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Pakistani Doctor's Strike: Hit Home

Since everyone is expert on the issue here lemme put my 2 cents though offtopic but still: Once a patient was arguing with my colleague making her angry....she bursted out: mind you, tum apne surgeon se ladai kar rahe ho :D
I've for long believed physicians in pakistan could be classified as organized extortion cartels just because of the exhorbitant fees they charge and the poor service they offer in return. Not only do medical professionals take advantage of their indispensibility, pharpaceutical companies too reportedly avoid tax openly because authorities cannot shut down production.

We could start a campaign of discrimination against 'hyphenated' doctors i.e. medical doctors. After all, proper doctors like us don't indulge in malpractices much beyond plagiarism.
Its the same in India too..doctors pay more heed to their salaries and facilities and not to the dying patients.I guess protests and strikes should have a different meaning for doctors.
Firstly, she is not a junior doctor, and secondly, why should expressing one's opinion lead to such a sanction?

How about trying to refute the points raised by her?

Can her "points" bring back those 10(at least) people died because of these so called doctor's strike?
Doctor is very Holy Profession. But they turned this profession into Business.
Not all doctors are at strike but those involved in the strike should face exemplary Punishment.
They are Black spot on the holy profession of Doctor.
I support doctors right to strike, in India, pakistan or UK. But they should give advance warning before the strike.
Doctors are professionals, and human like any other profession, and nobody has right to decide whether they can strike or not. There is nothing 'holy' about doctors.

There are few doctors on this forum, would like to know there views.

I come from a family of doctors----my father a doctor---in charge at divisional level----. H e would go on nite calls as many times as the people came---poor people who had not a penny to pay for fee or medicine---he would at times pay for their medicine as well.

At one time----he stayed 30 days day and night beside the bedside of Qazi Isa---the guy had a heart attack in 1969 or 70----and not getting paid as well. In the house---we kids would be looking for our father wondering what had happened to him.

When you become a doctor----it is your hippocratic oath to serve and serve without prejudice---and nowhere it says that you have to go on strike on a wholesale basis.

The gov of punjab did not do enough---he should have had charged the doctors with civil unrest---and in a war like situation in the country---should have charged them with inciting riots---.

I keep telling you people---pakistanis are a dead nation---they are talk and hot air---any conscientious pakistani would have picked uo a gun and taken some of their leadership out----with a message---if the rest don't come back top work---one at a time they will be taken out.

Doctors are like millitary----it is like saying that the millitary won't go to war when he enemy comes knocking---milltary is on strike because of reasons so and so.

The govt has spent millions to teach these men and women----for specialized education---the doctors don't have any civil rights to go on strike.

Start hanging their leaders one by one---10 in the first hour and one after every 10 minutes----and then see who goes on strike.

My father died during active service---right next to the hospital---.

As an accountant---you can look at things in black and white---but as a doctor---there are no gray areas---it is to serve---serve and serve---.

My uncle comes home one evening---my aunt say---M---you smelllike sh-it---he says non chalantly yeah---I had a patient who had no defe-cated in many days----the fe-ces got thicker and could not pass thru---so when I gave an incision---the sh-it all sprayed out on my face and body----.

He was not condescending to he poor patient's sh-it blowing up on him----it was a part of his job that he chose to do.

These young doctors ripped out the intra venous blood transfusion tubes----they ripped out the glucose transfusion tubes of the patients----.

That is why I keep saying there is a sickness in the pakistani mind that needs to be cured---and that sickness can only be cured thru a hangman's noose---that is the character of a pakistani man and woman---.

You men and women want to take back your country and bring sanity to it----that is the only way left.
I support doctors right to strike, in India, pakistan or UK. But they should give advance warning before the strike.
Doctors are professionals, and human like any other profession, and nobody has right to decide whether they can strike or not. There is nothing 'holy' about doctors.

There are few doctors on this forum, would like to know there views.
If doctors become professionals then even God can not save humanity.:)
People ask Soldiers and Doctors to do their job, put country and patients ahead respectively.....

But do we really care about what they go through, do we really think that they are humans too, who wants to be with their family, watch their kids grow up have some luxury time. Doctors have that but by the time they are settled half of their life have past.

Why don't people put themselves in their shoes and look from their frame of reference and imagine what they go through.

Would you like to have a job even if it pays well, where you have to see blood, death, hypocrisy, broken system, stench of anti-bacterial mops, broken bones, open wounds, screams of the patients, raped women, mutilated bodies, dead babies....and still you have to be at top of your game otherwise one single mistake can ruin someone's life, have to keep yourself sane, emotionally strong and calm when patient's relatives scold and beg you..if your answer is yes then I am all ears to hear your arguments.

Same goes for soldiers too, look at the loneliness, loss of fellow soldiers, being away from homes for months, strict discipline, psychological and physical strain. And they also see worst things in war too.

Do you want their jobs? Think about it experiencing this over and over again, everyday....

I don't know what the problem with Doctors in Pakistan have, but just for a second, put yourselves in their place.

I agree with Mastan Sir, my father works in Forest department, I hardly see him when he is protecting animals, environment and trees let alone humans like Soldiers and Doctors do. Should I complain about it? Should I ask him what is worth more, a tiger,a tree or his own son.....

I was 16 I think---I had severe fever---my dad didnot have the time to see me---he was at his job---I got mad---went to his job---sat outside his office---and went in as a patient---I was steaming mad at that time----.

As I grew up---I realized that it was in the minds of the doctors of that time that the family don't get sick---.

Your father don't ignore you---he just cannot tell you how much he loves and cares for you---it is just that he has chosen to serve those who are less fortunate than you---so love your father---because you know a man who does honor his job.

When you chose to become a doctor or a soldier---you have already decided that the life that you live---is not going to be your's any more---you have chosen to serve---without prejudice or passing a judgement---the blood and grime and gore---the fe-ces and uri-ne---stench pain and screams---it is going to be a part and parcel of your life----.

These are service related jobs---don't give these men oppurtunity to reason otherwise---. Otherwise---you will totally destroy any little bit of sanity that is left in the community.

Why does millitary hound its soldiers who go AWOL----for the reason if one thinks that he can get away with it---it will give ideas to the others---.

I was 16 I think---I had severe fever---my dad didnot have the time to see me---he was at his job---I got mad---went to his job---sat outside his office---and went in as a patient---I was steaming mad at that time----.

As I grew up---I realized that it was in the minds of the doctors of that time that the family don't get sick---.

Your father don't ignore you---he just cannot tell you how much he loves and cares for you---it is just that he has chosen to serve those who are less fortunate than you---so love your father---because you know a man who does honor his job.

When you chose to become a doctor or a soldier---you have already decided that the life that you live---is not going to be your's any more---you have chosen to serve---without prejudice or passing a judgement---the blood and grime and gore---the fe-ces and uri-ne---stench pain and screams---it is going to be a part and parcel of your life----.

These are service related jobs---don't give these men oppurtunity to reason otherwise---. Otherwise---you will totally destroy any little bit of sanity that is left in the community.
Sir I respect him a lot for his job. I never thought anything like he is less concerned about me. The day when I went to college, he said , You are now my friend and my son.

He used to tell me so many things to become good at, learn new things which I didn't like then but those qualities made me set apart from rest of the crowd and still helping me in tough times and making my own way of living.

I think I should stop here and return back to the topic but I really appreciate it.

Thanks a lot for your kind words. Always looking forward to your posts.
Cut the salaries and warn them of possible severe consequences that they might face in future .
Thats the best possible idea .
End of story .
@ Dear mastan - Sorry for your loss sir .
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