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Featured Pakistani Navy confirms Brazilian jetliner will replace Orion patrol aircraft

"..The Pakistan Navy inducted its first of three modern maritime patrol aircraft (MPA) dubbed locally as "Sea Sultan" and designated "Long Range Maritime Patrol jet" on 6th Sep 2021. Total of 3 Lineage airframes have been acquired so far. One being Utilized as Conversion trainer and troop transport.

The conversion of second in process at foreign location by Paramount for induction. Third airframe also available."




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Why does the model have AAMs on the outer pylons? Ready for a dogfight eh?
Flashbacks from the time Indians shot down an atlantique and sepoys had no response, except asking for more popa John's in US.
Embraer is excellent choice. ITAR free guaranteed. They are on par with Boeing/Airbus. But I dont get it where the rest of the electronics/systems will come from. Is it via Brazil or Turkey?

ITAR free but the engines are I believe Western (PW or GE, you have both choices I believe, not sure).
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