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Pakistanis beat global median in religious freedom, says Pew survey


Mar 30, 2010
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A recent Pew survey reveals that Pakistanis rank higher than the global median for freedom to practice religion. However, the country ranked low in other categories including supporting gender equality, believing in freedom of expression, a free media and Internet.

In order to better understand the fundamental democratic values governing a country's population, a recent survey by Pew Research Center polled 38 countries on matters of religious freedom and freedom of expression.

The Global Attitudes Survey was conducted in the UK, America, France, middle-eastern countries, Turkey, Pakistan, India, South East Asian countries, north and west-African countries, and Latin America. Almost all countries surveyed agreed it is somewhat important to live in a country that fosters free speech and allows the press and internet to run uncensored.

African and Asian countries typically expressed less support for equal rights and freedoms than European, Latin American, and (some) middle-eastern countries. Pakistan almost always fell on the tail end of all statistics.

Pakistanis support freedom of religious practice
A global median of 74pc illustrated that it is important for people to freely practice their religion. In Pakistan, the figure was higher than the median, at 84pc.

-Pew Research Center

A correlation was found between people’s sentiments and their personal relationship with religion and spirituality. People who considered religion an integral part of their life were more likely to believe that others should also be allowed to practice their religion freely.

This was the only category where some European countries ranked lower than the global median. In France and Poland, only 52-55pc of the population agreed with the statement. Vietnam and North Korea showed the lowest interest in freedom for religious expression (less than 50pc).

-Pew Research Center
A country for men
The survey asked people if they believed women should be afforded the same rights as men. Compared to the global median of 65pc, only 62pc of Pakistanis agreed that women should enjoy equal rights.

While Pakistan ranked higher than other Muslim countries eg. Turkey (48pc) and Jordan (44pc), it still fell behind the region’s average. In India, for example, 71pc of the population favoured equal gender rights.

According to the survey, the Middle-East is one of the worst places for gender equality, with the notable exception of Israel (69pc) and Lebanon (75pc). European and Latin American populations ranked the highest. In these countries, more than 80pc respondents supported equal rights.

Furthermore, the survey showed that gender equality is a bigger concern for women than men. While 76pc of women interviewed in Pakistan felt that they should be given equal rights as men, only 52pc of men concurred. This, conversely, ranks Pakistani men on the lower end of the survey, since most countries (including the ones with lower medians), boasted greater percentages of male support.

PEW noted that countries where the gender gap was particularly marked were all emerging and developing nations.

The right to censor
51pc of Pakistanis felt that freedom of expression should be a fundamental right, although only 41pc afforded the same rights to media outlets.

North America, South America, Europe and Lebanon ranked highest on support for free expression and an uncensored press (60-70pc). The survey found that people earning higher incomes were more likely to support a free press. Countries with higher levels of education also displayed a similar correlation, which could help explain Pakistan’s low ranking in supporting freedom of press.

The only countries that ranked worse than Pakistan were India (41pc), and Vietnam and Indonesia (both at 35pc).

Shifting the question to online freedom, only 25pc of Pakistanis felt that people should be able to browse the internet without censorship. Pakistan was among the lowest countries ranked.

Once again, European and American populations were more supportive of a free internet. According to PEW, attitudes towards internet freedom are closely linked with access to internet. Non users, for example, are less likely to oppose internet censorship.

A fair vote
When asked whether honest elections should be held regularly with a choice of at least 2 parties, only 45pc of Pakistani respondents said yes. Pakistan was among the only five nations (the others being India, Tanzania, Indonesia and Vietnam) where people did not feel strongly about fair and free elections with at least two parties, possibly because having less than two parties has never been a problem for these nations.

The global median for this question was 61pc.

Pakistanis beat global median in religious freedom, says Pew survey - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
Which religion ????

Any religion. And the best part is that Islamist Pakistan has better numbers than "secular" Indian as per this survey. Ask your government to improve the drama of "secular India".
Hard to swallow for dehati neighbor. I suggest taking it with a pinch of chawan parash.
Any religion. And the best part is that Islamist Pakistan has better numbers than "secular" Indian as per this survey. Ask your government to improve the drama of "secular India".

84 % pakistanis supporting religious freedom is good and it actually is an outcome of pakistans policy to be an islamist country close to the arab world , the peoples mindset in pakistan has changed gradually over a period of time as they have seen the cascading effects of zia era polices on their society , terrorism which has caused havoc in pakistan and led to human , infra loss is also an outcome of its religious intolerance & political blunders , not to forget how pakistani army recognized itself as a muslim army fighting hindu india . Thus the people today in pakistan believe secularism was a better pill to swallow than religious extremism , that doesn't make pakistan a better country than india today on grounds of secularism today and that doesn't mean that pakistan was always a secular , tolerant country full of noble people and all those hindus , sikhs , christians that were subjugated by violence in pakistan or killed are lying . Not to forget when pakistanis go outside they are identified as citizens of a country where christians are targeted and thats a big thing in western countries , even that humiliation must have had an impact , often non-residential pakistanis are the biggest champions of religious tolerance back home.
84 % pakistanis supporting religious freedom is good and it actually is an outcome of pakistans policy to be an islamist country close to the arab world , the peoples mindset in pakistan has changed gradually over a period of time as they have seen the cascading effects of zia era polices on their society , terrorism which has caused havoc in pakistan and led to human , infra loss is also an outcome of its religious intolerance & political blunders , not to forget how pakistani army recognized itself as a muslim army fighting hindu india . Thus the people today in pakistan believe secularism was a better pill to swallow than religious extremism , that doesn't make pakistan a better country than india today on grounds of secularism today and that doesn't mean that pakistan was always a secular , tolerant country full of noble people and all those hindus , sikhs , christians that were subjugated by violence in pakistan or killed are lying . Not to forget when pakistanis go outside they are identified as citizens of a country where christians are targeted and thats a big thing in western countries , even that humiliation must have had an impact , often non-residential pakistanis are the biggest champions of religious tolerance back home.

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Which religion ????

Don't worry we are not put ban food on our Hindu brothers and they can eat whatever they like and so do with others and guess what, even Christean can eat poke here in Pakistan. So chill
Dear Sir,

If the ranked Pakistan the bottom level you will be the first person to declare this biased and bogus then why you post this finding when they are biased and bogus.
Pakistan and religeous freedom are you joking.


@WAJsal @Spectre
Your views Gents

agreed , lets be real pakistan has a history wrt to religious intolerance now all of a sudden people here are trying to paint pakistan as this secular and minority loving country is not gonna work especially by its print media which is running some kind of propaganda to portray it as beacon of peace and hindu modi india as the intolerant , some of the members here are typical hypocrites .
agreed , lets be real pakistan has a history wrt to religious intolerance now all of a sudden people here are trying to paint pakistan as this secular and minority loving country is not gonna work especially by its print media which is running some kind of propaganda to portray it as beacon of peace and hindu modi india as the intolerant , some of the members here are typical hypocrites .

I am not like others, hypocrisy is a curse for me, I feel laugh when people criticize Modi. You created Pakistan on the basis of religion which I am also supporter of that even I am supporting Kashmir independence but it is not mean I become biased. Modi is doing well for Hindus which they deprived from last 67 years why you fell PIA.

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