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Pakistanis Report Higher Sense of Well-being, Future Pessimism

Yay! Off topic: Bd stats prove what I've been saying for ages: miserable PDF Bangladeshis are not representative of our happy, easy-going and overall contented populous.

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The claimed higher sense of well being is obviously a false construct made by those who wish to keep the nation fooled, but it falls apart when it meets the reality that generates the pessimism for the future.

Then again, this misplaced sense of well being tallies up with many of your own observations about the Pak collective daze ... Knowingly driving off a precipice, I think you said.
The classification of countries by Pew appears to be based on per capita income; high-income are "developed", middle-income "emerging" and low-income "developing" countries.

Country: Pakistan
Sample design: Multi-stage cluster sample stratified by province and urbanity
Mode: Face-to-face adults 18 plus
Languages: Urdu, Pashto, Punjabi, Saraiki, Sindhi
Fieldwork dates: April 15 – May 7, 2014
Sample size: 1,203
Margin of error: +/-4.2 percentage points
Representative: Adult population (excluding the Federally Administered Tribal Areas, Gilgit-Baltistan, Azad Jammu and Kashmir for security reasons, areas of instability in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa [formerly the North-West Frontier Province] and Baluchistan, military restricted areas and villages with less than 100 inhabitants – together, roughly 18% of the population). Disproportionately urban. The data were weighted to reflect the actual urbanity distribution in Pakistan.

Country: India
Sample design: Multi-stage cluster sample stratified by region and urbanity
Mode: Face-to-face adults 18 plus
Languages: Hindi, Bengali, Tamil, Telugu, Marathi, Kannada, Gujarati, Odia
Fieldwork dates: April 14 – May 1, 2014
Sample size: 2,464
Margin of error: +/-3.1 percentage points
Representative: Adult population in 15 of the 17 most populous states (Kerala and Assam were excluded) and the Union Territory of Delhi (roughly 91% of the population). Disproportionately urban. The data were weighted to reflect the actual urbanity distribution in India.

Methods in Detail | Pew Research Center's Global Attitudes Project

Incredibly small dataset.....
Then again, this misplaced sense of well being tallies up with many of your own observations about the Pak collective daze ... Knowingly driving off a precipice, I think you said.

Walking off the precipice Sir, not driving. The wheels fell off the car a long time ago. :D

Incredibly small dataset.....

But enough to make a mountain out of it. :D
Oldsport, plagiarizing survey results doesn't make you a statistician, I have enough copq's and cogs under my belt to know what size data is true representation of trends. So sell your bull crap to others.

It's not just your lack of statistics knowledge, I also pity your lack of basic manners and understanding of the meaning of words like plagiarize.
Walking off the precipice Sir, not driving. The wheels fell off the car a long time ago. :D

But enough to make a mountain out of it. :D

LOL, I really LMAO at that. Our "Hacq's A-musings" can keep us amused for years . Than god that he pops-up now and then on PDF like a Jack-in-the-Box to keep our boredom away. :D
It's not just your lack of statistics knowledge, I also pity your lack of basic manners and understanding of the meaning of words like plagiarize.

You do realize that you are joke here, right?
I have yet to see the higher well being but have personal experience of the pessimism.
I have yet to see the higher well being but have personal experience of the pessimism.

So you are among the 49% in the Pakistan Pew survey who do not feel they are better off now than they were in 2002 or 2007.
So you are among the 49% in the Pakistan Pew survey who do not feel they are better off now than they were in 2002 or 2007.

Nope. I feel much less secure and much less better off.. I felt much less secure and much less better off in 2007 than I did in 2003. The only time I felt better off was while NOT in Pakistan in 2012.
Nope. I feel much less secure and much less better off.. I felt much less secure and much less better off in 2007 than I did in 2003. The only time I felt better off was while NOT in Pakistan in 2012.

You are confirming what I said. You are among the 49% of Pakistanis who feel they are NOT better off than they were in 2002 and 2007. NOT better off includes those who feel they are WORSE OFF.

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