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Pakistani Taliban commander killed in bombing in Wana


Oct 8, 2009
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By BILL ROGGIODecember 22, 2012

A Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan commander and three other people were killed in a bombing yesterday in Wana, the main town in the Taliban-controlled tribal agency of South Waziristan. The bombing appears to be related to an assassination attempt on another senior Taliban leader who is linked to al Qaeda.

Maulvi Abbas Wazir was killed in a blast at his office, which was located near a bazaar in Wana. The cause of the attack is unclear; some reports indicate that a bomb was placed in the office, while another indicates that it was a suicide bomber that killed Abbas.

Abbas was one of six Taliban commanders in Wana who joined up with Hakeemullah Mehsud's Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan back in the fall of 2010 [see LWJ report, Pakistani Taliban enlist 6 local groups in Wana region of South Waziristan]. The Wana branch of the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan is led by Wali Muhammad, the son of famed Taliban commander Nek Muhammad, who was killed in the first recorded US Predator strike in Pakistan in 2004. Wali replaced Haji Omar, another Taliban commander who was killed in a drone strike in early 2010.

The presence of Abbas and other Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan leaders in the Wana area is a direct violation of a peace agreement between Mullah Nazir, one of the tribal agency's most powerful Taliban commanders, and the Pakistani military. Nazir agreed to not shelter or support the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan in exchange for the military bypassing his tribal areas during an offensive that was launched in 2009. Additionally, Nazir, who has described himself as an al Qaeda commander, has continued to shelter al Qaeda and other allied terror groups. The Pakistani military is well aware of Nazir's violations, yet continues to allow him operate without repercussions.

According to Pakistani press reports, Abbas was closely allied with Uzbek fighters in the al Qaeda-allied Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan and its splinter organization, the Islamic Jihad Union. In 2007, Abbas was ejected from the Wazir tribal areas of South Waziristan by Mullah Nazir after the latter clashed with Uzbek fighters over the assassination of al Qaeda financiers [see LWJ reports, The Taliban's internecine war in Waziristan and Spinning the Fighting in South Waziristan]. Abbas and Nazir reconciled in 2010, and Abbas was allowed to return to Wana.

Abbas's killing is likely linked to the suicide attack that targeted Mullah Nazir on Nov. 29. Nazir was wounded in the attack. After the assassination attempt on Nazir, he ordered all members of the movement of the Taliban in Pakistan to leave the Wana area. Nazir has made similar decrees in the past, only to continue to shelter the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan's top leaders and its fighters.

No group has claimed credit for the suicide attack that targeted Nazir, or the bombing that killed Abbas.

Mullah Nazir's Taliban faction is one of four major Taliban groups that have joined the Shura-e-Murakeba, an alliance brokered by al Qaeda late last year. The Shura-e-Murakeba also includes Hafiz Gul Bahadar's group; the Haqqani Network; and the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan, which is led by Mehsud tribesmen Hakeemullah Mehsud and his deputy Waliur Rehman Mehsud. The members of the Shura-e-Murakeba agreed to cease attacks against Pakistani security forces, refocus efforts against the US in Afghanistan, and end kidnappings and other criminal activities in the tribal areas.

Read more: Pakistani Taliban commander killed in bombing in Wana - The Long War Journal
Man you really need to do some research he was the part of that group which has peace agreement with Pakistan Army in short you are trying to make them your enemy too

Their peace agreement will only be temporary..They are not fully sane and will break such peace agreements on slightest provocation,as seen on many instances before..So they are better dead than alive.
American drones are good for nothing...they are killing their own enemies..killing our civilians making more people joining Al Qaeda ,taliban and in the end when everyone will go home Pakistan will be stuck in tht region fighting these militias for 20 more years.. nothingz gonna change and these white bastards gonna blame Pakistan for everything in their books and how they saved Americans sitting thousands of miles away by bombing Afghanistan Iraq Yemen and Pakistan..
American drones are good for nothing...they are killing their own enemies..killing our civilians making more people joining Al Qaeda ,taliban and in the end when everyone will go home Pakistan will be stuck in tht region fighting these militias for 20 more years.. nothingz gonna change and these white bastards gonna blame Pakistan for everything in their books and how they saved Americans sitting thousands of miles away by bombing Afghanistan Iraq Yemen and Pakistan..

So a good drone is the one that kills own friends. Interesting.
genius what about EhsanUllah Ehsan and other TTP commanders why they are still alive?whoever fighting Pak army is an American asset and drones cant touch them

I dunno why they are still alive. Maybe they drink redbull.
Afghan taliban say they have nthng to do with these pakistani taliban! Ttp are kharjis ! They have nothing to do with islam!
Habba habba.... another wannabe "ana-al-arrrrrrabi-ve-al-haza-tull-islam" bites the dust! :D
Man you really need to do some research he was the part of that group which has peace agreement with Pakistan Army in short you are trying to make them your enemy too

He is part of Hakimullah's militants. That group is responsible for 90% or more of Pakistan's 40,000 war on terror deaths. I am glad they attacked Nazir and that man survived... especially if it means he's going to blow up hakimullah's men.

Wonder what the ISI is doing. Very easy to adopt Taliban tactics to obliterate them. I am waiting for ISIA to be formed... or better... NIW... thats a dream though. :undecided:

Also there is no peace deal. These guys continue attacking security forces and their bombers are being caught constantly. Where do you get your information from Zarvin? God of thunder? :lol:

Their peace agreement will only be temporary..They are not fully sane and will break such peace agreements on slightest provocation,as seen on many instances before..So they are better dead than alive.

There is NO peace agreement with the TTP. It's with Nazir.
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