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Pakistani laws don’t apply upon us, says US nationals

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Bazuka the $#!t outta that car, you can't break the law. They should have stopped it it would have been an international incident if the car's occupants opened fire and if they threatened to fire that means the car had something to hide. Pakistani police needs to get tougher.
next time force them out and arrest them if needed, if they threaten a policemen like that then they should be shot on site.

Why do these b@st@rds think they own everything???
Should have checked them on gunpoint!
They could have been carrying illegal stuff!
...and if the rules donnot apply on them, they should better go off to US! :sniper::usflag:
Bazuka the $#!t outta that car, you can't break the law. They should have stopped it it would have been an international incident if the car's occupants opened fire and if they threatened to fire that means the car had something to hide. Pakistani police needs to get tougher.

next time force them out and arrest them if needed, if they threaten a policemen like that then they should be shot on site.

Why do these b@st@rds think they own everything???

Should have checked them on gunpoint!
They could have been carrying illegal stuff!
...and if the rules donnot apply on them, they should better go off to US! :sniper::usflag:

Word of advice: Don't try this in Iran.

First of all Flameboard I am really sick of opening years old threads. you are breaking records here


Read this post

There are a great many foreign diplomats stationed in the USA. Many consulates, embassies and the United Nations in New York. Thousands of foreign nationals and their family members in the USA have diplomatic immunity. They have built up hundreds of thousands of parking and traffic violation citations which are not enforced because of their immunity to the laws of the USA. If serious crimes are committed, the US asks the foreign government involved to wave diplomatic immunity and accept US Court adjudication. Usually this is granted by the foreign Government if the guilt of their diplomat is crystal clear, except in the case of nations that are hostile to the US. In the days of the Cold War, Soviet diplomats could kill people while driving drunk in Washington or New York and not face any charges. The only recourse the host nation has is to expel (deport) the offending diplomat. This is what Pakistan should be doing if Americans are violating Pakistani laws.
Isn't the title an oblique reference to diplomatic immunity?
Isn't this what Pakistani diplomats in America enjoy too?
First of all Flameboard I am really sick of opening years old threads. you are breaking records here

To be fair, the title is inflammatory designed to provoke the patriotic spirit of the average patriotic Pakistani.
Is this really true that diplomats of one country don't face the laws of host nation?? If this is true..even that no one can point gun towards police of host nation or even threaten them to shoot....:what:

I personally hate this type of behavior from US nationals
I don't know why Indians are interfering in our matters they forget American take over the control of Taj hotel all rooms are emtpy, entry of Indians stuff and civilians are not allowed until the end of Obama visit.
I don't know why Indians are interfering in our matters they forget American take over the control of Taj hotel all rooms are emtpy, entry of Indians stuff and civilians are not allowed until the end of Obama visit.

I am sure they paid to use the services. Not like they are driving around in Tanks planting flags and claiming it for themselves.

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For once I agree with the article. It is important to obey the federal laws of a country wherever the person is in just as US expects people to obey their national laws. What the US side did here was very wrong and since they're already diplomats, why the worry and why the threat?

This is not good and must not go unnoticed.
I don't know why Indians are interfering in our matters they forget American take over the control of Taj hotel all rooms are emtpy, entry of Indians stuff and civilians are not allowed until the end of Obama visit.
That is an important protocol. With US half the time in some or the other war all the time, if something happens to their president during his stay in India, it will be a big diplomatic embarrassment to us and the doom for whoever created trouble. It is a pretty common protocol not just for US president. When important countries' dignitaries come, this is how they're treated. During 2005 visit of Dr. APJ Kalam to United Arab Emirates, the entire capital of Abu Dhabi was sealed off in United Arab Emirates for one day.

When Bush went to Israel, it was the same. Israel was turned into an impenetrable fortress. When Medvedev arrived in India after 26/11, security was air-tight for him with Russian secret service reaching much earlier than Medvedev to the location to ensure security arrangements.

Americans are not taking over Taj! :rofl: its for two days dude! seriously!:lol:
I don't know why Indians are interfering in our matters they forget American take over the control of Taj hotel all rooms are emtpy, entry of Indians stuff and civilians are not allowed until the end of Obama visit.

Do you even know thats the standard procedure for usa PRESIDENT?? IT is not only applyed on india but to everyone and everywhere Mr obama goes in any country..

And yeah kindly correct your statment only civilians are not allowed to book room's in hotel during his stay(which is standard procedure for every president or PM of any country during visit to india cause of security reasons) but all the staff of hotal will remain same,they just have given special passes to enter on particular floor/room where obama will stay.....
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