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Pakistani Parents kill their daughter because she looked at a boy

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Dec 7, 2006
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Savage Animals.

Pakistan parents kill girl for eyeing boy | News.com.au

Pakistan parents kill girl for eyeing boy

A PAKISTANI couple accused of killing their 15-year-old daughter by pouring acid on her carried out the attack because she sullied the family's honour by looking at a boy, the couple have revealed in an interview broadcast by the BBC.

The girl's death underlines the problem of so-called "honour killings" in Pakistan, where hundreds of women and girls are killed each year.

Reasons for the killings include marrying or having relationships not approved by their families or because they are perceived to have somehow dishonoured their family.

The girl's parents, Mohammad Zafar and his wife, Zaheen, recounted the October 29 incident from jail.

The father said the girl had turned to look at a boy who drove by on a motorcycle, and he told her it was wrong.

"She said 'I didn't do it on purpose. I won't look again.' By then I had already thrown the acid. It was her destiny to die this way," the girl's mother told the British broadcaster.

Television footage of the couple showed them standing behind bars in separate, but adjoining jail cells.

The father said the family had already come under public censure because of their older daughter's behaviour, but he did not detail what exactly he meant.

Pakistani officials initially said the attack occurred because the girl supposedly had an affair with a boy.

According to the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, at least 943 women or girls were killed in the name of honour in 2011.

Only 20 of the women were reported to have been given medical care before they died, the report said.

The real toll is believed to be higher because many of the crimes go unreported.
Hey buddy I think there is a thread already open about this. The acid attack one.
Bad people are everywhere but the courage to execute their dirty work comes to them through their surroundings
Wrong title & Duplicate thread.
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