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Pakistani Taliban announce month-long ceasefire

HE .. being the Prophet of Allah .. is talking about Kharjites

here is the Hadith with full sanat.. narrated from Sunan Ibn Majah

(Tirmidhi; Ibn Majah; Ahmad; Ibn Asim, as-Sunnah; Abdullah ibn Ahmad b Hanbal, as-Sunnah and from Abu Uthman al-Bahili by Tirmidhi, Abdurrazzaq, al-Musannaf; ibn Abi Shaybah, Musannaf; Tabarani, Mujamul Kabeer; Tabarani, al-Awsat; Tabarari, as-Sagher; Hakim, Mustadrak; Bayhaqi, as-Sunanul Kubra).

On the authority of Abu Umamah that he said: “The most evil of people to be slayed beneath the sky/on the face of the earth, and those whom they slay are the best of people, the dogs of the hellfire.
They used to be Muslims and became kuffar.” I said: “O Abu Umamah! How can you say such a thing?" He said: “Rather I heard it from the RasulAllah (sallallahu 'alaihi wassallam).” (Ibn Majah; Hasan hadith.)

Imam Ahmad, Ibn Majah, and al-Hakim recorded a Ḥadith from Ibn Abi Awfa, and Ahmad and al-Hakim also recorded it from Abu Umamah that the Prophet (sallallahu 'alaihi wassallam) said:

The Khawaarij are the dogs of Hell.

this seems to be necessary condition..

When did I propose to not let the Tribals leave their land and give them a chance? My point is it is better to do such a thing sooner than give them the TTP time to regroup and coordinate with other groups.

If fellow members are jaded by the tribals, then they are wrong but look at the reason for their disgust. Their continuous support and complete lack of responsibility to the state is what bewilders them. Most of the tribals are tired of them but cannot do it on their own.

Ahrar al Hind can speak Hebrew for all i care, does it change anything they spoke Punjabi? Extremists are extremists. Be they moderate, English speaking, or whatever. Kill them Punjabis if it makes you at ease. Mera kya, humari bhalai.

some 50,000 have migrated,..others who I believe are families of the fighters have fleed to Afghanistan, Sindh and Punjab already have blocked the entry of IDPs... rest of the tribal people are neither hostages or too poor to leave.. we should first ensure there safety before go on with war-madness..

my point with Ahrar-e-hind was that its punjab based terror outfit and it would continue attacks in punjab...to eliminate them we require to do a operation against them first, rather than to go after taliban and keep our homes vulnerable to these type of threats..
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this seems to be necessary condition..
wow from the house of fazal uhhaa sawaati....?
u just hve to agreed?
hey but then, u ill not going to get, 7 hoors?
try better then that, & get the dam hoooooors?lolzzz
this seems to be necessary condition..

some 50,000 have migrated,..others who I believe are families of the fighters have fleed to Afghanistan, Sindh and Punjab already have blocked the entry of IDPs... rest of the tribal people are neither hostages or too poor to leave.. we should first ensure there safety before go on with war-madness..

my point with Ahrar-e-hind was that its punjab based terror outfit and it would continue attacks in punjab...to eliminate them we require to do a operation against them first, rather than to go after taliban and keep our homes vulnerable to these type of threats..

All at once, going one after one kills the whole purpose. The others will move and while we deal with local threats. Basic terror tackling manual. IDPs number in millions man, it's not an easy task. But just because it is hard doesnt mean we just roll over put our hands in the air.
All at once, going one after one kills the whole purpose. The others will move and while we deal with local threats. Basic terror tackling manual. IDPs number in millions man, it's not an easy task. But just because it is hard doesnt mean we just roll over put our hands in the air.

Its 0.7 million people in NW we are talking about. if we can host 3.5 million Afghan refugees, we should show some respect to our own tribal people. better management will also help us keep talibans locked in NW, rather than running into the country as IDPs.

Also without ensuring Afghan exit, no operation will be successful, it will give birth to insurgency !
Its 0.7 million people in NW we are talking about. if we can host 3.5 million Afghan refugees, we should show some respect to our own tribal people. better management will also help us keep talibans locked in NW, rather than running into the country as IDPs.

Also without ensuring Afghan exit, no operation will be successful, it will give birth to insurgency !

My point being kick the Afghanis out. We are tired of their shit.

Alot of our problems will be solved if we kick them out, they are a source of terrorism. They eat up our resources and have caused chaos and all evils in this once peaceful country. Our fault in accepting this backstabbing nation.
Alot of our problems will be solved if we kick them out, they are a source of terrorism. They eat up our resources and have caused chaos and all evils in this once peaceful country. Our fault in accepting this backstabbing nation.

So much pent up anger my Chubby Friend ? :o:

So what if women haven't been falling for your charm since you get another chin added to your already double chin - Why take out the anger of those 'rejections' on the poor Afghans ? :(
Alot of our problems will be solved if we kick them out, they are a source of terrorism. They eat up our resources and have caused chaos and all evils in this once peaceful country. Our fault in accepting this backstabbing nation.

dont agree with this part at alllllllllll.....
So much pent up anger my Chubby Friend ? :o:

So what if women haven't been falling for your charm since you get another chin added to your already double chin - Why take out the anger of those 'rejections' on the poor Afghans ? :(

These Afghanis are problematic. Alot of evils they brought along. You can ask your parents what beautiful country this was.

Listen chotu, i got manly beard. Looks more like terror bear :(
I am after just one chick these days.She's Pathan with 3 bros in the Army. Suicide mission these days.
Haha marunga main. But no rejection yet, alot of playful flirting. Aur sunaein hows the cashier job going :D
Paise nikalna shuru kiye till machine se?

dont agree with this part at alllllllllll.....

Afghanis are backstabbing, we gave up so much for them what did we get as a result? Ingrates who praise India over us? Want to see Pakistan into a stone age country? Chittar maro in painchodon ko :pissed:
The window for the operation is almost gone anyway..the snow and ice is melting and the escape routes into Afg for TTP will be open again.. any attempt at an operation then and they will simply run into the Afghan sanctuaries.. After clearing up an empty land the military will be asked to leave.. the TTP will return and regroup again.. and bomb blasts and attacks will go on into the next winter.. after which it will announce another ceasefire and negotiations.. and so on.

Perhaps the Taliban dialogue supporters should have listened more to the lyrics of Shehzad Roy's song rather than using him for attracting empty young heads.. that "Mujhe fikr nahin ke ye mulk kaise chaley ga, Mujhe fikr yehi hai ke ye mulk aise hi chalta rahe ga"...
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