treatment you got from US and China will be same despite some unimportant gains.
I could have used one word for all of above but.......
gnoring the rampant and highly visible poverty that is still existing throughout india
Is India not investing billions in fighting poverty? Has India not pulled out tens of millions out of poverty in the past 2 decades? Are India and China not the only two nations on earth to meet the UN's 2015 MDGs on poverty alleviation? Has India's middle class not grown from nothing to one of the largest on the face of the earth in 20 years? No Indian I have encountered on PDF has ignored the issue of poverty in India except whilst many on here (non-Indians) love to bash India for it, they forget India is actually a shining light in combatting this indignity. What is Pakistan doing? By all accounts poverty is increasing in Pakistan.

we recognize ours, whereas keyboard indians like some of the 'fine' and enthusiastic indian guests on this forum (we seem to let plenty in here, unchecked) think they are a superpower

Again, this is something that many accuse Indians of believing but I am yet to actually come across an Indian claiming India is a superpower today. I've seen many say it can be in the future (which is a categorical fact) but that is a different story.

It's interesting that you've not actually addressed any of the points Mr Haqqani has raised instead you have bashed Indians and called the man a traitor.

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