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Pakistan's Economic Crisis: Assessing the Causes and Urgent Need for Action

A disaster is waiting to happen

Pakistan finds itself in the midst of a severe economic crisis that has caused widespread suffering and desperation among its people. The removal of Imran Khan from the prime minister's office, allegedly influenced by the Biden administration, and subsequent governance by the PDM government, led by figures such as Shbaz Sharif and Ishaq Dar, have led to a significant decline in GDP growth. The consequences of this mismanagement are devastating, with rising poverty levels, increasing unemployment rates, and alarming incidents of hunger-related deaths. This article examines the economic conditions in Pakistan following recent political changes and highlights the urgent need for stability, reform, and accountability.

Economic Downfall and Mismanagement:
Pakistan was once on a path of promising economic growth, with a GDP growth rate of 6%. However, since the political changes enforced by external forces, the nation has experienced a sharp decline, with the economy now in a negative state. The PDM government, under the leadership of General Asim munier General anjam Nadeem, Shbaz Sharif and Ishaq Dar, has been accused of exacerbating the economic crisis through their mismanagement and failure to address corruption effectively. Their questionable policies and decisions have further weakened the economy, leaving it in an unrepairable state and pushing the people to the brink of despair. Their desire to finsh Imran khan put Pakistan into dying condition. History will not forgive them.

Rising Poverty and Hunger:
The economic crisis has had a devastating impact on the people of Pakistan, with poverty levels skyrocketing as a result. Families are now forced to endure extreme hardship and deprivation, leading to cases of hunger-related deaths. It is heart-wrenching to witness fellow citizens dying on the streets due to hunger, a basic need that should be addressed urgently. The government must prioritize the welfare of its people by implementing immediate measures to alleviate poverty, provide essential support, and ensure access to food and healthcare for all.

Challenges to Democracy and Foreign Interference:
Reports of alleged interference by the American ambassador and British authorities in Pakistan's political landscape raise concerns about the integrity of the country's democratic processes. Meetings between foreign diplomats and political figures, such as Mariam Nawaz, and pakistan election commissions must be thoroughly investigated to maintain the sovereignty and independence of Pakistan. It is crucial to uphold diplomatic norms and ensure that any actions undermining the country's governance are addressed promptly and transparently. If shows Americans and British authorities don't want to hide their activities anymore.

A Call for Stability and Reform:
The current economic crisis and its devastating impact on the people necessitate immediate action from the Pakistani government. It is crucial to prioritize stability, accountability, and economic reform to salvage the situation. Corruption must be tackled head-on, and policies that promote sustainable growth and development should be implemented. The welfare of the citizens should be the government's utmost priority, with measures in place to address poverty, provide employment opportunities, and ensure access to vital services. Transparency and accountability are key to rebuilding trust and restoring stability in Pakistan.
It seems General Asim is under extreme pressure by Maraym nawaz and he is in extreme hurry to dismantle Imran Khan as soon as possible. A unmanageable disaster is waiting and USA is taking its revenge from Pakistanis for its defeat in Afghanistan.

Pakistan is facing an unprecedented economic crisis that demands urgent attention and action. The removal of Imran Khan from power, allegedly influenced by external forces, and subsequent governance by the PDM government have exacerbated the economic downturn, leaving the country in a dire state. Rising poverty levels, increasing unemployment rates, and hunger-related deaths are clear indications of the suffering endured by the people. It is crucial for the government to prioritize stability, reform, and accountability to alleviate the economic crisis and ensure a brighter future for all Pakistanis. The time for action is now to prevent further suffering and restore hope to the streets of Pakistan.
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Removal of Imran Khan did not cause your economic crisis . 19 years of CPEC did it
Cpec is best thing happen to Pakistan. It is only messed up by mir jaffers. It is still a trump card for pakistan.we got security and economic grantees with China.. if a indian is saying to us that means it hurts many asses in india and usa
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Oh indian. Cpec is best thing happen to Pakistan. It is only messed up by mir jaffers. It is still a trump card for pakistan.we got security and economic grantees with China.. if a indian is saying to us that means it hurts many asses in india and usa
Ok enjoy
Removal of Imran Khan did not cause your economic crisis . 19 years of CPEC did it
CPEC's major promise is the Silk Route that will be used to transit trade from the Middle East to China (including Oil) and the supporting infrastructure. Transit charges alone should net us Billions in USD. The lure is practical, however, CPEC has not delivered on the promise and that's very disappointing. CPEC was sold to the Pakistanis touting it an economic revolution. I still hope and pray that it materializes, which is actually can!
CPEC's major promise is the Silk Route that will be used to transit trade from the Middle East to China (including Oil) and the supporting infrastructure. Transit charges alone should net us Billions in USD. The lure is practical, however, CPEC has not delivered on the promise and that's very disappointing. CPEC was sold to the Pakistanis touting it an economic revolution. I still hope and pray that it materializes, which is actually can!
That part is very understandable and if done right could be tremendous for all parties involved. B U T
what are the terms of the component projects? From what I have read Pakistan is taking loans from China (terms not disclosed) to pay fees & costs to China for projects that must be awarded to Chinese (terms not disclosed), granting China partial equity in assets built with guaranteed profits annually (not fully disclosed).

In other words, Pakistan has underwritten ALL risks, provides the markets, turns its soldiers into security guards and robs its own treasury to pay the equivalent of the credit card minimum payments to China. Of course CCP rolls over payments willingly - after all they have the whole of Pakistan as collateral.

Now I may be imagining a lot of these but for ten years nobody - Pakistani or other - seem to know what ALL exactly did Pakistan agreed to pay

This could easily be put to bed if Pakistan (or CCP) publish how much as paid by Pakistan as 1) interest 2) fees 3) profit share annually and how much was rolled over annually. If they are ashamed to admit costs of failed projects, fine, don't break it up by project, just a total at program level. Somthing..>!!!
That part is very understandable and if done right could be tremendous for all parties involved. B U T
what are the terms of the component projects? From what I have read Pakistan is taking loans from China (terms not disclosed) to pay fees & costs to China for projects that must be awarded to Chinese (terms not disclosed), granting China partial equity in assets built with guaranteed profits annually (not fully disclosed).

In other words, Pakistan has underwritten ALL risks, provides the markets, turns its soldiers into security guards and robs its own treasury to pay the equivalent of the credit card minimum payments to China. Of course CCP rolls over payments willingly - after all they have the whole of Pakistan as collateral.

Now I may be imagining a lot of these but for ten years nobody - Pakistani or other - seem to know what ALL exactly did Pakistan agreed to pay

This could easily be put to bed if Pakistan (or CCP) publish how much as paid by Pakistan as 1) interest 2) fees 3) profit share annually and how much was rolled over annually. If they are ashamed to admit costs of failed projects, fine, don't break it up by project, just a total at program level. Somthing..>!!!
Very well written.

And yet despite all the above, the pain and investments should have been enough by now and the recovery and benefits should have started flowing in thus overshadowing all the payments to China. It is as if CPEC is yet to kick off despite Billions of USD in investment by Pakistan.
It is as if CPEC is yet to kick off despite Billions of USD in investment by Pakistan.

CPEC was nothing more than a Papa John's project.

Pakistan is a failed banana republic of Faujistan
CPEC's major promise is the Silk Route that will be used to transit trade from the Middle East to China (including Oil) and the supporting infrastructure. Transit charges alone should net us Billions in USD. The lure is practical, however, CPEC has not delivered on the promise and that's very disappointing. CPEC was sold to the Pakistanis touting it an economic revolution. I still hope and pray that it materializes, which is actually can!
If that was the promise, it doesn't pass the smell test. For low value commodities, the cheapest mode of transport is water - modern container shipping is absolutely the cheapest form of transport on a per pound per mile basis. For valuable and time sensitive/perishable goods, air is the answer. That leaves surface transport for something in between. Even here, the better mode is rail which is very difficult to build from Middle East to China due to geography. Silk route was practical in ancient times when they used caravans to transport valuable goods like spices and silk. There is a reason it went out of fashion after shipping became practical. Whoever preached "Transit charges alone should net us Billions in USD" was a charlatan. He probably also sold Aladdin's lamp and magic carpet.
That part is very understandable and if done right could be tremendous for all parties involved. B U T
what are the terms of the component projects? From what I have read Pakistan is taking loans from China (terms not disclosed) to pay fees & costs to China for projects that must be awarded to Chinese (terms not disclosed), granting China partial equity in assets built with guaranteed profits annually (not fully disclosed).

In other words, Pakistan has underwritten ALL risks, provides the markets, turns its soldiers into security guards and robs its own treasury to pay the equivalent of the credit card minimum payments to China. Of course CCP rolls over payments willingly - after all they have the whole of Pakistan as collateral.

Now I may be imagining a lot of these but for ten years nobody - Pakistani or other - seem to know what ALL exactly did Pakistan agreed to pay

This could easily be put to bed if Pakistan (or CCP) publish how much as paid by Pakistan as 1) interest 2) fees 3) profit share annually and how much was rolled over annually. If they are ashamed to admit costs of failed projects, fine, don't break it up by project, just a total at program level. Somthing..>!!!

Pak never did its homework(major reforms) before implementing the project like cpec. All those in power just want free lunches. They are neither capable nor willing to handle power and responsibility of the positions they are in, be if civil or uncivil creatures. They took loans on exceptionally high interest rate, without knowing the consequences. These creatures greed have no bound. And they still are in the same attitude. Just keep getting more loans from whatever is leftover of the fd up economy. Yet common citizen is unaware of it and the elite keep on blaming others such as Jewish conspiracy, indian agenda and now evil china. Whereas the actual problem is pindi and isb.
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