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Pakistani people loves Indian films, serials and food

I wouldn't agree with what's written by the tumba but there's no real reason for you to thank god every minute for creation of Pakistan. For a person(Muslim/non-Muslim) outside Pakistan you would probably look like a kid fed with propaganda.

Why wouldn't i thank God every minute for giving us our own homeland? No matter how it is, or what the international media portrays it as, i love it because its my country, the nation i was born in. I've been to Pakistan and its really beautiful, beautiful people, and much hospitality.

BTW, why do you even have the Pakistani flag?
Religion and ideology..
problem is, we screwed up the first and forgot the latter.
Not entirely our fault, the only man on record who was entirely sincere to Pakistan died in an ambulance with a flat tyre on a roundabout in Karachi.. and nobody knew.

Pakistan was needed... hostility with India was not.

i thanks God every second that Pakistan is created ,,, i would never wanted the current day pakistan to be part of India...

Good!!, i wasn't the one going off on a load of made up BS about your country's history, you were.
Another garbage news from times of india.

I never watched these indian soaps and no one in my family watch these indian soaps.

Pakistani channels are always on in my house.

Kinda agree with you, India or Indian media shouldn't be concerned what Pakistanis are watching, Indian films and serials are made for Indian viewerships and solely meant for that it is not meant for Pakistani viewership. So likes and dislikes from Pakistan about Indian films or serials does not come into consideration.
Why wouldn't i thank God every minute for giving us our own homeland? No matter how it is, or what the international media portrays it as, i love it because its my country, the nation i was born in. I've been to Pakistan and its really beautiful, beautiful people, and much hospitality.

BTW, why do you even have the Pakistani flag?

You can't control where you are born. it's as simple as that.
you would have said the same thing even if you were a Chineese and you would have probably praised Mao for his EXTRAORDINARY ACHIEVEMENTS in the field of economics and Humanism.
Look, It's arbitrary and hence Nationalism isn't exactly as good as Patriotism which is clearly the love of land and people who you live with. Don't add stupid ideologies like religio-nationalism to it and spoil it.
the real purpose and reason of creation of Pakistan was Jinnah own ego and self interest combined with that generation of muslim business communities's CORE interest and with combination of natural hate for Hindus of Mullah and Molvies ...

The reason why you dont see any love lost between pakistani and bangladeshis is because you people are separated by a good 3000 kms...
Muhammad Ali Jinnah was only the representative of demands/voice of Muslims of subcontinent. You cannot blame him for demands of muslims. Secondly difference is we accepted Bangladesh but Indians did not accept pakistan yet and still argue on its existence

The current generation of Indians that you are interacting with see pakistan through a different lense, with knowing what goes around in an average head of Pakistani educated person our culture is always of compassion and of hospitality that is why no Indian will receive you in a negative light..

Sorry to say but my personal experiences see more negativity on your side even if i just compare indian defence forum with this forum .. i found more bigots and haters from Indian side who just look for chances to bash pakistan and even use racists words in every topic . You dont belive me then go visit your defence forums and see the P***(common word they use to refer pakistan) bashing there :D

I think we should stick to this topic instead of discussing the purpose of Pakistan here
Muslims are not a monolithic group just like Hindus aren't all the same. Clearly this 'Muslim minority syndrome' has gotten too far.
It would be lying to say that a tamil/malyali muslim is the same as a person from UP/bihar.
similarly shias, sunnis, ahmedis and other sects aren't exactly intermarrying in pakistan just like sindhis, punjabis, pakthuns, balochis have there own identity apart from national identity(now don't immediately bring up communal clashes in India, taking refuge as the last resort to satisfy one's own ego).

Perception of Pakistan in India is what it is now because of what we did to ourselves in 60 years, not propaganda like Chineese media or Indian jingoism like we always bring up.
Lastly there's were no real, i mean really impossible reasons to go for a partition even after the 'Direct Action Day' by Muslim League. But it happened and we can't undo it now. But the best thing for Pakistan and our future generations is not to feed distorted history and ideology of anti-Indianism or anti-hindu.

Your no one to dictate what Pakistanis learn in school, as if your own people aren't fed anti-Pakistanism and "distorted history and ideology".
Good!!, i wasn't the one going off on a load of made up BS about your country's history, you were.

well that was not BS ... its proven by the facts now... on what ideology pakistan was build it has already failed in 1971 .. and right now the situation in Pakistan shows that exact thing .. I have never suggested this that you should not be loyal to the country you were born I was just showing you the facts ...
We Indians (Hindu/Muslims) dont have any ill designs against your nation like your history books in schools are teaching students and that same ideology is used by your army to brainwash and send monsters like Ajmal Kasab to India...

we want a stable pakistan who doesnt send monsters like that to India..
Muhammad Ali Jinnah was only the representative of demands/voice of Muslims of subcontinent. You cannot blame him for demans of muslims. Secondly differnce is we accepted Bangladesh but Indians did not accept pakistan yet and still argue on its existence

Sorry to say but my personal experiences see more negativity on your side even if i just compare indian defence forum with this forum .. i found more bigots and haters from Indian side who just look for chances to bash pakistan and even use racists words in every topic . You dont belive me then go visit your defence forums and see the P***(common word they use to refer pakistan) bashing there :D

I think we should stick to this topic instead of discussing the purpose of Pakistan here

Stupid assumption at it's face. All Muslims of subcontinent do not live in Pakistan if you talk facts. It's not like Congress had all non-muslims exactly. All Muslims weren't as communal as Muslim league in India at that time.
Your no one to dictate what Pakistanis learn in school, as if your own people aren't fed anti-Pakistanism and "distorted history and ideology".

I've seen the history books in India. no distortion of history or anti-pakistan or anti-Bangladesh or anti-sri lanka or anti- nepal things in their curriculum.

You know what ? They don't NEED it unlike our establishment.

As matter of fact you can check them yourself in their gov website. Historical revisionism isn't their forte unlike our text books.
Stupid assumption at it's face. All Muslims of subcontinent do not live in Pakistan if you talk facts. It's not like Congress had all non-muslims exactly. All Muslims weren't as communal as Muslim league in India at that time.

So your assumption suggest that Muhammad Ali Jinnah was the only man who wanted pakistan lol

Why he felt the need to leave congress and joined Muslim league . Dude he gave up in front of demands of Muslims :)
You can't control where you are born. it's as simple as that.
I never said i can, all i said is that i love my country Pakistan, is there something wrong with that?

you would have said the same thing even if you were a Chineese and you would have probably praised Mao for his EXTRAORDINARY ACHIEVEMENTS in the field of economics and Humanism.

But i'm not Chinese, however Chinese do have a lot to take pride in considering how much their country has achieved.

Look, It's arbitrary and hence Nationalism isn't exactly as good as Patriotism which is clearly the love of land and people who you live with.

What's wrong with Nationalism? Whats wrong if i love my country Pakistan and my people?

Don't add stupid ideologies like religio-nationalism to it and spoil it.

Religio-nationalism? Not sure where you got that from? But even if religio-nationalism, that's not your concern., and shouldn't be your concern.
Muhammad Ali Jinnah was only the representative of demands/voice of Muslims of subcontinent. You cannot blame him for demands of muslims. Secondly difference is we accepted Bangladesh but Indians did not accept pakistan yet and still argue on its existence

Sorry to say but my personal experiences see more negativity on your side even if i just compare indian defence forum with this forum .. i found more bigots and haters from Indian side who just look for chances to bash pakistan and even use racists words in every topic . You dont belive me then go visit your defence forums and see the P***(common word they use to refer pakistan) bashing there :D

I think we should stick to this topic instead of discussing the purpose of Pakistan here

its totally wrong to say Indians never accepted Pakistan its what is been fed to you ... India had good chance in 1971 to crack west pakistan also but we did not do that and that was the generation that was more closer to Pakistan ... now all I see the perception in India is that Pakistan belongs to Middle East more ... it was
an Indian American who suggested to Include pakistan in Middle East sector and now you will slowly see India more a part of South East Asia in major investment corps and Pakistan in Middle East, so we totally accept Pakistan and want to have stable relation with Pakistan

The hostility you see now is because the constant terror brigades that your army is sending to India .. and current generation is becoming hostile towards pakistan and its policies
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