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Pakistan's debt crisis is the result of reckless Chinese lending.

While the current US/China Trade war will be negotiated out, the infrastructure construction vis-a-vi CPEC should be seen as beneficial to the US, and not a zero-sum affair where China is the only beneficiary of debt repayments. $1 Trillion in mineral resources in Afghanistan, and the most Friendly/Cheapest route out is via Gwadar and Pakistan. 17 years of struggle in Afghanistan, and the shortsightedness of the US not to take this moment to talk brass tacks with a popular democratically elected leader in more than a generation, and broker a lasting peace in Afghanistan to the windfall benefit of all parties involved. Imran Khan (and the "Establishment" if so believed by the west supporting him) is focused on the economy, Human Capital development, jobs, and developing friendly borders. Getting some of the value added processing of the raw materials coming out of Afghanistan, the jobs associated, and the business of the ports of Karachi and Gwadar to repay its debts and fund the social programs will be very enticing to the new PTI Government.

Imran Khan, IMHO, taking in to account the positions of the warring factions, seem to indicate some kind of negotiated power sharing agreement in Afghanistan, with limited or no foreign troops in country. This can lead to a deal where foreign elements are prevented from using Afghanistan against any other nation, completing the mission that was the reason for going in 17 years and $1 trillion dollars of cost ago.

$12 Billion is not that large an amount of money in the grand scheme of things. The war in Afghanistan costs the US over $50 billion last year. Imran Khan should remind Trump of the Art of the Deal, and simple Arithmetic.
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And you say they are your enemy, you Pakistanis you!!
India is one of the glass countries to be destroyed by USD!Not so? Get your lips off from begging China for investment in India!
American ask IMF to delay lending 12 billions dollars to Pakistan because they might use it in CPEC investment with China. To hell with them.

Donald trump is a Idiot president controlled by Jews.

What's the reason why China set up AIIB, to leverage the IMF's influence.
OK, blaming China for everything, US job loss, global warming, Africa's reckless development and modernization, climate change... how about the breakup with your girlfriend?
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