I went there in 2016. It was a little foggy. We got to one part where everyone seems to be looking at a very large pit. Because of the fog, I thought it was a large lake, but then I suddenly realized beyond the "surface of the lake" (mirrage/illusion created by the fog), I was staring into a "bottomless" pit. That was the coolest section of the mountains.
I don't know why they took everyone's fingerprint at the entrance though. Maybe presumably if you fell to your death, they could take your remains and ID you?!?!
BTW, I didn't see any foreigners or any White person there. Contrast to Beijing where it was like 50% foreigners. I think it's rare for foreigners to know about this place. Because I was touring as an international group/international passport holder, the rest of our tour bus was jammed packed with Taiwanese. You'd be surprised how many Taiwanese come and visit this place!