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Pakistani Christians Told To Convert Or Face Death


May 19, 2006
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Pakistani Christians Told To Convert Or Face Death
July 7 2007 at 2:39 PM

Islamist militants in Pakistan have threatened to kill 10 Christian clerics in Southern Punjab's Khanewal district if they did not "embrace Islam and stop preaching Christianity."

"We are feeling insecure and unsafe today because of these threatening letters from Muslim fanatics," said Provincial lawmaker Naveed Amer Jeeva, coordinator of the All Pakistan Minorities Alliance (APMA).

Ten Christian clerics have received threatening letters from unidentified people warning them to "embrace Islam, stop preaching Christianity and quit your faith otherwise the countdown of your life has begun".

A state of fear prevails in Khanewal district's Shanti Nagar because the authorities have failed to address their security needs, said Pastor Mehtab Masih at a press conference on Friday to highlight the issue.

Threatening letters have been received by Union Council Naib Nazim Fazal Masih, Councillor Kalim Dutt, Pastor Robin, Capt Irshad of the Salvation Army Church, Pastor Boez Enver, Pastor Lemuel Calavary and Joseph Daniel, The Post daily said. Lawmaker Jeeva said Pastor Mukhtar Barkat had received such a threatening letter and was assassinated on January 5, 2004 in Khurrampura Khanewal.

On June 12 Christians in Shantinagar village had also received anonymous letters written in Urdu asking them convert to Islam or leave the area. The letters were sent to 10 religious, political and social leaders of this mainly Christian village.

Shantinagar village, which has about 3,000 Christians and 500 Muslim residents, was formed by the Salvation Army Church before the Partition of the sub-continent in 1947.

In May, Christian residents of a Muslim colony in Charsadda town of North-West Frontier Province (NWFP), received a letter from militants asking them to convert to Islam. Several Christian families fled their homes and others are living in constant fear.

Minority and human rights groups have demanded that the government provide protection and security to Christian families living in NWFP. Though the authorities have assured security to the minority community and arrested a few people in the earlier incidents, they have failed to boost the confidence of the Christians in the ability of the police to safeguard their lives and properties in the face of continuing threats.

There have been cases of people accused of blasphemy being murdered by religious extremists. Human rights activists say the country's blasphemy laws are misused to settle old enmities or personal disputes. A Christian man, Younis Masih, was sentenced to death under the blasphemy laws of Pakistan for allegedly insulting Prophet Mohammad in September 2005 in Lahore.

The All Pakistan Minorities Alliance (APMA) has sought legislative reforms to strike off the blasphemy laws that "discriminate against minorities" in the country. (Source - Agencies)
Government should provide protection to these people and authorities should look into who are sending these letters.
NEW DELHI, INDIA -- There was mounting concern , about what at least one advocacy group described as a "huge increase" in attacks against Christians in India, where Hindu groups are apparently fighting the spread of Christianity.

The Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC) which investigates cases of persecution told BosNewsLife that the violence, including rapes and killings, has been directed especially against Christians who are "engaged in ministry as well as ordinary believers - across Karnataka" state.

Hindu militants in the areas of Mangalore, Davangere, Bangalore, Shimoga, Mandya , Mysore are especially targeting Christians from a "Dalit and Tribal background," GCIC said. Dalits are often considered as the 'lowest caste' in India's ancient system of Hinduism.

GCIC told BosNewsLife however that is has documented the occurrence "of almost 200 attacks on Christians, in all parts of India from January to November 2006" especially by militants of the Hindu group Sangh Parivar.


The group urged the Indian government and other authorities to show solidarity "with the victims persecuted for their faith and commitment to serve the downtrodden in society," by investigating the circumstances of those killed, including Christian worker Bashir Tantray who was killed last month by suspected Islamic militants in Indian controlled Kashmir.

Another Christian, identified as religious items salesman Jacob, was killed five days by a suspected Hindu extremist on November 26, near the St. Thomas Mount Church in Chennai, the capital of the state of Tamil Nadu state, BosNewsLife learned.

GCIC said is is demanding "justice for the family of Bashir Tantray and the murder of Christian worker Jacob," as well as others killed for their faith in 2006. Among other attacks noted by GCIC and other human rights groups investigating this year's violence were an increase of attacks against orphans and raped of Christian women.

In one of the latest reported incidents, a resident of Elha village in Rohtas district, Bihar state, raped the wife of a local pastor last week, Wednesday, November 29. Villagers said Hindu extremists encouraged him to rape her in order to disrupt Christian activity there. A local resident allegedly abducted and raped 28-year-old Neelam Paswan, the wife of Shriram Paswan, in a field near her house. The Paswans work with Faith Fellowship, a local, registered non-profit organization founded by Pastor Radhey Shyam Philip.


Members of a youth wing of a Hindu extremist group also entered the Avila Convent Catholic Girls’ High School at Mysore in Karnataka state last week, Thursday, November 30 and assaulted several staff members.

The members of the Bajrang Dal, youth wing of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP), reportedly accused the school of attempting to convert Hindu children. Four men from the Bajrang Dal and VHP entered the office of the school headmistress, identified only as Sister Francina, and asked her why Christian literature was being distributed at nearby Hindu Sadvidya School.

Militants beat Sister Francina, for allegedly distributing Christian literature. Dozens of other militants also entered the school premises and attacked staff members who tried to rescue Sister Francina, news reports said.

India is a predominantly Hindu nation of roughly 1.1 billion people, and human rights groups fear minority Christians are increasingly singled out for attacks by violent religious groups. (With BosNewsLife Research and reports from India).
yo dabong, this thread is about Pakistani christians. If you want to post something else, do so in another topic, dont try to start a flame war in this thread by trying to post tit for tat threads.

If you want, start another topic. Dont break the rules of this forum, stick to the tpic, if you have something to contribute, do so, else dont post crap(not related) articles here...
this is sad but i am really concerned about these people. Why dont these people who spend so much time blaming and trying to convert minorities do something that will actually help pakistan. 2 of my teachers in A-levels were christian and another was a parsi but i didnt know that until the day i graduated and frankly i didnt care these people were real patriots and would have given there life the same way for pakistan as me or any other muslim pakistani it is a real shame that we treat our minorities like this. Considering the history of the creation of our nation.
"O believers enter the fold of Islam completely and do not follow the footsteps of Satan, for he is indeed your open enemy." (Holy Quran 2:208)

The TRUTH stands out from Error - hence in Islam there is no compulsion in religion (these individuals need to be educated on the true teachings of the beautiful religion - Islam).

There is no compulsion in religion. True guidance has become clearly distinct from error. Anyone who rejects false deities and has belef in God has grasped the Firmest Handhold, which will never give way. God is All-Hearing, All-Knowing. (Holy Quran, 2:256).
yo dabong, this thread is about Pakistani christians. If you want to post something else, do so in another topic, dont try to start a flame war in this thread by trying to post tit for tat threads.

If you want, start another topic. Dont break the rules of this forum, stick to the tpic, if you have something to contribute, do so, else dont post crap(not related) articles here...

Nothing to do with starting a flame war,just trying to show that the indians should be more concerned with christians being killed in india unlike in pakistan where the only thing "reported" is that some idiot has sent some letter's to some christians threatening to kill,bit of a difference.
The bit that i am "contributing" to is showing that there are idiots in india also and it is not just a pakistan specific problem.
hahahah classic india vs pakistan thread:lol:

True - But Khan Bhai, we joust while innocents suffer. What business is it of ours what the Indians do with their citizens, the injustice that needs redressing is in our land. Just my opinion, I'll criticize the Indians for their social ills when we have none.

Of course that does not apply when people try to make social injustice look like the domain of one particular race, religion, creed, culture, nation. That kind of ignorance should be countered in the same coin.
Its actually true. Although the minorites in our nation believe that they are treated respectfully in Pakistan and the government takes care of their interests the fanatics and stupid militants are constantly trying to haress the minorities. It is these mad bastards that are causing trouble in our country.

Where hindus and Christians have been treated well as most have in our country they have completely fit in and merged and think of themselves as Pakistanis. The interviews taken of Sikh soldiers in our army will prove this as some even said that Pakistan comes before their religion! I also know some Pakistani Hindus who are extremely loyal to Pakistan... its all about how they are treated. If we treat these guys with contempt and want them to go to India and basically "get lost" (like India does for muslims) they will definately feel unaccepted.

So i say we should find the militant bastards and bring them to justice. I think we too should have programs like the Saudis have to educate militants. To present them with what exactly is written in the Quran and how they are going against it. I think that would convince them that what they are doing is wrong.
The interviews taken of Sikh soldiers in our army will prove this as some even said that Pakistan comes before their religion!
How many Pakistani muslims think the same ?

I also know some Pakistani Hindus who are extremely loyal to Pakistan... its all about how they are treated. If we treat these guys with contempt and want them to go to India and basically "get lost" (like India does for muslims) they will definately feel unaccepted.?

Baseless statement.
So did the Khanewal Christians convert or faced death?

Some Christian activist blowing things out of proportion. So they were probably provided security and were protected... Why don't activists report the good things that are done for them?
Why don't activists report the good things that are done for them?

When ever I turn on the TV, I see one of their Ads. where a kid in India is walking half naked and sitting on the pile of garbage, then they pass some emotional comment to support their Christian child fund. I know in the end not even a cent goes there, but hey. These activist can roam around in lear jet.
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