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Pakistan's economy lands in deflation

The energy problem has been there for a while, and it is a big problem, but it is being taken care of, albeit slowly. Economic ruin? Pakistan is recovering, again slowly, but it is growing. The closest Pakistan has come to economic ruin was under Zardari, but Pakistan's economy continues to survive and grow.

there is no energy problem its a financial problem the circular dept load ,shedding happens because of the electricity theft
right now our installed capacity is over 22000 MV at peak during summer we dont need more than 24000 mv
building more power station wont change anything if circular debt continues to grow
Believe it or not, seven/eight years of continued economic mismanagement and bad economic policies have thrown Pakistan's economy in deflation. Deflation, as opposed to inflation, is defined as the persistent decline in general price level. Deflation occurs when the inflation rate continuously declines and falls below zero percent (a negative inflation rate).

Pakistan has seen its inflation rate, as measured by the changes in Consumer Price Index (CPI) a decline from 9.2 percent in April 2014 to 3.9 percent in January 2015. Most importantly, inflation rate as measured by the changes in Wholesale Price Index (WPI), witnessed a sharper decline since June 2014. The WPI based inflation was 7.7 percent in June 2014, declined to zero percent in November, turned negative by 0.9 percent in December and further to negative 2.4 percent in January 2015.Excluding energy, WPI based inflation decelerated from 7.2 percent to 1.5 percent during the same period. Most importantly, non-food and non-energy inflation decelerated even sharper, declining from 7.3 percent to negative 2.8 percent during the same period. Inflation data, beyond any doubt, confirms that Pakistan has landed in deflation.

The WPI based inflation is more akin to producer price index. If businesses see the prices of their products falling sharply, it is an indication of deteriorating economic conditions of the country. A rapidly declining consumer price builds expectations of a further decline in prices, therefore consumers delay their purchases and reduce consumption. Businesses, on the other hand, see their profits declining because of the decline in prices of their products. It discourages businesses to expand their operations, it idles the productive capacity leading to a fall in private investment.

In a deflationary phase, as we are already into it, people lose jobs as private sector fails to expand its operations because there are reduced expectations on future profits when future prices are lower. The loss or fear of loss of jobs forces people to reduce consumption. Thus private sector reduces investment and consumers reduce consumption, leading to a sharper decline in domestic demand and reduction in economic activity.

Misplaced fiscal and monetary policy also contributes to taking the economy in a deflationary phase. Pursuance of tight fiscal and tight monetary policy under the ill-conceived IMF Program has indeed contributed significantly in taking the economy into deflation. Austerity measures (sharp reduction in budget deficit) indeed contributed to deflation. Decreased government, businesses and consumer spending on the one hand and tight monetary policy (reduction in money supply) on the other have caused deflation in Pakistan. Once deflation has shown its ugly head, it can be very difficult to break the cycle of deflation. Japan and Europe are the classic examples of recent times.

Deflation is a rare phenomenon that does not occur in the course of a normal economic cycle. Investors therefore recognise it as a sign that something has severely gone wrong with the state of the economy. In a deflationary phase, economic activity slows considerably, domestic demand collapses, unemployment and poverty rise, and most importantly, it breeds social unrest in the country.

Let me provide empirical support to my above argument. Deflation is caused by slower monetary expansion in the midst of a collapse in domestic demand. This is the explanation given by Ben Bernanke, the former Chairman of Federal Reserve System, while studying the Great Depression of the 1930s. Is there any sign of slowing economic activity and collapse of domestic demand in Pakistan?

The most important sign of slowing economic activity is the decline in imports of crude and petroleum products during the first half (July - December) of the current fiscal year. The readers would recall that one of the factors that caused sharp decline in the international price of oil was the slowing down in economic activity in countries like China, India; Europe etc. Slower growth in these economies has reduced the demand for fuel. Likewise in the case of Pakistan, further slowdown in economic activity has resulted in the decline of imports of crude and petroleum products in quantity terms by 3.3 percent and 2.1 percent, respectively.

Secondly, the large-scale manufacturing (LSM) is stagnating for quite some time; the reasons for this stagnation are well known. In the absence of idiosyncratic manipulation of statistics, the LSM continues to grow in the range of 1.0 - 2.5 percent per annum over the last two years.

Thirdly, the subdued domestic demand is well reflected through the collection of sales tax at domestic level. Domestic demand serves as tax base for sales tax at domestic stage which has simply collapsed during July-December 2014. Despite increase in its rates, sales tax at domestic level grew by only 1.7 percent - far less than the prevailing inflation rate.

Fourthly, collapse in domestic demand and continuous decline in wholesale as well as consumer prices have discouraged private sector to expand their businesses. This fact is well-reflected through their borrowing patterns from commercial banks. Credit to private sector is down to Rs 164 billion during July-January 2014-15 as against Rs 300 billion in the same period last year. Investment, particularly private investment, is on the decline since 2007-08 and given the current state of the economy, we may see a further sharp decline this year as well.

Finally, exports and most importantly, manufacturing exports are on the decline. Exports registered a negative growth of 4.3 percent, and textile and other manufacturers declined by 0.4 percent and 15.0 percent, respectively during the first half (July-December) of the current fiscal year. The stagnation in LSM is consistent with the decline in exports, overall economic activities, imports of energy and credit to provide sector.

The above analysis clearly shows that Pakistan's economy has landed in deflationary phase. The collapse of domestic demand supported by ill-conceived IMF dictated fiscal and monetary policy played key roles in taking the economy into deflation. To take the economy out of deflation requires a change in fiscal and monetary policy. Fiscal/monetary stimulus is pre-requisite to combat deflation. Monetary stimulus (reduction in interest rate) has not worked in Japan and Europe thus far.

In a country like Pakistan we need fiscal stimulus through raising development expenditure, particularly in energy and social sector to pump prime the economy. IMF dictated budget deficit target will prolong the deflationary phase with all its adverse consequences for the economy.

Pakistan has entered into a difficult and challenging phase in its economic history. Once in deflation, it requires deft handling of the economy. If no corrective measures are taken soon, it will be very difficult to come out from deflationary spiral. I would urge the government and its spin master to avoid presenting a rosy picture of the economy. The data presented by the government themselves speak volumes about the deteriorating conditions of the economy.

The economy belongs to the 190 million people of this country. We should not play with the fate of the people by giving them a false sense of prosperity. The sooner we accept the better it is for the country and its people.

Pakistan's economy lands in deflation | Business Recorder


this is not because of economic mismanagement, this is because sudden decrease in oil prices, which effected the prices of other products too.

there is no energy problem its a financial problem the circular dept load ,shedding happens because of the electricity theft
right now our installed capacity is over 22000 MV at peak during summer we dont need more than 24000 mv
building more power station wont change anything if circular debt continues to grow


Circular debt was not because of Power capacity, this is because of very high cost of production of electricity, which is almost 22 to 24/Unit, and government selling that electricity at Rs:18/Unit to industrial/commercial consumers, Rs: 4-8 to residential units.

so only way of decreasing circular debt is producing electricity at cheeper prices. and i think producing Electric from Coal is very Good idea, which cost us to Rs: 8-9/ Unit.
many developing countries are having a sudden drop in inflation rate including india.

India is also at the risk of of entering into deflation

Indian economy stares at deflation as inflation hits zero in November - Livemint
That was due to oil price crash. Even with Pakistan CPI is well near target. So the deflation is not necessarily happening. But the decline in manufacturing and exports is dangerous. If the author is complaining that government borrowing less(at the behest of IMF) is bad, he should also listen to people who say, Pak Government is mopping up all the cheap credit in the market, making it difficult for private industry to fund their projects. So more deficits need not be good. Are there any expert inhouse gurus of Pak economy in PDF who can explain this?
Businesses are for some reason unable to form industries in the country. Where do people spend their money in Pakistan?
That's quite shocking.

@WishLivePak First I've heard of this, how accurate this? Rather, how accurate is the doom in this?

I've heard this not just for Pakistan, but it seems the trend.

I skimmed the article. I think the author is exaggerating the situation.

As we know, oil prices dropped. This means, prices of all goods dropped (oil is used to transport goods). However, as prices of oil fell, people now have more money to purchase more of the goods. In addition, compared to last year, the dollar fell some 10%. This also has an impact on CPI for numerous goods.

Finally, it is oil that is dropping which is resulting in a smaller inflation or deflation (need direct gov't source for what % it is). This means industries will work for greater time. This will create more jobs and economy will prosper.

The only time the author would've been likely "more" correct is when inflation was decreasing rapidly or heading into deflation if oil prices weren't the reason behind. Dollar too changed of course, but it was 100~ in 2013, 110 in 2014 and back to 100 in 2015, so this isn't very harmful. It'd be different story if dollar changed to 90 in 2014, 80 in 2015 and so forth.

In short, everything is fine. There should be caution, but Pakistan is doing well.
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many developing countries are having a sudden drop in inflation rate including india.

India is also at the risk of of entering into deflation

Indian economy stares at deflation as inflation hits zero in November - Livemint

But our growth is way higher than others.Tendency for a deflation will actually cause mass cyut from RBI.

But in here you dont have that much fast growth and yet you enter in to deflation with those power shortage and fuel shortage.What kind of economy is that?
But our growth is way higher than others.Tendency for a deflation will actually cause mass cyut from RBI.

But in here you dont have that much fast growth and yet you enter in to deflation with those power shortage and fuel shortage.What kind of economy is that?

Earlier to the change in base year,India expected growth rate for this year was 5.7% as compared to 5.4% projected for Pakistan by WB,5% by IMF and 5.1% by Govt.So the growth difference was not huge.
Expect an interest rate cut soon then...
This won't work in the present situation. Monetary stimulus (reduction in interest rate) has not worked in Japan and Europe thus far. For starters, you need to sort out your energy crisis first to get your manufacturing sector and industries to start working again.
Earlier to the change in base year,India expected growth rate for this year was 5.7% as compared to 5.4% projected for Pakistan by WB,5% by IMF and 5.1% by Govt.So the growth difference was not huge.

Base year is changed because you cant calculate GDP or economic expansion of an economy of 5 lakh companies in 2015 with 2004 data of 2500 companies.

Even if it is calculated in your figure .
5.7% growth of s 2 trilkion$ economy is way better than 5.4% of a 250 billion$ economy.

Please read this article ; you are always over optimistic about Pakistani economy

Pakistan's economy is a mystery, on paper it looks like this country is going to collapse 5 min from now and thats how its been for last 10 years...then you go visit Pakistan and sometime you will even forget you are in a third world country. World best economists cant figure out Pakistani economy let alone this chooza writer.
Base year is changed because you cant calculate GDP or economic expansion of an economy of 5 lakh companies in 2015 with 2004 data of 2500 companies.

Even if it is calculated in your figure .
5.7% growth of s 2 trilkion$ economy is way better than 5.4% of a 250 billion$ economy.

5.7% growth rate for 2Tr Dollars GDP would had a good growth if the population was 200Million but not a Billion.

Again we are also using more than a decade old calculation base,just wait for the change in base year and expect no less than atleast 35% increase in our GDP
Low inflation or negative inflation due to lower demand is bad for economy but due to lower price of oil this deflation is not bad at all .
Inflation of imported oil dependent countries were on higher ends all these years reballancing is happening
I wonder if an economy grows at 3% inflation for continuous two years all are happy but due to imported oil dependency inflation goes to 6% in first year and 0% in second year every hell will break loose !!! If you take avg inflation for a period of two years it will be same for both
5.7% growth rate for 2Tr Dollars GDP would had a good growth if the population was 200Million but not a Billion.

Again we are also using more than a decade old calculation base,just wait for the change in base year and expect no less than atleast 35% increase in our GDP

Population is not a matter here since we are still developing with around 7+%.
And 2 trillion $ is indeed 2 trillion.Population is not a factor in there.


35% .Extra ordinary.

Baseyear change will show high GDP growth.But wont show real nominal GDP rise.It will still remain as 250 billion$.
Population is not a matter here since we are still developing with around 7+%.
And 2 trillion $ is indeed 2 trillion.Population is not a factor in there.


35% .Extra ordinary.

Baseyear change will show high GDP growth.But wont show real nominal GDP rise.It will still remain as 250 billion$.

Nair saab base year change will increase Pak GDP 50%. This is what happens in rest of the world, GDP growth rate change is India only thing.
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