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Pakistani WW1-Turkish War of Independence Hero


Feb 9, 2014
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Pakistani WW1-Turkish War of Independence Hero


An Indian Muslim was the Anadolu Agency's first employee in war-torn Anatolia.

World Bulletin / News Desk

During the turbulent days of Turkey's Independence War following the Ottoman Empires defeat in World War I, an Indian Muslim who left his country to lend a hand to the ailing Ottomans became the first journalist for the Anadolu Agency, the nascent Turkey's first news outlet and their first foreign affairs officer.

Working beside the Anadolu Agency's two founders, the famous novelist Halide Edip (Adivar) and renowned journalist Yunus Nadi (Abalioglu), Abdurrahman Peshawari wrote his news stories in a small office, typing stories of wartime atrocities, victories and losses and sending them out, with only one finger "flying" over a typewriter, according to Yunus Nadi's memoirs.

Abdurrahman Peshawari was born in the city of Peshawar in the famed Khyber Valley, and was only 26 when he sold his clothes and books to pay for his sea journey, despite the wishes of his wealthy family, who urged him to continue his studies.

Peshawari sailed with 26 Indian Muslims in an Italian ship from Mumbai to Istanbul, the capital of the Ottoman Empire, and during the long journey volunteer doctors in the group trained him in first aid. Peshawari was motivated by high Islamic ideals. He fought with the Ottoman army and was injured three times while fighting at Gallipoli against the British Imperial navy, during which Ottoman troops managed to repel invading forces from the Dardanelles Strait.

He later joined with an Ottoman Red Crescent group, bringing financial aid from Indian Muslims to purchase medical equipment for the Ottoman armies fighting in the Balkans. Indian Muslim communities supported the Ottomans during the empire's collapse and Peshawari was a notable member of this group, said Mucahit Arslan, a Turkish history researcher who uncovered the story of this "unknown hero" of Turkey's Independence War.

The Caliphate Movement by Muslim communities in "British Raj" India began as early as 1912, while the Ottomans were fighting in the Balkans, and many Indian Muslims contributed, either financially or in person. Some wealthy Indians studying medicine in Europe established a field hospital during the battle of Gallipoli.

Peshawari joined the Ottoman army and saw active service in Beirut and Gallipoli during World War I.

After the war, despite his family urging him to return home, he chose to stay where the Turkish Republic was being established in Ankara in the midst of shattered and war-torn Anatolia, refusing his mother’s pleas to return by saying, "I cannot come back while the Muslim nation is under invasion."

Peshawari served the nascent Turkish Republic, when he was appointed by Ataturk as ambassador to Afghanistan until his story ended tragically when he was assassinated in Istanbul in 1925, apparently mistaken for a military commander.

This abrupt end to Peshawari's career meant that he was denied the international fame which many other 20th century reporters found. Martha Gellhorn, George Orwell, Ernest Hemingway and Walter Cronkite are just some of the names who documented the most terrible conflicts of their time. However, in Turkey, Peshawari can truly be said to have been in a league of his own.

Indian Muslim hero in Turkey's liberation war | Personage | Worldbulletin News
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1.Bengalee Muslims had come out in the street in support of the Caliphate and condemning WCC/British. Volunteers were sent to fight. Substantial funds were collected and sent.There have been cases, Allah be praised, when little girls in school donated their earrings for the cause.
2.After the war Ataturk allowed the volunteers to stay back as they would be prosecuted in India. A place near Izmir was given to them to settle. Quite a sum was left un-utilized out of the collections. Ataturk ordered a bank to be established with that money.
3. Then there is another side of the picture. The British had forbidden military service for the Bengalee Muslims after the armed uprising,1857. The Bengalee Muslim elite led by the Nawab of Dhaka managed to persuade the Viceroy to allow raising of two Bengalee Companies of Muslims exclusively to fight for the colonial masters. One Company was quartered at Karachi and stayed here throughout the war. Our national poet Kazi Nazrul Islam was a Havildar in this Coy.
4. My grandfather was in the other Coy which was sent to Palestine. They were duly deployed at night in defenses. In the morning they discovered they were facing the soldiers of the Caliph. That was too much to accept because every Friday khutba was offered in the name of this very Caliph. By temperament Bengalees are not mercenary. They simply put down their weapons refusing to fire on the soldiers of their Khalifa. The Coy was sent back and personnel sent home.
What a truly inspiring story @Kaan

People who wouldn't know, will say its just a sentimental thread. Its not. It shows how our two nations - Turkey and Pakistan are joined in history, in culture, in religion and values.

Pakistan is fortunate it does not have only diplomatic relations with few countries, we have brothers. God bless Turkey
1.Bengalee Muslims had come out in the street in support of the Caliphate and condemning WCC/British. Volunteers were sent to fight. Substantial funds were collected and sent.There have been cases, Allah be praised, when little girls in school donated their earrings for the cause.
2.After the war Ataturk allowed the volunteers to stay back as they would be prosecuted in India. A place near Izmir was given to them to settle. Quite a sum was left un-utilized out of the collections. Ataturk ordered a bank to be established with that money.
3. Then there is another side of the picture. The British had forbidden military service for the Bengalee Muslims after the armed uprising,1857. The Bengalee Muslim elite led by the Nawab of Dhaka managed to persuade the Viceroy to allow raising of two Bengalee Companies of Muslims exclusively to fight for the colonial masters. One Company was quartered at Karachi and stayed here throughout the war. Our national poet Kazi Nazrul Islam was a Havildar in this Coy.
4. My grandfather was in the other Coy which was sent to Palestine. They were duly deployed at night in defenses. In the morning they discovered they were facing the soldiers of the Caliph. That was too much to accept because every Friday khutba was offered in the name of this very Caliph. By temperament Bengalees are not mercenary. They simply put down their weapons refusing to fire on the soldiers of their Khalifa. The Coy was sent back and personnel sent home.
BD are always in my Good Books, I think they are more Islamic then rest of us
BD are always in my Good Books, I think they are more Islamic then rest of us
Eastern Muslims had received The Message in pure form direct and unadulterated by time or intervening cultures. Brought by ships and preached initially to the Arab/semi-Arab settlers here, Muslims from BD to the Philippines have clung to it for last 1,500 years.We ourselves were blessed during the life-time of The Holy Prophet pbuh.
Eastern Muslims had received The Message in pure form direct and unadulterated by time or intervening cultures. Brought by ships and preached initially to the Arab/semi-Arab settlers here, Muslims from BD to the Philippines have clung to it for last 1,500 years.We ourselves were blessed during the life-time of The Holy Prophet pbuh.
You people use to have Pure Islamic Names.....and i observed that from your Cricket team names.....
Saif ul Islam
Mushfi ur rahman
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