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Pakistani Representative shows wrong pic at UN - Indian media erupts

What indian narrative have they given a hoot about? How many indian soldiers have been killed, what issues have occurred?

You think we will stop support for Muslim state of Kashmir and not support its just fight against Indian occupation?
Cool... that's the best you can do for us... and worst for your Kashmir separatist
1 million people were evacuated from the region and compensated 35,000 Rs for travel and food. No structures were destroyed unless it was absolutely necessary, and even then they were rebuilt, there are many pictures across this forum of marketplaces and houses being rebuilt or restored by Army engineers.

In Zarb-E-Azb over a 2 and a half year period only 2 civillians were killed by the military, do I even need to tell you how many were killed in Kashmir in the same period?
Yeah we know Pakistani track record of official statements. "No Pakistani regular at Kargil" "No Osama in Pakistan" "This photo of kasmiri innocent injured with pellets" "Only 2 people died in Zarb-e-Azb". Plus we don't know who you classify as civilians. In case that "Everyone who held a weapon or aided and terrorist is considered as Enemy Combatants" then we have harmed not a single "Civilian" ( we may also argue that the wounded where not "civil" at that time, hence where fired upon)
Sure be my guest.Refer to the draft of UN resolution which show that -

  • The UN resolution of 1948 applies to the full “State of Jammu & Kashmir”. As shown in the map below, this includes Gilgit-Baltistan, AZK, Shaksgam Valley, Jammu, Ladakh and Kashmir valley – not just Kashmir
  • For UN plebiscite to be conducted, the first condition is that Government of Pakistan should withdraw it’s forces and non-residents from the area
  • When the above has been established, then Government of India needs to reduce forces to the minimum strength, as required to maintain law & order
The first step to be taken by Pakistan has never been done, due to obvious reasons.

forget it all

Just give them a simple vote

you are simply trying to deny them a basic human right to choosh their future

The entire situation on the sub continent exists because of YOUR refusal to give the Kashmiris a straight forward bote and to honour Partition

You occupy a muslim majority state then expect Pakistan to move on
Thanks Indians for highlighting the Palestinian struggle which is as important as Kashmir issue for the UN.

Both are long standing issues and border disputes in the world.
Bhai, why India needs to respond to thing even when it was the elite western media who published this image in MSM. You think UN countries & officials don't watch MSMs. There might be hundreds and thousands of pallet injury but why wasn't Pakistan able to present relevant picture(just for waving, hmm) and went with something which isn't even remotely concerned with Kashmir. Are your officials so inefficient that they couldn't find some relevant pictures. I was having discussion with @Spring Onion ma'am in another thread on Pakistan officials capacity and if we go by this, your country is really in wrong hands to say it mildly. Thank you.
it is the same blunder which we saw in indian forces advertisements which published Pak forces images.
in simple words yes our officials are useless and Maleha's research team definitely needs an overhaulm
I would suggest Government of Pakistan, ISPR, intelligence agencies and their political desks even to hire researchers from PDF . it will save them from international embarrassment seriously.
You are too fukin retarded to know that Pak evacuated millions of people from operational areas.. triggering an IPD issue...
and forget the indian airforce bombing entire northeast towns and triggering Insurgencies in 7 sister states.
Na, I am not Terroistani.
Okay Showing a Fake picture is a huge Lie.
But calling a nation that have fought war with terrorists at frontline a Terrorist.
Calling a nation which most volunteer in UN peace mission a Terrosist.
Calling a nation who had help CIA in providing intelligence about terrorist a terrorist.
Calling a most hospitable nation a terrorist.

What is that?

Coming from a country who has sent
Thanks Indians here for highlighting the Palestinian cause and somehow relate it to the level of Kashmir a well.
All cool Sidd bhai, Kashmir Rahega India, nobody absolutely nobody can do anything about it. UN, OIC, Tea party, kitty party ye sab toh chalta rahega

they Don't have anything against India,
True that, it also shows a Pakistani ambassador has the same amount of credibility as a random internet troll.
@WebMaster @Horus @WAJsal @waz @Oscar @Manticore @IrfanBaloch @The Eagle

How many more threads will be flooded on this forum of same indian propaganda? Are any mods watching indian garbage? Or warnings are reserved for only Pakistani members? Why do I and other Pakistani members get warnings for minor reasons but indians post their garbage with full impunity.
Sir chalta raha tab bhi faida hamara ha.

Badal jaye tab bhi faida hamara hai.

Sab cool hai. Bhaddiyaa.

Enjoy maro
Aapka faida aapko mubarak ho, we are happy with the status quo which you are too weak to change.
it is the same blunder which we saw in indian forces advertisements which published Pak forces images.
in simple words yes our officials are useless and Maleha's research team definitely needs an overhaulm
I would suggest Government of Pakistan, ISPR, intelligence agencies and their political desks even to hire researchers from PDF . it will save them from international embarrassment seriously.

Actually, they did hired PDF members, but Indian members. The same guy that posted pictures of Singapore and called it
as Bombay.:rofl:
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