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Pakistani High court orders Musharraf's arrest.

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You hit the head bang on the nail :)

Brilliant legal logic. So the only place where this trial could be done is at Saudi Arabia then?

pasting the following.

read and see when a judge is partial and carry personal vendeta then you cant expect fair trial

Musharraf escapes arrest after court revokes bail - The Hindu

:This was his second appearance before the Islamabad High Court. On his first appearance last week, the judge left the room just before Gen. Musharraf was to enter it; forcing the former Army chief to wait in his car for over half-an-hour."
Musharraf escapes arrest after court revokes bail


Former military ruler Pervez Musharraf on Thursday managed to evade arrest after the Islamabad High Court cancelled his bail and ordered his imprisonment in the judges’ detention case.

Despite the arrest order, not only did he manage to leave the courtroom with the help of his security detail - including commandos from Pakistan Rangers - but he also made his way back home to his farmhouse on the outskirts of Islamabad.

A good two hours after the court ordered his imprisonment, no formal arrest had been made though a police cordon was thrown around his already highly-secured farmhouse; raising speculations about the possibility of a house arrest. All roads leading to the farmhouse were cordoned off soon after he entered the premises.

The chief coordinator of All Pakistan Muslim League, Muhammad Amjad, told mediapersons outside the farmhouse in Chak Shehzad that Gen. (retd) Musharraf’s lawyers would approach the Supreme Court on Thursday afternoon to get protective bail to avoid arrest.

The failure of the caretaker administration to abide by the court order and arrest the former Army chief came in for all round criticism with some political parties describing it as a contempt of court. While issuing arrest orders, the court also cancelled his bail. He was placed on the Exit Control List within a week of his return from self-exile on March 24.

After a fairly smooth three weeks, things began unravelling for Pakistan’s last coup-maker from this week. First, he was thrown out of the election race despite filing nominations from four constituencies and now the arrest order. Also, the Supreme Court has been weighing heavily on the federal government to take a position on the treason case that he is facing for subversion of the Constitution.

This was his second appearance before the Islamabad High Court. On his first appearance last week, the judge left the room just before Gen. Musharraf was to enter it; forcing the former Army chief to wait in his car for over half-an-hour.
pasting the following.

read and see when a judge is partial and carry personal vendeta then you cant expect fair trial

Musharraf escapes arrest after court revokes bail - The Hindu

:This was his second appearance before the Islamabad High Court. On his first appearance last week, the judge left the room just before Gen. Musharraf was to enter it; forcing the former Army chief to wait in his car for over half-an-hour."

The exit timing of the judge in the first appearance is in no way an indication of any vendetta intentions. Making mussharraf wait for 30 minutes is not vendetta by a judge :) You are taking these innocous things too seriously. It is not like helicopters outside a cave firing missiles inside.

Is there any video available of the fleet footed kammandu from the court today?
Actually it is the corrollary. He is for sure at his home but "technically" he is on the run for having evaded the arrest at the court.

The police didn't arrest him. He walked out.

The judge didn't say you are under arrest, his bail was cancelled. Police should have arrested him.
Anyway, wrong or right... I hope the government implements the court orders and its not like Supreme Court's order of arrest (not there was no order of arrest here) of Raja Pervez Ashraf.
The police didn't arrest him. He walked out.

The judge didn't say you are under arrest, his bail was cancelled. Police should have arrested him.

Yup, there are so many versions going around of the King's English. Some are saying it was fleeing, some say avoid, some even are saying that he "escaped an arrest". You too are correct. It was Police's fault and also the fault of the Judge because he did not "say" to the Kammandu that "You are under arrest". He should have said so loudly.
Yup, there are so many versions going around of the King's English. Some are saying it was fleeing, some say avoid, some even are saying that he "escaped an arrest". You too are correct. It was Police's fault and also the fault of the Judge because he did not "say" to the Kammandu that "You are under arrest". He should have said so loudly.

I won't say THAT is his fault, since its a mystery to everyone why he suddenly cancelled his bail in the first place.

Such things are purposely left ambiguous... Let's see if the supreme court handles this situation better. But its the judges right to declare his bail cancelled... Whether it makes sense to anyone or not.
The police didn't arrest him. He walked out.

The judge didn't say you are under arrest, his bail was cancelled. Police should have arrested him.

his bail was cancelled and and your savior of pakistan escaped from court means what....??
Now the real Fight between Courts and Military , Military will show who is real boss in PAK, who has GUN in PAK make and break law.

In Pakfaujistan the power flows from the barrel of guns. The size of your barookhana determines the size and influence of your power. The more deadlier your guns are the more you are out of reach of the law. Judging by this definition the list of the most powerful "lords of war" would look like as follows, in a descending order of course...

1. Pakifaujzinadabad Zindabad
2. BadTaliban Murdabad
3. GoodTaliban Zindabad
4. Jihaid Outfits Zindabad (all the lashkars)
5. MQM Zindabad (or Murdabad if you don't belong to that community that created Paksitan)
6. Baloch insurgents Murdabad
7. Gangs of Lyari Mrdabad, and so and so forth....
his bail was cancelled and and your savior of pakistan escaped from court means what....??

He walked off as is evident from this video:

Just watch the part he walks off... Where was the attempt to arrest him? His bail was cancelled now arrest warrant has to be issued.
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LOL. Some things can only happen in pakistan. A former general/president using his kammandu skills to run from the police. No matter how you look at it, it is an unbecoming sight.

I really hope he doesn't get arrested. Pakistan's elections are becoming way too serious, with bomb threats and a lot of bad blood involved. Pak needs mushy around for the comic value and entertainment. Otherwise the news that regularly comes out of pakistan is too boring or too gruesome. I wish India had a political figure who guarantees tamasha. Our politics is very, very boring.:frown:
Yup, there are so many versions going around of the King's English. Some are saying it was fleeing, some say avoid, some even are saying that he "escaped an arrest". You too are correct. It was Police's fault and also the fault of the Judge because he did not "say" to the Kammandu that "You are under arrest". He should have said so loudly.

There only two versions of King's English when it comes to Media

1. for The cheap media like TOI and some in Pakistan its "fleeing"

2. for Sober and mature media like The Hindu and some in Pakistan its "escap"
He walked off as is evident from this video:

Just watch the part he walks off... Where was the attempt to arrest him? His bail was cancelled now arrest warrant has to be issued.

Please try convence your Pakistani Media...and the people who were souting there...dekho dekho kaun bhaga, gidar bhaga gidar bhaga
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