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Pakistani coal reserves equal 618 billion barrels of oil


Sep 7, 2008
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Pakistan coal reserves are estimated at 175 billion tons which according to the Vice-Chancellor (VC) of Punjab University, Professor Dr Mujahid Kamran equal 618 billion barrels of crude oil. According to the most reliable analytical reports Saudi Arabian crude oil reserves are estimated at around 260 billion barrels. At 60 Dollars per barrel this equates to 3708 Billion Dollars or approx. 4 Trillion Dollars (at current prices). At future prices these reserves will be worth 8 or 24 Trillion Dollars. This is enough money to build the most modern infrastructure, the best roads, the best hospitals, the best education, the best universities, the best hi-speed rail system and the best public transportation system on the planet.

LAHORE: Punjab University (PU) Vice-Chancellor (VC) Prof Dr Mujahid Kamran has asked Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani to direct the Finance Ministry to release funds for the Higher Education Commission (HEC).

Speaking at the inauguration of the Institute of Coal Technology at PU New Campus on Friday, Kamran said that the government had stopped the funding of HEC, resulting in the commission being unable to release grants to universities and teachers who were facing problems, according to a press release. He added that many development projects of the HEC were being adversely affected by the financial cuts. He said that the government should not “paralyse universities by stopping the HEC’s funds”

It is pedalogical to know that Saudi Arabia only sells about 9 Billion Barrels of Oil per day. It has the best infrastructure in the world, with a cradle to grave welfare system for its citizens, superb freeways, fantastic hospitals and an infrastructure that is the envy of the world.
Summary of Reserve Data as of 2007Country Reserves 1 Production 2 Reserve life 3
109 bbl 109 m3 106 bbl/d 103 m3/d years
Saudi Arabia 260 41 8.8 1,400 81
Canada 179 28.5 2.7 430 182
Iran 136 21.6 3.9 620 96
Iraq 115 18.3 3.7 590 85
Kuwait 99 15.7 2.5 400 108
United Arab Emirates 97 15.4 2.5 400 106
Venezuela 80 13 2.4 380 91
Russia 60 9.5 9.5 1,510 17
Libya 42 6.7 1.8 290 63
Nigeria 36 5.7 2.3 370 43
United States 21 3.3 4.9 780 11
Mexico 12 1.9 3.2 510 10
Total of top twelve reserves 1,137 180.8 48.2 7,660 65


1 Claimed or estimated reserves in billions (109) of barrels (converted to billions of cubic metres). (Source: Oil & Gas Journal, January, 2007)
2 Production rate in millions (106) of barrels per day (converted to thousands of cubic metres per day) (Source: US Energy Information Authority, September, 2007)[15]
3 Reserve to Production ratio (in years), calculated as reserves / annual production. (from above)

A couple of Chinese companies have already signed Memorandum’s of Understanding to excavate and process this clean coal energy.

He said that the country must focus on establishing coal power plants as Pakistan has one of the largest global coal reserves. Kamran said that ultimately Pakistan had to resort to coal power generation and the PU Institute of Coal Technology would play a key role in this regard. Speaking on the occasion, institute Director Dr Shafqat Nawaz said that coal remained a major energy source for a large number of countries, including China, which meets 78 percent of its electricity demand from coal; and India, which fulfills 77 percent of electricity demand from coal.

“Thar coal reserves have 175 billion tonnes of coal, which is equivalent to 618 billion barrels of crude oil,” he added.

Pakistan’s credit crunch in temporary. Once the country gets over the hump in the next few years, it can begin improving its infrastructure which is the best in South Asia even now.
I hope this can be put to work we have wat we need just to work on it inshallah all wil be fine or atleast better for our country its time to stop going backwards and moving forward GOD bless Pakistan!
Nigeria is rich in OIL still its one of the poorest country on the face of earth. Fate of Pakistan will remain the same unless we oust corrupt politicians out of Pakistan hang them i say!
^^^all these reserves are of no use if we dont have access to clean coal technology and develop it for use in the energy sector. as usual the govt. will move slowly on this and look for short-term short-cuts like begging for oil on deferred payments. its all about our "begging culture"

Pakistan coal reserves are estimated at 175 billion tons which according to the Vice-Chancellor (VC) of Punjab University, Professor Dr Mujahid Kamran equal 618 billion barrels of crude oil. According to the most reliable analytical reports Saudi Arabian crude oil reserves are estimated at around 260 billion barrels. At 60 Dollars per barrel this equates to 3708 Billion Dollars or approx. 4 Trillion Dollars (at current prices). At future prices these reserves will be worth 8 or 24 Trillion Dollars. This is enough money to build the most modern infrastructure, the best roads, the best hospitals, the best education, the best universities, the best hi-speed rail system and the best public transportation system on the planet.

It is pedalogical to know that Saudi Arabia only sells about 9 Billion Barrels of Oil per day. It has the best infrastructure in the world, with a cradle to grave welfare system for its citizens, superb freeways, fantastic hospitals and an infrastructure that is the envy of the world.
Summary of Reserve Data as of 2007Country Reserves 1 Production 2 Reserve life 3
109 bbl 109 m3 106 bbl/d 103 m3/d years
Saudi Arabia 260 41 8.8 1,400 81
Canada 179 28.5 2.7 430 182
Iran 136 21.6 3.9 620 96
Iraq 115 18.3 3.7 590 85
Kuwait 99 15.7 2.5 400 108
United Arab Emirates 97 15.4 2.5 400 106
Venezuela 80 13 2.4 380 91
Russia 60 9.5 9.5 1,510 17
Libya 42 6.7 1.8 290 63
Nigeria 36 5.7 2.3 370 43
United States 21 3.3 4.9 780 11
Mexico 12 1.9 3.2 510 10
Total of top twelve reserves 1,137 180.8 48.2 7,660 65


1 Claimed or estimated reserves in billions (109) of barrels (converted to billions of cubic metres). (Source: Oil & Gas Journal, January, 2007)
2 Production rate in millions (106) of barrels per day (converted to thousands of cubic metres per day) (Source: US Energy Information Authority, September, 2007)[15]
3 Reserve to Production ratio (in years), calculated as reserves / annual production. (from above)

A couple of Chinese companies have already signed Memorandum’s of Understanding to excavate and process this clean coal energy.

Pakistan’s credit crunch in temporary. Once the country gets over the hump in the next few years, it can begin improving its infrastructure which is the best in South Asia even now.

Sorry to say the Honourable VC of Punjab university is erroneous and downright misleading in this article. To put things in proper perspective, and this is the one field where I know a little as I have spent more than 40 years in the petroleum/energy sector; kindly let me explain:

Pakistani coal reserves are lignite or brown coal. These cannot be used as such and have to be cleaned of impurities, mainly sulphur which gives out sulphur dioxide upon burning, a highly poisonous substance.

We have been planning to use Thar coal for power generation for the last ten years, but we neither have the money nor idiginous technology to make use of this resource. We depend upon foreign investment which has been a long time coming. Why don’t we ask ourselves the question that when we are so rich in coal, why do we import nearly $3-millon tons of coal from abroad for use in steel Mill and Cement plants?

The process for conversion of coal into liquid hydrocarbons was developed by Dr Franz Fischer and Hans Tropsch (also called Fischer Tropsch synthesis) in 1925 and used by the Nazi Germany where about $6-million tons of liquid hydrocarbons were being produced by 1944. Following the sanctions imposed during the apartheid regime, South African
Sassol developed the Fischer Tropsch process further and are currently South Africa is the only country that is CTL technology is employed on commercial scale.

To give you an idea of the costs involved; work is in progress in China to set up a CTL plant in the Inner Mongolian region for converting Shenhue coal into petroleum products.
The plant would initially produce approximately 1-million tons of refined products at a cost of the $3.2-billon. Total cost of the project when completed in 2010 would be about $10-billion.

As I understand it, the main problem lies in the fact that the process produces a very large amount of CO2, the main green house gas. A very rough estimate would need 3.5 –million tons of good quality coal to produce about 1-million tons of liquid hydrocarbons. In lay man’s terms it costs about $65-70 per bbl to produce liquid hydrocarbons using CTL technology. In the case of lignite, percentage of carbon being very low, the figure would be much higher.

It is grossly misleading to quote Saudi and other OPEC countries and compare theoretical total BTU of Thar Lignite deposits with the OPEC countries proven oil reserves in terms of oil equivalent. Thar coal deposits will never be utilized for CTL conversion. No country in the world has the resources to convert all of the Thar lignite into liquid hydrocarbons. To use this as a basis for saying that credit crunch is temporary as the article goes on to say is insulting people's intelligence. Does the Hon VC imply that these coal deposits can be converted into liquid hydrocarbons and exported to earn cash as OPEC countries do?
We should be happy if and when Pakistan finally starts using this resource for power generation.

It is like saying that Taiwan with 25-million population has a GDP of $390-billion, Pakistan with 170-million population has a potential of $2-trillion economy and start getting all excited completely ignoring that Pakistan GDP is only $100-billion.

So let us stop living in a fool’s paradise. It is about time that we grew up and faced ground realities. Also this goes to show how the responsible people such as VC of Punjab University are willingly or unwillingly distorting the truth.
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It good to know about this. Coal as become the major source for producing electricity in many countries. Todays technology as become so advance that it can convert the coal in to liquids and that liquids can be converted in to gas and that gas can be converted into diesel. Thats why coal is playing the vital role i this world now.

Here is an information that might be useful: lincenergy.us
rather than converting coal to liquid hydrocarbon which again emit co2 why cant one go for electric....
Cleanest Enegry source is Nuclear Energy, thus US/India agreement was considered such a big deal. For an energy starved country like Pakistan, this is the only way forward.
Pakistan should not now start depletin its coal reserves by exporting them and using them at a very high rate, rather we should explore some clean renewable sources of energy like wind, solar e.t.c we should save the coal reserves so that when we run out of any available options for energy, we can use them.

Now, i dont wana see some multinational's comin in and buyin all the reserves at a very low cost:what:
Niaz; great to hear a proffessional view on the subject. I am no expert but even when I read the VC's speech it smelt more than a little of the fantasy land most people live in. It definitely was not precise and accurate. For a man in his position it is unforgiveable.

Pakistani coal is very low quality, but can be used for power generation.It might have to be mixed with better quality imported coal. It cannot be used for any other purpose ie cement or steel production.

Where I do not agree with you is its Coal to Liquid application.

Ctl requires cheap coal to make the operation financially worthwhile, and pakistani coal is perfect. I think most ctl processes use lignite (pakistani type) coal.

You say the cost is $70-80 per bbl? I believe the CTL process requires oil to be above $35 per bbl. Ofcourse, the exact figure will vary according to the country of location; as pakistan has much lower costs it will work in pakistan for a lower figure than in other countries. A CTL plant in pakistan can even operate at a slight loss, given the benefits on the balance of payments.

South Africa produces 30% of its oil through CTL, around 160.000 bbd.

We could too.

My 2 cents.
The decision ends a three-year battle with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and environmental groups, which complained the coal plant would throw off massive quantities of carbon dioxide leading to global warming.

for more information follow this lincenergy.us

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