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Pakistan’s Coming Collapse Should Worry the World


May 21, 2006
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July 14, 2022 Topic: Pakistan Region: Asia Tags: PakistanIMFChinaCPECFailed StateNuclear Weapons

Pakistan’s Coming Collapse Should Worry the World​

The bubble is collapsing, and the result will not be pretty.
by Michael Rubin
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine sent economic shockwaves across not only Europe but also the broader Middle East. Pakistan, whose economy is already weak because of decades of corruption, mismanagement, and unstable governance, has been particularly vulnerable. While many countries are dependent upon Ukrainian or Russian wheat or foreign energy imports, Pakistan requires both. Between July 2020 and January 2021, for example, Pakistan was the third-largest consumer of Ukrainian wheat exports after Indonesia and Egypt. The price spike in oil prices has hit Pakistan hard, driving up the cost of its imports by more than 85 percent, to almost $5 billion, just between 2020 and 2021.
For Pakistan, it is a perfect storm. At the end of Pakistan’s fiscal year on June 30, 2022, its trade deficit neared $50 billion, a 57 percent increase over the previous year. Had the Shehbaz Sharif government not banned the import of more than 800 non-essential luxury items in May 2022, the figure might have been even higher.
Even the middle class is unable to keep up with inflation. In June, inflation soared to over 20 percent, the highest in the recent past. An International Monetary Fund-directed end to subsidies has caused both the price of electricity and gas to soar, even beyond the hike caused by the rise in oil prices worldwide. Food insecurity is rife. According to the State Bank of Pakistan, “reliance on imports for edible oil and oilseed meals to meet domestic demand consumption has been increasing over the past two decades: 86 percent of domestic edible oil consumption in 2020 came from imports up from 77 percent in 2000.” Population growth is only increasing the need for imports as domestic projects to produce soybean and palm oil falter.
Meanwhile, the Pakistani rupee continues to hemorrhage value when compared to the U.S. dollar, off more than 30 percent over the past year. In contrast, the Indian rupee has slid just over six percent. The decline in the Pakistani rupee hurts the middle class especially and all those unable to dollarize their saving. Wealthier households and the affluent invest in lucrative real estate dealings instead of activity that could generate not only rent-seeking income but also employment.
Yusuf Nazar, a former chief strategist at Citigroup’s emerging markets division, estimates that Pakistan’s foreign exchange reserves have dropped by half since February to just $6.3 billion, akin to what Iran suffered under the so-called “maximum pressure” campaign. For Pakistan, however, the dramatic decline is of its own making: According to Nazar, Pakistan has received more International Monetary Fund (IMF) bailouts than any other country. This shows the unwillingness or inability of the Sharifs, Bhuttos, and Khans to implement serious reform.
International patience has worn out. The IMF no longer trusts Pakistani promises to reform, and is unwilling to throw good money after bad. Islamabad’s unwillingness to conduct reforms demanded by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) underlines how intertwined the Inter-Services Intelligence agency is with the murkier aspects of Pakistani finance.
Efforts by some Pakistani liberals to relaunch the stalled Trade and Investment Framework Agreement with the United States have gone nowhere, especially given Washington’s concerns with poor Pakistani regulatory practices, supply chain management, data protection, and intellectual property rights.
One of the reasons successive Pakistani leaders avoided reform was that they believed it easier to accept the fairytales spun by China. Far from being an economic savior for Pakistan, however, it is now clear that Beijing used the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), foolishly acceded to by Sharif’s brother Nawaz, as a mechanism to enslave Pakistan. “Our friendship is higher than the Himalayas and deeper than the deepest sea in the world and sweeter than honey,” he said in words that most Pakistanis today rue. Instead of promoting growth in Pakistan, the CPEC has become a liability for Islamabad. Sovereign counter guarantees to Chinese independent power producers eat up the Pakistani government’s revenue, even as Pakistan continues to face lengthy power outages. CPEC project implementation is sporadic even though, for the last four years, Pakistan is the world’s largest recipient of Chinese grants and assistance.
The World Bank has warned that Pakistan could soon face “macroeconomic instability.” Societal instability would soon follow. Pakistan’s private sector has not created enough jobs to absorb the labor pool. Anger is reaching the boiling point, and growing criminality hints at societal breakdown.
Sri Lanka’s collapse worries the region, but Pakistan’s collapse should worry the world. For decades, state failure in Pakistan has been a nightmare scenario. Both Pakistan and the broader world have had a taste of that scenario as violence, extremism, and poverty engulf the former capital and commercial hub of Karachi and as Pakistani authorities lose control over many regions alongside the Afghanistan border. The United States, India, and Iran are right to worry about the security of Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal, as military officers also begin to struggle to get by. Pakistani elite live in a state of denial believing that the status quo in which they live an affluent life insulated from broader society is permanent. It is not. The bubble is collapsing, and the result will not be pretty.
Michael Rubin is a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute.
Image: Reuters.

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July 14, 2022 Topic: Pakistan Region: Asia Tags: PakistanIMFChinaCPECFailed StateNuclear Weapons

Pakistan’s Coming Collapse Should Worry the World​

The bubble is collapsing, and the result will not be pretty.
by Michael Rubin
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine sent economic shockwaves across not only Europe but also the broader Middle East. Pakistan, whose economy is already weak because of decades of corruption, mismanagement, and unstable governance, has been particularly vulnerable. While many countries are dependent upon Ukrainian or Russian wheat or foreign energy imports, Pakistan requires both. Between July 2020 and January 2021, for example, Pakistan was the third-largest consumer of Ukrainian wheat exports after Indonesia and Egypt. The price spike in oil prices has hit Pakistan hard, driving up the cost of its imports by more than 85 percent, to almost $5 billion, just between 2020 and 2021.
For Pakistan, it is a perfect storm. At the end of Pakistan’s fiscal year on June 30, 2022, its trade deficit neared $50 billion, a 57 percent increase over the previous year. Had the Shehbaz Sharif government not banned the import of more than 800 non-essential luxury items in May 2022, the figure might have been even higher.
Even the middle class is unable to keep up with inflation. In June, inflation soared to over 20 percent, the highest in the recent past. An International Monetary Fund-directed end to subsidies has caused both the price of electricity and gas to soar, even beyond the hike caused by the rise in oil prices worldwide. Food insecurity is rife. According to the State Bank of Pakistan, “reliance on imports for edible oil and oilseed meals to meet domestic demand consumption has been increasing over the past two decades: 86 percent of domestic edible oil consumption in 2020 came from imports up from 77 percent in 2000.” Population growth is only increasing the need for imports as domestic projects to produce soybean and palm oil falter.
Meanwhile, the Pakistani rupee continues to hemorrhage value when compared to the U.S. dollar, off more than 30 percent over the past year. In contrast, the Indian rupee has slid just over six percent. The decline in the Pakistani rupee hurts the middle class especially and all those unable to dollarize their saving. Wealthier households and the affluent invest in lucrative real estate dealings instead of activity that could generate not only rent-seeking income but also employment.
Yusuf Nazar, a former chief strategist at Citigroup’s emerging markets division, estimates that Pakistan’s foreign exchange reserves have dropped by half since February to just $6.3 billion, akin to what Iran suffered under the so-called “maximum pressure” campaign. For Pakistan, however, the dramatic decline is of its own making: According to Nazar, Pakistan has received more International Monetary Fund (IMF) bailouts than any other country. This shows the unwillingness or inability of the Sharifs, Bhuttos, and Khans to implement serious reform.
International patience has worn out. The IMF no longer trusts Pakistani promises to reform, and is unwilling to throw good money after bad. Islamabad’s unwillingness to conduct reforms demanded by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) underlines how intertwined the Inter-Services Intelligence agency is with the murkier aspects of Pakistani finance.
Efforts by some Pakistani liberals to relaunch the stalled Trade and Investment Framework Agreement with the United States have gone nowhere, especially given Washington’s concerns with poor Pakistani regulatory practices, supply chain management, data protection, and intellectual property rights.
One of the reasons successive Pakistani leaders avoided reform was that they believed it easier to accept the fairytales spun by China. Far from being an economic savior for Pakistan, however, it is now clear that Beijing used the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), foolishly acceded to by Sharif’s brother Nawaz, as a mechanism to enslave Pakistan. “Our friendship is higher than the Himalayas and deeper than the deepest sea in the world and sweeter than honey,” he said in words that most Pakistanis today rue. Instead of promoting growth in Pakistan, the CPEC has become a liability for Islamabad. Sovereign counter guarantees to Chinese independent power producers eat up the Pakistani government’s revenue, even as Pakistan continues to face lengthy power outages. CPEC project implementation is sporadic even though, for the last four years, Pakistan is the world’s largest recipient of Chinese grants and assistance.
The World Bank has warned that Pakistan could soon face “macroeconomic instability.” Societal instability would soon follow. Pakistan’s private sector has not created enough jobs to absorb the labor pool. Anger is reaching the boiling point, and growing criminality hints at societal breakdown.
Sri Lanka’s collapse worries the region, but Pakistan’s collapse should worry the world. For decades, state failure in Pakistan has been a nightmare scenario. Both Pakistan and the broader world have had a taste of that scenario as violence, extremism, and poverty engulf the former capital and commercial hub of Karachi and as Pakistani authorities lose control over many regions alongside the Afghanistan border. The United States, India, and Iran are right to worry about the security of Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal, as military officers also begin to struggle to get by. Pakistani elite live in a state of denial believing that the status quo in which they live an affluent life insulated from broader society is permanent. It is not. The bubble is collapsing, and the result will not be pretty.
Michael Rubin is a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute.
Image: Reuters.

Imma be honest the stuff towards the end about nuclear arsenal being unsafe was stuff being said during WoT days.

I am slowly thinking this may be a reality though. Pakistan is truly a mess.
Imma be honest the stuff towards the end about nuclear arsenal being unsafe was stuff being said during WoT days.

I am slowly thinking this may be a reality though. Pakistan is truly a mess.

IK will be back after these upcoming elections.

Talks are already in the works. Bajra getting a safe exit is the main condition. :coffee:
This endless belief in some Napoleon riding his horse coming to rescue Pakistan is pure delusion.
Instead of trying to reform the painful and only way to emerge out of this morass that would take decades of sustained clear headed effort, Pakistani leaders promise miracle cures.
Decline first has to be slowed and then reversed.
There is no one and nothing in Pakistan that can manage such a transformation .
This endless belief in some Napoleon riding his horse coming to rescue Pakistan is pure delusion.
Instead of trying to reform the painful and only way to emerge out of this morass that would take decades of sustained clear headed effort, Pakistani leaders promise miracle cures.
Decline first has to be slowed and then reversed.
There is no one and nothing in Pakistan that can manage such a transformation .
When people pay taxes and stop the flight of capital. When leaders stop protecting foreign interests for a few dollars... ..this is the dilemma of South Asia ...not limited to Pakistan only.
Ages of corruption of leaders and bureaucracy, judiciary, establishment.
The United States, India, and Iran are right to worry about the security of Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal, as military officers also begin to struggle to get by.

This says it all. Bajwa should be a man now and surrender the nukes to the Americans. Bajwa was ready to overthrow a sitting government on US request after all.

This article seems to be part of the conspiracy leashed against Pakistan by US and it's local collaborators, lead by Mir Bajwa. First destruct a country and then start crying wolf.

These are Bajwa's best friends in the USA.

View attachment 879831

July 14, 2022 Topic: Pakistan Region: Asia Tags: PakistanIMFChinaCPECFailed StateNuclear Weapons

Pakistan’s Coming Collapse Should Worry the World​

The bubble is collapsing, and the result will not be pretty.
by Michael Rubin
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine sent economic shockwaves across not only Europe but also the broader Middle East. Pakistan, whose economy is already weak because of decades of corruption, mismanagement, and unstable governance, has been particularly vulnerable. While many countries are dependent upon Ukrainian or Russian wheat or foreign energy imports, Pakistan requires both. Between July 2020 and January 2021, for example, Pakistan was the third-largest consumer of Ukrainian wheat exports after Indonesia and Egypt. The price spike in oil prices has hit Pakistan hard, driving up the cost of its imports by more than 85 percent, to almost $5 billion, just between 2020 and 2021.
For Pakistan, it is a perfect storm. At the end of Pakistan’s fiscal year on June 30, 2022, its trade deficit neared $50 billion, a 57 percent increase over the previous year. Had the Shehbaz Sharif government not banned the import of more than 800 non-essential luxury items in May 2022, the figure might have been even higher.
Even the middle class is unable to keep up with inflation. In June, inflation soared to over 20 percent, the highest in the recent past. An International Monetary Fund-directed end to subsidies has caused both the price of electricity and gas to soar, even beyond the hike caused by the rise in oil prices worldwide. Food insecurity is rife. According to the State Bank of Pakistan, “reliance on imports for edible oil and oilseed meals to meet domestic demand consumption has been increasing over the past two decades: 86 percent of domestic edible oil consumption in 2020 came from imports up from 77 percent in 2000.” Population growth is only increasing the need for imports as domestic projects to produce soybean and palm oil falter.
Meanwhile, the Pakistani rupee continues to hemorrhage value when compared to the U.S. dollar, off more than 30 percent over the past year. In contrast, the Indian rupee has slid just over six percent. The decline in the Pakistani rupee hurts the middle class especially and all those unable to dollarize their saving. Wealthier households and the affluent invest in lucrative real estate dealings instead of activity that could generate not only rent-seeking income but also employment.
Yusuf Nazar, a former chief strategist at Citigroup’s emerging markets division, estimates that Pakistan’s foreign exchange reserves have dropped by half since February to just $6.3 billion, akin to what Iran suffered under the so-called “maximum pressure” campaign. For Pakistan, however, the dramatic decline is of its own making: According to Nazar, Pakistan has received more International Monetary Fund (IMF) bailouts than any other country. This shows the unwillingness or inability of the Sharifs, Bhuttos, and Khans to implement serious reform.
International patience has worn out. The IMF no longer trusts Pakistani promises to reform, and is unwilling to throw good money after bad. Islamabad’s unwillingness to conduct reforms demanded by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) underlines how intertwined the Inter-Services Intelligence agency is with the murkier aspects of Pakistani finance.
Efforts by some Pakistani liberals to relaunch the stalled Trade and Investment Framework Agreement with the United States have gone nowhere, especially given Washington’s concerns with poor Pakistani regulatory practices, supply chain management, data protection, and intellectual property rights.
One of the reasons successive Pakistani leaders avoided reform was that they believed it easier to accept the fairytales spun by China. Far from being an economic savior for Pakistan, however, it is now clear that Beijing used the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), foolishly acceded to by Sharif’s brother Nawaz, as a mechanism to enslave Pakistan. “Our friendship is higher than the Himalayas and deeper than the deepest sea in the world and sweeter than honey,” he said in words that most Pakistanis today rue. Instead of promoting growth in Pakistan, the CPEC has become a liability for Islamabad. Sovereign counter guarantees to Chinese independent power producers eat up the Pakistani government’s revenue, even as Pakistan continues to face lengthy power outages. CPEC project implementation is sporadic even though, for the last four years, Pakistan is the world’s largest recipient of Chinese grants and assistance.
The World Bank has warned that Pakistan could soon face “macroeconomic instability.” Societal instability would soon follow. Pakistan’s private sector has not created enough jobs to absorb the labor pool. Anger is reaching the boiling point, and growing criminality hints at societal breakdown.
Sri Lanka’s collapse worries the region, but Pakistan’s collapse should worry the world. For decades, state failure in Pakistan has been a nightmare scenario. Both Pakistan and the broader world have had a taste of that scenario as violence, extremism, and poverty engulf the former capital and commercial hub of Karachi and as Pakistani authorities lose control over many regions alongside the Afghanistan border. The United States, India, and Iran are right to worry about the security of Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal, as military officers also begin to struggle to get by. Pakistani elite live in a state of denial believing that the status quo in which they live an affluent life insulated from broader society is permanent. It is not. The bubble is collapsing, and the result will not be pretty.
Michael Rubin is a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute.
Image: Reuters.

Don’t be stupid and post every gossip on the net . Use your brain . All nonsense and meant to simply demoralize us ….
Pakistan won't collapse. For that to occur Rawalpindi would need to collapse and that will not happen as the army is basically ruling the entire country.

Secondly none of our main patrons (China, Arabs etc.) would allow it. The world community would do everything in its power to prevent the total collapse of a nuclear armed nation too. Everyone of the great powers would unite (for a short while) to prevent such a thing from happening.

The worst thing that can happen is the internal disintegration of Pakistan into pre-1947 ethnic/provincial divisions and the collapse of the current "elites" (status quo).

Punjabis (main ethnic group) have no aspirations of any Greater Punjab entity at the expense of Pakistan. Irredentism within Sindhis and Pashtuns is marginal as well.

The greatest tragedy is that the current and long-standing criminal and toxic status quo (Pakistani "elites") SHOULD have fallen apart long ago (for the benefit of the country and most importantly ordinary Pakistanis) but somehow those haramkhoors are still standing.

The United States, India, and Iran are right to worry about the security of Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal, as military officers also begin to struggle to get by.

This says it all. Bajwa should be a man now and surrender the nukes to the Americans. Bajwa was ready to overthrow a sitting government on US request after all.

These are Bajwa's best friends in the USA.

Not sure where Iran came int to the picture, they are a complete non-entity here.
The world community would do everything in its power to prevent the total collapse of a nuclear armed nation too.

Pakistan has always held the gun to its own head threatening to blow its own brains out. Such stupidity may work for a period of time but eventually everyone tires and lets the inevitable happen.
After all we watched worlds largest country with tens of thousands of nuclear weapon disintegrate into several states and in comparison Pakistan is completely inconsequential.
Pakistan has always held the gun to its own head threatening to blow its own brains out. Such stupidity may work for a period of time but eventually everyone tires and lets the inevitable happen.
After all we watched worlds largest country with tens of thousands of nuclear weapon disintegrate into several states and in comparison Pakistan is completely inconsequential.

First of all, the first part of your post makes literally no sense. When where such claims ever made?

The thing here is that it hurt the psychology of the West/Christian world that a newly established Muslim country (former British colony moreover) was able to build nuclear weapons almost 3 decades ago.

As for the USSR, you need to brush up your history lessons. USSR disintegrated peacefully and by mutual accord from the leaders of the USSR republics. This culminated in December of 1991 when Gorbachov signed the document that abolished the USSR. Later (as a consequence of the USSR collapse) small local conflicts emerged. The main ones being in Chechnya, Abkhazia, Southern Ossetia and Moldova. In other words former USSR territories that had no nuclear weapons.

Totally incomparable to a 230 million big nuclear armed nation that has the backing of China, Arabs and others.

Also no matter how much trouble the West creates for Pakistan or vice versa, the West (USA) wants to do everything in their power to have a foot inside Pakistan and for Pakistan not to enter the China camp fully. Probably the recent coup was an desperate attempt of that.

Pakistan has always held the gun to its own head threatening to blow its own brains out. Such stupidity may work for a period of time but eventually everyone tires and lets the inevitable happen.
After all we watched worlds largest country with tens of thousands of nuclear weapon disintegrate into several states and in comparison Pakistan is completely inconsequential.
Final comment.

USSR population by 1991: 289 million.

Pakistan population by 2022: Around 220-230 million.

Not exactly a huge difference here.
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