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Pakistani Ballistic Missile (Ghauri/Hatf V) Test Failed

Its that thinking and the always on stealth mode that deprives the nation on information on projects ran with their tax money . Not a good thing , by any means .
where is my gun, i am coming from you LOL
Its that thinking and the always on stealth mode that deprives the nation on information on projects ran with their tax money . Not a good thing , by any means .
I think there should be harmonious balance between Right of information And Preserving the secrecy of national defence projects

Not quite. There is no "balance" to be maintained. We should get to know if and only if when it is ok for everyone else to know as well, and that is the right we have. Any information even remotely susceptible to compromising national security, in case of a leak, is to be kept under wraps no matter how much you and I are hungry for it. This is the first and foremost right of the tax payer; security not information. This is why you choose the best and the most trust worthy to run it all.

ps: I do wish I was sitting at the top, not because I deem myself fit enough to run it all but just because I want to know it all too.
Any information even remotely susceptible to compromising national security, in case of a leak, is to be kept under wraps no matter how much you and I are hungry for it.

That isn't the thing here , is it ? Do we ever get to know ? Because every single goddamn information whether important or not - if it compromises the national security or not ( the latter being the factor in most of the cases ) are hidden , kept secret and guarded like hell - even the ones which are released by every country to let their citizens know about the results of the R&D for the defense projects funded by the tax money of the people . Yes , we ought to know because its our money and we pay for that ! That isn't helping the country by any means - even if army is somehow paranoid thinking that " releasing any - even a tinny bit of information would compromise the national security " . Take my assurance , the information which the armed forces try so hard to keep secret are many times , present in open source intelligence - JANE and SIPRI for one . Let me ask you , what did you know about JF 17 if it wasn't for the Chinese sources , the presence in International airshows and the tinny bit of information leaked by insiders ? It doesn't help the project but rather hinders the sale of the aircraft . Forget about the Pakistani indigenous projects and improvisations - because we have to rely on pictures given to press by mistake and the assumptions and the estimations by the expert to even get an idea - as if they are something extremely unique and special . So , countries like Russia/Soviet , China , U.S. , France , Britain , Turkey etc can be open about their defense projects but Pakistan Armed forces are an exceptional case ? Can the lesser mortals know why , sir ?
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