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Pakistani Sikh grateful that his elders stayed in Pakistan in 1947.

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Then how would it be a state for Muslims, wasn't it the main reason in the first place? Lets say even if they did, would Pakistan allow one of them to become head of the state like Manmohan Singh is for a much larger and diverse Indian state. I don't think so.

for you freedom is only when someone is allowed to become head of state. That proves you are power hungry. . .

if Sikhs live in an Islamic state that does not mean that they should be discriminated. People like you make it seem that Islam dislikes every person who is a non-mulsim. .
No thanks. We Punjabis make the majority in Pakistan and therefore make the majority in every field in Pakistan. Some say we are ruling Pakistan. While you Indian Punjabis make only 3% of your country's population we Pakistani Punjabis make 50% of our country's population with other ethnic groups sharing many similarities with Punjabis such as Hindko speaking Pashtuns of eastern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and the Pahari speaking people of Azad Kashmir. If you include these ethnic groups, about 60% of Pakistan's population is of Punjabi decent.

"You Indian Punjabis" - err, I am not Punjabi.
1.6% of 1.5 billion is a huge number which by any mean cannot be compared with a mere population of two hundred thousand.. BTW there isn't any hindrance in pakistan as far as edcation and other properity options for non-muslims in pakistan are concerned. for example most of the good doctors in interior sind are hindus. one of our senior judge in supreme court was hindu. Sikhs are also now coming in the stream line and putting their efforts in the prosperty of the country.

Some ignorant people wanted to seek jazia from sikhs but those were forcefully stopped by the patriotoc forces and army of islamic republic of pakistan as sikhs have equal freedom as every other citizen of pakistan.

I pray that you are right. God bless those patriotic forces who defend the rights of minorities.
for you freedom is only when someone is allowed to become head of state. That proves you are power hungry. . .

if Sikhs live in an Islamic state that does not mean that they should be discriminated. People like you make it seem that Islam dislikes every person who is a non-mulsim. .

so indirectly u want to say that minorities do have full rights in Pakistan but as far as top jobs are concerned then it is a big no no.
for you freedom is only when someone is allowed to become head of state. That proves you are power hungry. . .

if Sikhs live in an Islamic state that does not mean that they should be discriminated. People like you make it seem that Islam dislikes every person who is a non-mulsim. .

lets not get into what islam thinks of non-muslims cause i have read enough of quran to reach to conclusions on that...
we are talking about how sikhs are treated in pakistan...
Man i find it amusing that with the kind of laws Pakistan has, they still have the imbecility to start a thread like this.
The thread starter could very well have opened a thread about minorities in pak but no ,he had to drag India into it.Shows the level of insecurity they have.
Is it so bad to try for secularism and fail than not to try for it at all??
Nyways iam outaa here.
And omar y dont u post more videos of how Christians,Buddhists [..... evry1 except hindus] feel fortunate to not have left pak.Just saying so that u dont have to open such flame baits again and again.
so indirectly u want to say that minorities do have full rights in Pakistan but as far as top jobs are concerned then it is a big no no.

u need references for jobs :P everything is possible in pakistan :P
lets not get into what islam thinks of non-muslims cause i have read enough of quran to reach to conclusions on that...
we are talking about how sikhs are treated in pakistan...

sikhs are living peacefully people of pakistan protect them just like they protect there mother land we love sikh people
1.6% of 1.5 billion is a huge number which by any mean cannot be compared with a mere population of two hundred thousand.. BTW there isn't any hindrance in pakistan as far as edcation and other properity options for non-muslims in pakistan are concerned. for example most of the good doctors in interior sind are hindus. one of our senior judge in supreme court was hindu. Sikhs are also now coming in the stream line and putting their efforts in the prosperty of the country.

First of all, Pakistan got rid of its minorities and brought it to such a minuscule that they don't count.

India could have done so, but then better sense prevailed and it was beyond narrow religious chauvinism or considering that the majority religion is über alles! Thank God, for small mercies.

Doctors, lawyers and such individual oriented professions are not government selected. They do so on their own merit.

What exactly do you mean by Sikhs are also now coming in the stream line and putting their efforts in the prosperty of the country. ?

What is this 'now' about? Are you suggesting that before this, they were laggards, pan handlers and downright bums? Or that they did not identify themselves with the mainstream?

Some ignorant people wanted to seek jazia from sikhs but those were forcefully stopped by the patriotoc forces and army of islamic republic of pakistan as sikhs have equal freedom as every other citizen of pakistan.

So, now it is 'ignorant' chaps who wanted Jezia?

As ignorant as the chap who killed the Governor who wanted the Blasphemy Law tempered with rationality?

Or the Minister who spoke out against the Blasphemy Law?

How is demanding Jezia wrong? Is it not as Islamic as the Blasphemy Law? So, who is ignorant?
I pray that you are right. God bless those patriotic forces who defend the rights of minorities.

Pakistan to allow sharia in Swat
Pakistan to allow sharia in Swat - Central & South Asia - Al Jazeera English

Non-Muslims and the Sharia

In addition to its imposition of Islamic morality on non-Muslims, Sharia law dictates that there shall be no equality between Muslims and non-Muslims. Under strict Sharia law only Muslims can be full citizens of an Islamic state. Many states shamelessly discriminate against non-Muslims. In Saudi Arabia and Kuwait being Muslim is a precondition of naturalization. Christians and Jews have limited rights but they may not participate in public life or hold positions of authority over Muslims. Anyone other than a Muslim, Christian or Jew is deemed to be an unbeliever and is not permitted to reside permanently in an Islamic state. The Koran only recognizes the People of the Book as religious communities. Others are pagans and must be excluded. In criminal prosecutions non-Muslims are given harsher punishments than Muslims. Crimes against Muslims are often punished more severely than crimes against others. In court under the Sharia the testimony of a non-Muslim carries less weight than that of a Muslim.

In the multicultural world of which we are now part there can be no justification for discrimination on religious grounds. Imagine the howls of protest if Muslims living in the west were to be treated as second-class citizens under the law. One of the great lessons we can learn from the west is the idea of secular, that is neutral, laws that discriminate against no-one.
Man i find it amusing that with the kind of laws Pakistan has, they still have the imbecility to start a thread like this.
The thread starter could very well have opened a thread about minorities in pak but no ,he had to drag India into it.Shows the level of insecurity they have.
Is it so bad to try for secularism and fail than not to try for it at all??
Nyways iam outaa here.
And omar y dont u post more videos of how Christians,Buddhists [..... evry1 except hindus] feel fortunate to not have left pak.Just saying so that u dont have to open such flame baits again and again.

actually thread started wants to show that sikhs are having no problem in pakistan they are having safe visit here while ur fukn media always start propaganda against pakistan inshort thread starter want to say thay we havent killed sikhs like u did in past :D
I pray that you are right. God bless those patriotic forces who defend the rights of minorities.

same goes to your country... prayers!!! Hope Muslim, Christians and other inorities like Sikhs remain safe and sound threre, InshaAllah.
There should not be a separate Sikh Marriage Act, infact, there shouldn't be a separate Muslim personal law as well. We are moving towards a uniform civil law in case you haven't heard.
Ask the majority of Sikhs they want it and thats the reason many come to Pakistan for registering their marriage under Sikh Marriage act.

Yes they were.

ok so you accept that Bhindranwale and Shabeg Singh and other Sikh leaders killed in Golden temple were terrorists.

But ask your other members they are in confusion once they are cleared then it might be time for giving Sikhs justice for 84 riots
Pakistan to allow sharia in Swat
Pakistan to allow sharia in Swat - Central & South Asia - Al Jazeera English

Non-Muslims and the Sharia

In addition to its imposition of Islamic morality on non-Muslims, Sharia law dictates that there shall be no equality between Muslims and non-Muslims. Under strict Sharia law only Muslims can be full citizens of an Islamic state. Many states shamelessly discriminate against non-Muslims. In Saudi Arabia and Kuwait being Muslim is a precondition of naturalization. Christians and Jews have limited rights but they may not participate in public life or hold positions of authority over Muslims. Anyone other than a Muslim, Christian or Jew is deemed to be an unbeliever and is not permitted to reside permanently in an Islamic state. The Koran only recognizes the People of the Book as religious communities. Others are pagans and must be excluded. In criminal prosecutions non-Muslims are given harsher punishments than Muslims. Crimes against Muslims are often punished more severely than crimes against others. In court under the Sharia the testimony of a non-Muslim carries less weight than that of a Muslim.

In the multicultural world of which we are now part there can be no justification for discrimination on religious grounds. Imagine the howls of protest if Muslims living in the west were to be treated as second-class citizens under the law. One of the great lessons we can learn from the west is the idea of secular, that is neutral, laws that discriminate against no-one.

kindly also mention date of this news which is 17 Feb 2009 and this is 14 april 2011
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