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Pakistan Wins Reko Diq Case

Pakistan and the US are not enemies. They were once one of the closest partners on Earth. There has to be compromise on both sides to get the relationship back on track.

Inshallah as long as that relationship keeps on getting better, more good news will follow when it comes to international disputes etc.
Pakistan and the US are not enemies. They were once one of the closest partners on Earth. There has to be compromise on both sides to get the relationship back on track.

Inshallah as long as that relationship keeps on getting better, more good news will follow when it comes to international disputes etc.
USA and China are undeclared "enemies".... whenever US comes across a country that can challenge it on an even footing they never take them head on instead use proxies. To bring down the Soviets, the US used Afghanistan/Pakistan. Now to bring down China, the US is propping up India. Now you see why the US-Pakistan relationship has deteriorated?
USA and China are undeclared "enemies".... whenever US comes across a country that can challenge it on an even footing they never take them head on instead use proxies. To bring down the Soviets, the US used Afghanistan/Pakistan. Now to bring down China, the US is propping up India. Now you see why the US-Pakistan relationship has deteriorated?
The US needs Pakistan more than anyone else in the region. India or the US can't take down China. The US must eventually accept a multipolar world and only diplomacy with China will work. Otherwise we will have WW3. Despite the US best attempts, it won't be able to make India into something it isn't to try and take on the monster that is China.

In the long run the US will realise that they're not alone at the top anymore.
Ahhh windy
After reading the whole thread my initial happiness from your post melted away !
I thought Pakistan won the case overall.
Please refrain from posting misleading news.
Damn Doc , do use the name by all means but don't impose Einstein theories on others.
How is it misleading when all Pakistani major news channels are making this headlines and even breaking news.
This is an indirect confirmation that there was corruption by the Pakistani government in office at that time in signing these contracts. This should become the basis for hanging Zardari & NS tola as well

Pakistan wins $6 Billion law suit in the Reko Diq case.

Pakistan gets back custody of both Roosevelt Hotel in New York and Scribe Hotel in Paris.
On a different note. Now that we lost the case and have to pay the fine also, can we REFRAIN from hiring another leach Western company to mine and take take 60-70% of the proceeds from the mine?
Why can't we mine Reko Diq ourselves?
The world is changing. China has become an economic giant and may be preparing to challenge the $ hegemony soon.
Major world currencies may see a toppling down the road.
No one will allow cryptocurrencies to become dominant. They will be brought down one way or another.
Precious metals have held value since the beginning of time and will remain so till the end of times.
I may not be right but from what I have read, we may have 1-1.5 trillion $ worth of precious metal lying around in that mine by the time it is extracted.
Even if we don't have the capability and technology to extract properly at present, what the fck is preventing us from learning and gaining the technology even if we take another decade to do so. At least we get to keep the total proceeds from digging the mine ourselves.

People say that Pakistan needs these foreign companies to dig out the gold in reko diq mines as we don't have the skills or knowledge to do so ourselves. There is only one solution and that is to get the knowledge and learn the skills.

Uzbekistan and Indonesia have the largest gold mines in the world, Pakistan govt should send its people to these mines to work and learn and in a few years time use the skills to work on our own mines.

I don't understand why instead of training our own people we rely on foreign companies.
Am I dreaming? This is the first time Pakistan has won an international case.
This is an indirect confirmation that there was corruption by the Pakistani government in office at that time in signing these contracts. This should become the basis for hanging Zardari & NS tola as well

This was more to do with Iftikhar Chaudry. He too was a Noonie CJ.
Damn Doc , do use the name by all means but don't impose Einstein theories on others.
How is it misleading when all Pakistani major news channels are making this headlines and even breaking news.

its half cooked news Pakistan did not won real case of 6bn$ Pakistan just won a case in virgin island for not taking PIA assets as a means of paying that fine.

"Despite withdrawal of attachment orders by the BVI court, $6 billion award against Pakistan will still be intact.
The ICSID stayed the enforcement of the $6b award and on September 17 and issued a 70-page order which said the stay shall continue on a conditional basis.

The arbitrator ordered Pakistan to provide an “unconditional and irrevocable” bank guarantee or the letter of credit (LC) for 25 per cent of the award, plus accrued interest as of the date of the decision. "

The BVI court attachment orders pertained only to use of PIA assets as payment. The original $6 billion award against Pakistan still stands.
By all means keep reading those major news channels headlines and breaking news as Pakistan prepares to obtain more loans to pay the fine and accrued interest .
And I am not imposing any theories of my own. Just posting what I read in this thread and looking at actual facts.
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its all about pakistanis signing blindly dozens of BITs . nothing else . revoke all BITs and no one can take you in court . as many countries revoked after see pakistani situation . but only pakistnais keeping them till we hammered .check how many BITs of pakistna are active today its madness of our govs .

You are absolutely right. Sarkari babus with zero idea of business, international litigation or diplomacy have been fooling their political masters for decades by signing these harmful BITs just to get foreign trips and TA/DAs.

Criminal behavior. Banda in ko retirement se nikal k ulta latkae jo yeh ullu k pathay harkatain kartay hain.
People say that Pakistan needs these foreign companies to dig out the gold in reko diq mines as we don't have the skills or knowledge to do so ourselves. There is only one solution and that is to get the knowledge and learn the skills.

Uzbekistan and Indonesia have the largest gold mines in the world, Pakistan govt should send its people to these mines to work and learn and in a few years time use the skills to work on our own mines.

I don't understand why instead of training our own people we rely on foreign companies.
Pakistan can dig and extract. But to do research, exploration etc, one needs complex tools, computers, softwares etc which are proprietary. Only a few countries, mainly USA, Russia, China, India, France, UK have the technology for these exploratory activities in difficult geographies. Any country can extract the resource once it is found. But finding it is the big task
bhai ap bhi badshah hain

copper company won the case of 6bn$ already with final verdict

copper company tried to take over pia hotels as they won the case .pia is registered in virgin islands . vergin islands freeze the hotels and asked pia to reply why they should not freeze Pakistani gov asest as pia . PIA submit papers that they are not 100% pakistnai gov property . court left freezing .

now copper company will find other ways to take 6bn$ from pakistan company have many options .

where is victory here ???????????

they will try to find other ways like pakistani gov accounts on foregn countries and asests .

The Sardar who was happy by crossing the line many time.
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