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Pakistanis too scared to leave home, many want to flee country

Pakistanis too scared to leave home, many want to flee country
Omer Farooq Khan, TNN 27 October 2009, 01:44am IST
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ISLAMABAD: Peshawar-based Mustafa Kamal has had enough: he has just got his12-year-old son freed from a band of criminals in the lawless tribal
Internally displaced people flee
Internally displaced people fleeing a military offensive in South Waziristan. (Reuters)
area of Khyber agency by paying a ransom. He has left a lucrative job with Pakistan's telecommunication department and now has the immigartion papers for Canada ready for his entire family.

``I'm lucky to have found my son alive. But I won't take any more risk. Life has become extremely dangerous — it's not worth living here. Enough'senough,'' says Kamal.

For a country badly bloodied by a wave of suicide attacks (at least eight this month alone), the next tragedy appears to be collapse of governance. The Pakistani state is pitted against a wide array of militant groups across the country in a situation teetering on the brink of a civil war. And the chasm between the government and the people seems to be growing by the day.

The popular perception is that Pakistan is fighting the US war against terror. Many people in the lawless North West Frontier Province say Pakistan has been sold to the US piece by piece. Under coercion, they argue, Pakistan has started a war that has consumed its economy, national security, and has torn apart its social fabric.

``Our national integrity is at risk. I wish not to see the end of Pakistan in my lifetime. It is not yet too late for Pakistan to return from the precipice of national suicide. Pakistan must take a u-turn and preempt the civil war. Pakistan must say an emphatic no to the US,'' says Rabnawaz Khan, a former Pakistani diplomat, stressing that an internally torn Pakistan does not weaken but strengthens militants.

The civil unrest has spilled into many parts, giving rise to fear psychosis among citizens. So much so that when twin blasts rocked Islamabad's Islamic University on October 20, many did not believe that it was militants' handiwork. Instead, they blamed ``indistinct forces out to discredit Islam or weaken Pakistan''.

That attack led the authorities to take an unprecedented step of closing down all schools, colleges and other training institutions in the country. ``The law and order situation has only worsened since the military operations against the Taliban started. How can we believe that things will normalize by carrying out a big operation in Waziristan? I think the repercussions are going to be more blasts and suicide attacks,'' said Palwasha Zia, a third year student of Home Economics in Peshawar.

``People are very scared. Every time I go to market, I worry about blasts. We are being targeted and our life has become very difficult. We are hoping the situation will get better. What else can we do?'' says Shaheen Akhtar, a deputy provost of Peshawar University.

October has been the cruelest month. Militants have struck UN offices, police buildings, army headquarters in Rawalpindi and ambushed security forces. The government response has been on expected lines: it swiftly sent troops to battle the entrenched militants in trouble-torn South Waziristan and beefed up security in all major cities. Reportedly, there were at least 72 check posts at entry and exit points around sensitive installations in Islamabad before these attacks. Now, the check points have been increased up to 300 in the federal capital.

Has it helped? Margalla Road, the most expensive and posh area of Islamabad, has almost been turned into a fortress, with concrete barricades, security pickets and barbed wires installed in most of the places. The residents say driving inside the capital has become extremely difficult as they are checked several times a day during routine work. ``Establishing security pickets in residential areas and check points have not resolved the issue of law and order; rather the situation has further deteriorated,'' said a traffic police official in Islamabad's Blue area, wishing not to be named.

Just two days after the attack on Islamic university that killed seven people, suspected militants shot dead a senior Pakistani army officer of brigadier rank and a soldier in Islamabad on Wednesday, suggesting militants are shifting tactics in the face of a sweeping army drive in their South Waziristan stronghold.

``First, it was Peshawar. Then Islamabad and Karachi, and now Lahore and Rawalpindi. When you live in a place which is under threat of continuous attacks, you'll have to think twice before you step out of your house. The scare among people is visible — there are fewer people out on streets,'' says Mujeeb-ur Rehman, a news anchor in Islamabad-based TV station.

The frequent terror attacks have greatly damaged the business climate. Nasir Dawood, who ran a boutique shop in Rawalpindi's Raja Bazaar till last week has finally shut shop. ``My business was badly damaged in the last one year. Scared customers don't come for shopping. To avoid any further losses, I had no option,'' Nasir said.

Habibullah Zahid, another businessman who owns four restaurants in Peshawar, has shifted his family to Islamabad to escape the constant threats of militants. ``Though my business was affected, I left Peshawar due to threats to my life. A group of militants or criminals in the Khyber tribal area has made it a habit to make threatening calls, demanding money in millions. I could no more give in to their demands,'' says Zahid.

Pakistanis too scared to leave home, many want to flee country - Pakistan - World - The Times of India

Strange, my family once go to Pak, won't come back for months. Beg them to come back. May be people who are desperately searching for jobs.
Pakistanis are a resilient bunch. In the words of Tanweer Naqwi:

Aag aur khoon kay udher aman ki abaadi hai

Khud bakhud toot kay girti nahi zanjeer kabhi
Badli jaati hai badalti nahi taqdeer kabhi

Rang lai ga shaheedon ka lahu

All of what is going today will shape a better Pakistan for tomorrow Inshallah.
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The sort of cr*ap indian media is spreading about pak shows their intentions ... A message from a pakistani :: no one is thinking of leaving pak we are well prepared for all sh*t we have dealth with the worst and we will deal with wats next..! nice try now u can f** off and die
We will not be intimidated by these lizards.

We are here and we will prevail. inshallah

As far as the question of going to western countries is concerned i do not see the difference between Indian and Pakistani public both flock to the embassies with equal diligence for earning some money.
We will not be intimidated by these lizards.

We are here and we will prevail. inshallah

As far as the question of going to western countries is concerned i do not see the difference between Indian and Pakistani public both flock to the embassies with equal diligence for earning some money.

BTW, how many Pakistani want to go back to their homeland from the western countries?.. So many of them are scared to even go back to visit their families fearing they may not be able to return in time. It has been always a one-way trip... check out the immigration line in Canada and you'll see. :mod:
BTW, how many Pakistani want to go back to their homeland from the western countries?.. So many of them are scared to even go back to visit their families fearing they may not be able to return in time. It has been always a one-way trip... check out the immigration line in Canada and you'll see. :mod:

Mr.... where are you getting your facts from?
BTW, how many Pakistani want to go back to their homeland from the western countries?.. So many of them are scared to even go back to visit their families fearing they may not be able to return in time. It has been always a one-way trip... check out the immigration line in Canada and you'll see. :mod:

The people you see most in Canada are turbanators.

I have a british passport but i live in my homeland where as you do not.
Its very simple ..... when the whole country is in flames, those who can afford to will leave. Those who cannot, will stick around because there is no other option. And its got nothing to do with pakistani courage or fortitude or balls or any other soaked-in-testosterone cliche you may like to come up with. Neither has it got anything to do with patriotism for the watan at such times for the civilian population ..... or choosing to lead a life as a first-class citizen in your own dangerous country compared to a second-class existence elsewhere safer. Its called majboori, and its found everywhere. How many hours after a bomb blast do you find Mumbaikars getting on to the locals again? You got to eat, you got to work. You make sure your wife and kids are home and stay home, and you go out to office with a prayer on your lips. I remember my paranoia walking past every parked car on MG Road the immediate days after any bomb blast in our country as well. Its only human. But you cannot continue to live in fear and life must go on. I sympathise with the Pakistanis brothers and sisters here and hope and pray you guys find peace at the end of this trial by fire for your country.

Stay safe.

Cheers, Doc
If India is so wonderful, then why do sooo many indians leave their india to live in different countries.

- Indians: 1,501,782[1] - 2,765,815[2]
0.50% - 0.92% of the U.S. population (2007)
Indian American - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

- Pakistanis: 195,037[1] - 286,302[2]
0.065% - 0.095% of the U.S population (2007)
Pakistani American - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

- Indians: 962,665 (2006)[1]
3.1% of the Canadian population
Indo-Canadians - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

- Pakistanis: 124,730 [1]
0.2% - 0.37% of the Canadian population
Pakistani Canadian - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Have you ever heard of this many people from other countries (other than Bangladesh) settling in India?
mr. umairp and mr. "logic", All that I quote are my first hand experiences... I have a few Pakistani friends out here who just don't want to go back because they are afraid that they might not get permission to come back (visa). It is not about getting facts from anywhere, but what I see around me. And on top of that they are really not sure whats going to happen to their own country, the situation is worsening at an alarming rate (quoting from a conversation last month with another gentleman from Lahore)
I can only laugh over the ignorance of the indian media/people's perception about the Pakistani nation. We are scared to leave our homes? no bomb blasts and acts of terrorism can deter Us. Unlike the neighbors who still have nightmares of the mumbai attacks.
Its very simple ..... when the whole country is in flames, those who can afford to will leave. Those who cannot, will stick around because there is no other option. And its got nothing to do with pakistani courage or fortitude or balls or any other soaked-in-testosterone cliche you may like to come up with. Neither has it got anything to do with patriotism for the watan at such times for the civilian population ..... or choosing to lead a life as a first-class citizen in your own dangerous country compared to a second-class existence elsewhere safer. Its called majboori, and its found everywhere. How many hours after a bomb blast do you find Mumbaikars getting on to the locals again? You got to eat, you got to work. You make sure your wife and kids are home and stay home, and you go out to office with a prayer on your lips. I remember my paranoia walking past every parked car on MG Road the immediate days after any bomb blast in our country as well. Its only human. But you cannot continue to live in fear and life must go on. I sympathise with the Pakistanis brothers and sisters here and hope and pray you guys find peace at the end of this trial by fire for your country.

Stay safe.

Cheers, Doc

Thanks for the concern.
Any innocent killed is a crime most hated by Allah.

I have to say one thing though, despite the fact that many people when given a choice will leave to save themselves, there are many people who do not jump to a foreign land that easily and we still have many such people in our midst who do not want to leave their country.
There are all sorts of people and all have their reasons, however my point is that it is not an easy thing to leave one's country even if there is a choice to do so.

One thing i would like to share which always bugs me.
In the foreign land there are many who are settled in countries like UK and reaping the benefits of all the social welfare programs etc. which are being run by the Goras but still have no qualms about defending the atrocities of TTP as a righteous struggle against the devilish Goras and calling us Pakistanis as slaves of Gora who deserve this for faltering in the path of Allah...these are the sort of crazy people i am happy to see the back of...no doubt about it!
Their conceited and utterly narrow view of the world and their sheer disregard for the lives of the innocents is clearly reflected in the extend to which they go on and on in favor of the misunderstood terrorist....

The hypocrisy of living in the land of the hated Gora and having the guts to call us slaves of Gora even when we act against the likes of TTP to protect our innocents is a bit too much...i say good riddance to these people...i wish they stop calling themselves Pakistanis for they are most certainly not Pakistanis and due to their attitude they are at odds with everyone expect the likes of TTP...whom they proclaim as the voice of the nation...

I just wish such people do not come back at all...in time i am sure their Gora hosts would try to kick them out...then they shall even be more pissed off and if they come back here they will certainly stir more trouble...
I wish we can create an island for such people, TTP and all the terrorist outfits and let them debate healthily about what is right and wrong...after all TTP encourages healthy debate...if only on how best to torture and kill their opponents...

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