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Pakistanis too scared to leave home, many want to flee country

BTW, how many Pakistani want to go back to their homeland from the western countries?.. So many of them are scared to even go back to visit their families fearing they may not be able to return in time. It has been always a one-way trip... check out the immigration line in Canada and you'll see. :mod:

if you have bombs daily your Indians will also refrain from visiting India during that situation. Its understandable thing.

And you should also check how many Indians are flocking to western countries for finding better livelihood. Its a natural wish for economically weak people everywhere.
these ar innocent people with normal life offcourse there will be panic not oly there but anywhere in the world where situation is worse afterall its about life and living
Thanks for the concern.
Any innocent killed is a crime most hated by Allah.

I have to say one thing though, despite the fact that many people when given a choice will leave to save themselves, there are many people who do not jump to a foreign land that easily and we still have many such people in our midst who do not want to leave their country.
There are all sorts of people and all have their reasons, however my point is that it is not an easy thing to leave one's country even if there is a choice to do so.

One thing i would like to share which always bugs me.
In the foreign land there are many who are settled in countries like UK and reaping the benefits of all the social welfare programs etc. which are being run by the Goras but still have no qualms about defending the atrocities of TTP as a righteous struggle against the devilish Goras and calling us Pakistanis as slaves of Gora who deserve this for faltering in the path of Allah...these are the sort of crazy people i am happy to see the back of...no doubt about it!
Their conceited and utterly narrow view of the world and their sheer disregard for the lives of the innocents is clearly reflected in the extend to which they go on and on in favor of the misunderstood terrorist....

The hypocrisy of living in the land of the hated Gora and having the guts to call us slaves of Gora even when we act against the likes of TTP to protect our innocents is a bit too much...i say good riddance to these people...i wish they stop calling themselves Pakistanis for they are most certainly not Pakistanis and due to their attitude they are at odds with everyone expect the likes of TTP...whom they proclaim as the voice of the nation...

I just wish such people do not come back at all...in time i am sure their Gora hosts would try to kick them out...then they shall even be more pissed off and if they come back here they will certainly stir more trouble...
I wish we can create an island for such people, TTP and all the terrorist outfits and let them debate healthily about what is right and wrong...after all TTP encourages healthy debate...if only on how best to torture and kill their opponents...

Brother I'm with you on both counts

1) Choosing to stay back in watan and fighting it out to improve one's own country as against someone else's (I have pretty strong bordering on radical views on this which would be suited to another thread)

2) IF for whatever reason you have decided to call someone else's country home, for God's sake don't crap in the same thali that feeds you your daily bread. Not only crap in your current thali, but also crap in the thali you left behind and which made you what you are today. Have the spine and the basic loyalty to not do that. It does not lessen you as a Pakistani (and its equally true for many of our Indians) to do that.

Cheers, Doc
^^^pakistanis are more resilient than led to believe in this thread!!!
^^^ All animals forced into a corner are. Its the survival code programmed into all of us.

Its the classic Fight or Flight response.

The trick lies in preempting the need to trigger that part of your DNA ..... which is the attempt of all civilized countries for their people.

Hope and pray Pakistan and Pakistanis do not continue to need to exhibit their resilience to the whole world once all this is over.

Cheers, Doc

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