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Pakistan's 3G, 4G auction draws disappointing bids

Rahil khan

Dec 3, 2011
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SLAMABAD: A dismal response in this week's auction for next-generation cellphone spectrum licences means cash-strapped Pakistan will struggle to fund its budget this year, finance and IT ministry officials and telecom industry executives told Reuters.
Pakistan is set to hold long-awaited auctions for 3G and 4G network licences on April 23, a step the government projects will raise $2 billion to boost the country's foreign reserves.

But officials say there has been scant interest in Monday's bidding process and estimate Pakistan will raise no more than $850 million.

"The finance minister (Ishaq Dar) is very angry, so much so that he wants to call off the auction if we are so embarrassingly off target," said an official on his team, who declined to be identified as he is not authorised to speak officially on the matter.

"This has happened because of an over enthusiastic IT ministry which oversold an undercooked plan to its fiscal managers. It looks like heads may roll on this one."

Pakistan is the only major country in the region that still does not offer 3G services. Its neighbour, war-ravaged Afghanistan, switched to 3G services in 2012.

There are about 132 million mobile phones in use in Pakistan, a country of 180 million people, according to the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority.

Pakistan's telecommunications market was deregulated in 2004 and foreign firms such as Etisalat have invested heavily in recent years.

The finance ministry said in February that Pakistan would sell both the 3G and the more advanced 4G LTE spectrum. Selling just 3G licences could raise $2 billion, and bundling them with 4G spectrum could generate between $4 billion and $5 billion, finance minister Ishaq Dar had estimated.

The 3G spectrum auction was expected to raise Pakistan's gross domestic product by $8 billion and indirectly create up to 900,000 new jobs, a government-commissioned study by Plum Consulting said.

But when bidding closed at 4 pm on Monday, only four out of five cellular mobile companies operating in Pakistan had submitted bids and no new companies showed interest, sources privy to the bidding told Reuters.
Telecom companies Mobilink and Zong bid for 10 MHz. Telenor and Ufone both bid for 5 MHz.

Warid Telecom Pakistan, owned by the privately-held conglomerate Abu Dhabi Group, did not submit a bid, said a source in the company. Neither did Turkcell and Saudi Telecom Company, two foreign companies who had earlier shown interest.

"There are four available 3G blocks in 1800 MHz: two 10 MHz and two 5 MHz. The base price for 10 MHz block is $291 Million and 5 MHz is $146 million," said a finance ministry official present at Monday's bidding.

"The auction is thus expected to go for $863 million, nowhere close to $2 billion."

Bids for 4G LTE licences were to start at $210 million. No operator has shown any interest.

"It looks like 4G won't fetch any money," the finance ministry source said. "The disappointing bids are deepening the budget hole by almost $1.7 billion and are such a big hit the finance minister is ready to postpone the whole auction process."

Spokesmen in the finance ministry, the IT ministry and telecom companies taking part in the bid said they were not authorised to officially comment on the issue.

The disappointing response will pile further pressure on embattled Information Technology Minister Anusha Rahman, who is overseeing the auction.

She drew criticism last month after appointing her husband to the Board of Directors at Ufone, one of the companies bidding for licences and partly owned by the government. He later resigned.
Pakistans 3G, 4G auction draws disappointing bids - thenews.com.pk
I really hope that Dar postpones this auction. This is beyond ridiculous and smells of heavy corruption. Simply not acceptable. Period!
Tax the 3 million tax evaders whose lists are already compiled by NADRA for bridging budget deficit but this auction should proceed, the country needs to advance into 3G. It's already too late!
Tax the 3 million tax evaders whose lists are already compiled by NADRA for bridging budget deficit but this auction should proceed, the country needs to advance into 3G. It's already too late!
Not at loss of $1.7 Billion. I'm sorry but, there's no way a country like Pakistan in such dire economic state afford to waive off THAT kind of money. No way sir.
Not at loss of $1.7 Billion. I'm sorry but, there's no way a country like Pakistan in such dire economic state afford to waive off THAT kind of money. No way sir.

Waive off? Who's waiving off any thing? The base price set by the government was 291mil for 10MHz and 146mil for 5 MHz they got that. No one is waving off anything.

If someone made khayali plao that in current economic condition they will get 2.5 times the base amount then they should get their mental health checked.

Reminds me of the squabbling the government did over few cents with a Chinese company that was setting up thar coal project in the mid 2000s, the result, thar coal is still a dream.
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Why aren't the Chinese investing in Pakistan's spectrum auction?
Waive off? Who's waiving off any thing? The base price set by the government was 291mil for 10MHz and 146mil for 5 MHz they got that. No one is waving off anything.

If someone made khayali plao that in current economic condition they will get 2.5 times the base amount then they should get their mental health checked.

Reminds me of the squabbling the government did over few cents with a Chinese company that was setting up thar coal project in the mid 2000s, the result, thar coal is still a dream.
You may very well be right in principle mate but, scandals/scams are very carefully fabricated to look that way. Isn't it so? I may be wrong in this regard but, I welcome the notion of Finance Minister taking notice of it. After all, that so called $2 Billion projection wasn't made out of thin air unless you've information to believe otherwise. And let's not forget that finger's have been raised multiple times over IT Minister Anusha Rehman and, how she been conducting day to day affairs. And whether you like to see it or not but, only 4 out of 5 companies already operating in country taking part in such a crucial bid and not a single foreign company's participation. . . I'm sorry it simply seems too fishy, particularly in backdrop of Mrs Anusha's tenure as our IT Minister.

That's my two cents anyway.
Wait for official response of I.T/ Telecom Ministries and Ministry of Finance :coffee:
It is better in a way, too much of initial cost would increase the usage cost for customers. :)

And disinterest in 4G services is understandable, 4G is primarily a data service for laptops, very few 4G mobiles exist today, and almost all are in the high price range catering to a small market.
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I already said this will fail.. No consistency in government policies. Still YouTube and other sites are banned. Even **** sites are also banned....
Only mad people will invest in 3G and 4G here.
This mental government is expecting 5, or 6 billion $ from this auction.
This is not possible when you have tiny mind IT minister "Anusha rehman"...She is black spot on IT sector.
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Should have started out small - a couple of cities at most and see the response for a couple of months and then go for a wider implementation. One cannot fool serious investors and expect billions in one go for an hitherto first time tech in a country - investors are much more smarter than government departments and ministers.

No point talking about a 132 million user base because just a fraction of them would be able to afford 3G compatible phones let alone pay for 3G services.
PTA refutes Reuters report about finance minister’s disappointment over bidding process.

Overwhelming response from existing telcos for all offered spectrum licences: PTA chief – The Express Tribune

The finance ministry said in February that Pakistan would sell both the 3G and the more advanced 4G LTE spectrum. Selling just 3G licences could raise $2 billion, and bundling them with 4G spectrum could generate between $4 billion and $5 billion, finance minister Ishaq Dar had estimated.

A government-commissioned study by Plum Consulting estimates the 3G spectrum auction would raise Pakistan's gross domestic product by $8 billion and indirectly create up to 900,000 new jobs.

PTA dispels reports of dismal response to 3G, 4G auction - DAWN.COM
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