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Pakistan’s coronavirus situation worsening


Feb 7, 2020
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Two days after issuing a lockdown warning and calling for better compliance with Covid-19 standard operating procedures (SOPs), the National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC) on Friday noted an increase in the country's positivity rate, virus-related deaths and hospital admissions.
During the morning session of the forum, health officials presented data on the country's Covid outbreak.
The forum noted that the positivity ratio had risen for the fifth consecutive day, a statement issued by the NCOC said. The average positivity rate is 40 per cent higher during the last four days, the statement said, adding that deaths were also increasing.
"It was also noted that Muzaffarabad, Hyderabad, Karachi and Gilgit-Baltistan have a higher positivity ratio along with other areas across the country."
Hospital admissions are also on the increase particularly in Punjab, the forum was told. There is also an increase in the number of critical patients at hospitals, the statement said.
The Punjab chief secretary shared data on the province's Covid-19 outbreak during the meeting. "The death ratio in Punjab was 1.6 on September 1 and has now gone up to six. Meanwhile, the province's positivity ratio has increased from 0.92 to 1.33," the statement said.
An analysis of the fatality rate showed that Pakistan's figure stood at 2.06 per cent as compared to the global 2.72pc.
"[In Pakistan] Men account for 71pc of the total deaths. Of these, 76pc are over the age of 50," the NCOC said.
The increase in Covid-19 indicators comes two days after the NCOC warned it would close down services once again if the public continued to flout SOPs for curbing the spread of the virus.
Declaring the transport sector, markets, marriage halls, restaurants and public gatherings as high-risk areas, the centre had advised provinces to focus on them and take steps to prevent the spread of the virus.
Pakistan's coronavirus cases and deaths have seen a spike in recent days. According to data collected by Dawn.com, Punjab and Islamabad have reported more than 100 cases for the past four days. Punjab has also seen an increase in the number of deaths during the past few days.
Earlier this week, ministers warned the nation against flouting Covid guidelines. "Last week, daily Covid mortality [rate] was 12. This is a 140 per cent increase versus few weeks back," Planning and Development Minister Asad Umar — who oversees the NCOC — had said.
Umar had warned that if people continued to violate SOPs, "we will lose both lives and livelihoods". His views were echoed by Minister for Human Rights Shireen Mazari.
"It is an act of extreme selfishness not to wear masks as you endanger not only yourself but also your family, associates, workers and everyone you come into contact with," she had said.
Earlier this week, Prime Minister Imran Khan said he feared a second wave of Covid-19 in the coming months in cities where pollution levels are high.
“I fear that in these two months — October and November [...] cities like Faisalabad, Lahore, Karachi, Peshawar and Gujranwala where there is more pollution [...] there might be a second spike in coronavirus cases. The cases are rising gradually and we hope that they don’t increase quickly; we are monitoring it,” he told participants at an award ceremony.
The Europe is seeing second wave after the summer when temperatures has got cold...Pakistan,it seems, is also going to see the second wave....India should be mindful of this fact...we can't be so complacent looking at the declining numbers.
ISLAMABAD: The National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC) on Friday observed that the coronavirus situation in the country is worsening as all indicators have turned red.

During the morning session of the NCOC on Friday, health officials briefed the forum about the rising positivity ratio, increase in hospital admissions and the spike in the number of deaths.

“Forum noted that [it was] the fifth continuous day that positivity ratio is on the rise, which has now reached 40%,” said a statement. It also pointed out that the deaths in the country are also increasing.

“Muzaffarabad, Hyderabad, Karachi and Gilgit have higher positivity ratio along with other areas across the country,” observed the NCOC.

It noted that hospital admissions were also on the rise across the country particularly in Punjab. The participants were informed that there was an increase in the number of critical patients in hospitals as well.

The meeting was shared that the country’s current case fertility rate has reached 2.06% while the global rate stood at 2.72%. It also noted that 71% of total deaths were of males out of which 76% were over the age of 50.

The forum was also briefed by the Punjab chief secretary regarding the increasing figures in the province.

He told the NCOC that Punjab’s death ratio was 1.6% on September 1 and today the ratio stood at 6%. He also added that the positivity ratio of the province also increased from 0.92% to 1.33%.

Positivity rate spikes to 2.58%, highest in two months

A day earlier it was reported that Pakistan’s coronavirus positivity rate had reached to 2.58% on October 21, its highest in over two months.

According to the official tally, on Wednesday of the 28,534 tests sampled, 736 came back positive.

To date, Pakistan has a total of 324,744 coronavirus cases and 6692 deaths nationwide.

Government officials have expressed concern about the rising positivity ratio in the country, even though it is still below the 5% threshold set by the World Health Organisation (WHO).

Last week, Asad Umar, the minister for planning and development, called it “unmistakable signs of rising of coronavirus” when the positivity hit 2.37% on October 15.

However, on Wednesday, the positivity percentage further hiked up to 2.58%. The last time Pakistan reported a percentage higher than this was on August 19 at 2.68%.

Also in the last three days, Pakistan had been reporting deaths in double digits every day, unlike in September when the death toll stayed largely in single digits.

While of the 883 virus-related hospitalisations in the country, 67% are in critical condition, notes the WHO in a report.

NCOC issues warning

Warning that there is an urgent and immediate need to ensure the implementation of standard operating procedures (SOPs) for coronavirus prevention, the National Command and Operations Centre (NCOC) had on Wednesday noted that there has been a clear resurgence in virus cases and deaths.

"NCOC is closely monitoring the situation. If there is no improvement in SOPs compliance observed, NCOC will have no choice but to revert to strict measures leading to re-closures of services," read a statement issued by the NCOC.

The statement said the NCOC, during a special session held to monitor the increasing, had noted a "clear resurgence in coronavirus" and noted the rising death rate attributable to COVID-19

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Indians shouldn't become complacent ...going by what's happening in Pakistan it's most likely India will also face second wave of corona.
Pakistan needs to implement smart lock downs now so there is public awareness. Otherwise, people don't give a shit and opposition is even more selfish. Putting the lives of thousands at risk while wearing masks on the stage.
Indians shouldn't become complacent ...going by what's happening in Pakistan it's most likely India will also face second wave of corona.

You must be joking...your first wave isn't over yet and you will get a second wave. India will have the worst numbers in the world very soon.
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