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Pakistani man gets a gift of life with Indian blood

Thanks to that man who donated blood......But people here saying humanity should be above all then why the title highlighted the words INDIAN AND PAKISTANI, Why the title isn't one human helped other . And those who keep ranting about Pakistani going to India for treatment....They pay for it...Pure business deal...India earn money from it...So talk like you are doing some big favour to those guys...

if they can pay in india then those can pay in pakistan also.many of them has got free treatment in india.not only from pakistan even ppl from kajakstan,afganistan etc came here.
and this so called business can be done in pakistan also.

even i think in chennai doctors didnt ask money from wasim akram wife ,but akram later on said pakistani doctors were behind his money and asking for money
if they can pay in india then those can pay in pakistan also.many of them has got free treatment in india.not only from pakistan even ppl from kajakstan,afganistan etc came here.
and this so called business can be done in pakistan also.

even i think in chennai doctors didnt ask money from wasim akram wife ,but akram later on said pakistani doctors were behind his money and asking for money

Like I said, some of our facilities aren't as good as yours.
Hmm... would have made news if someone were stoned to death..

BTW is O+ a rare group ? I felt negative is rare.

No, its just a BS, infact people with O blood group are known as "universal donors "
Guys why fight over little stuff if dont like the news just dont comment on it i rarely comment on any thread the reason why i do that is because i ignore trolls but i do read more then i write what my point is that if u dont like anything instead of commenting something inappropriate just dont do it for exmple: this pakistani member said on the first page of this thread ( is that a news ) pakistani was saved by indian guy ..news could be anything... and its not only pakistani member do that.. it goes for indians aswell
lol, duh.. a bull sh1t, ok once its fine also twice its fine but every time when ever a Pakistani visits India for a medical treatment Indian media is there to make a story, last time a family visited some plaza in Gurgaon and they became popular through Indian media, its like Pakistanis visiting India is very rare and special,
I kinda laughed on this news
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Why should any indian feel pakistanis are morally inferior by reading this article?Infact it works towards raising goodwill amongst people.If pakistanis are saving indian lives,by all means it should be published.If your country is doing good work,please highlight it.It makes the people more sensitive and reinforces the fact that being a good human being is the in thing.It changes the way society thinks,do not underestimate the power of the press.
Yes, but what do you think this type of article stirs into a common Indian? That Pakistanis are morally inferior?

If you want to do it that way, publish when Pakistanis save Indian lives too. To be honest, this type of stuff doesn't even deserve to be called news either.
atleast Indians and Pakistanis can agree on one thing ...that we are all humans afterall ...I have many friends in UK from Amritsar , India and they are very nice and humane people ... We can live in eternal peace (like canada and US) if we give Kashmiris the right to determine wether they should join India,Pak or independence (UN troops) .
Other way around O neg is universal donor. the + or - stands for rh factor, a clotting factor that you either have (+) or don't have (-) so someone that doesn't have it (-) can donate to people who are both + and -.

My bad....You're right...

Also, the RH factor is the main cause of retardation in kids born out of incest etc....

The issue has actually been creating quite an uproar in India.....with people demanding same Gotra (Lineage) marriages to be termed illegal....

A lil trip to the Appalachians will help one understand the "side effects";)
if they can pay in india then those can pay in pakistan also.many of them has got free treatment in india.not only from pakistan even ppl from kajakstan,afganistan etc came here.
and this so called business can be done in pakistan also.

even i think in chennai doctors didnt ask money from wasim akram wife ,but akram later on said pakistani doctors were behind his money and asking for money
If we had those facilities there was no need to go to India.....Now if i say we are doing Ahsan on Afghans because they are buying agricultural products from Pakistan i will be looking like an total arse wouldn't I?. And still you didn't answer my question. If you guys saying this thread is for humanity then why PAKISTANI and INDIAN. Why not one human saved another.?? This thread is another attempt of showing that how angels Indians are and How ungrateful Pakistanis are.....
If a person is shot in'kasmir...'its a News ...

Coz u may jump n shout...

A Pakistani life saved ...'is no news...

And do you think this is a news. Lolzzz

If 9 Indian young men comes specially for saving a Pakistani's life and donates blood is a news for sure.

Your so called enemies are giving blood is a very good gesture but people blinded with hate will not like it.

They will prefer and enjoy "9 Indians kills a Pakistani", type of news.
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