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Pakistani girls fear US blackmailing

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This is sad to hear.

I hope it is not true. Now days, it is hard to believe any of what you read or even sometimes what you see.

There are pictures on early pages.

There was no other reason for embassy to release those private pictures of girls on free web.

What was the point in holding such parties and events in embassy?

Why other embassies behave different?

chief justice should take notice.

Have you gone nuts? inside embassy its not Pakistan, even if those girls were killed... chief justice can't do a squat about it.
We have already experienced that, Pakistani law does not apply on foreigners even when they are out of embassy.
There are pictures on early pages.

There was no other reason for embassy to release those private pictures of girls on free web.

What was the point in holding such parties and events in embassy?

Why other embassies behave different?

Have you gone nuts? inside embassy its not Pakistan, even if those girls were killed... chief justice can't do a squat about it.
We have already experienced that, Pakistani law does not apply on foreigners even when they are out of embassy.

chief justice should take notice that why did the local police who stands on the gate of diplomatic enclave allowed them in:agree:
woooooooooooooow go again with them please








Misleading photo's.Have no relevancy with the topic under discussion.These pictures are of a media gathering at the embassy quite some while ago and they have been discussed before.
I see only Africans with girls, why blame Americans?
LOL, pakistani girls fear US blackmailing. What a stupid title. Why these retarded girls had to go to the party in the first place, oh wait, free study scholarships i hear? Dancing and drinking is a normal social act in western countries.
I doubt this report is true, I am 99.999999% sure it is not authentic. I have many friends living in Pakistan that drink & party, do drugs etc & are very open about it; & fair play to them: it is their life, & they can do whatever they want in it, without facing consequences from others for those actions. But what truly disgusts me is the fact that such people wish to engage in such 'audacious' behavior in an very conservative society, & then do not want to own up to their actions; & would rather falsely accuse others than accept responsibility for the decisions they made. Instead of acting impulsively, they should think of the consequences of their decisions, & take responsibility for their actions.
Yes, he does. Look at the response so far, just one Pakistani willing to take a critical stand on this 'news' article. The reason why this sort of 'journalism' exist and thrive is precisely because of the willingness of people to rid themselves of critical thinking skills when it comes to the US. These girls were 'forced'? Give me a break. This story has fraud all over it.
The source newstribe has already proved its credentials.
News not backed up..
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