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Pakistan wins China investment worth $42 billion

Just for RECORD....iam making that part of Discussion......

china pak 45 billion.jpg

We'll witness....after the 5 Years term of Nero Sharif - what actually he have ACHIEVED
Just for RECORD....iam making that part of Discussion......

View attachment 149740

We'll witness....after the 5 Years term of Nero Sharif - what actually he have ACHIEVED

Nothing gona happen bro china never invested such a huge amount of 42 billion dollars in last 60 years what they gona do now ?? this ganja noora is making people fool just to make people of pakistan happy with a fabricated story of chinese investment to get back his image of being a survivor of pakistan .. nothing gona happen chinese are only working for their own interest here our leaders are such an A$$ hole they mis leads nation .. Signing a MOU and calling it a winning a investment LOL Musharaf had signed more then 200 Billion dollars MOU's including Karachi water front project 60 billion dollar project with Limitless group , Crescent Business bay karachi with emaar etc etc so did anything happened on ground ???
Nothing gona happen bro china never invested such a huge amount of 42 billion dollars in last 60 years what they gona do now ?? this ganja noora is making people fool just to make people of pakistan happy with a fabricated story of chinese investment to get back his image of being a survivor of pakistan .. nothing gona happen chinese are only working for their own interest here our leaders are such an A$$ hole they mis leads nation .. Signing a MOU and calling it a winning a investment LOL Musharaf had signed more then 200 Billion dollars MOU's including Karachi water front project 60 billion dollar project with Limitless group , Crescent Business bay karachi with emaar etc etc so did anything happened on ground ???
Officially they're trumpeting 45 Billion Investment......Lets Assume 42 is correct figure......I pray for Chinese Investment to happen as soon as possible (not in terms of MOU's)........BUT....Our Majesty is giving impression in Public... that it is bcoz of his highness ....tireless efforts ... & 70% of time staying outside country (with family members)....he forced them to invest in Pakistan
Commercial loans. Stop calling it investment.

Investment is when Chinese companies bring their own capital. Here, the Chinese EXIM bank will give loans to a maximum of 42 billion to companies using Chinese technology. Now that company can be from anywhere.

There is a big loophole for corruption here. As any company registered in China can do this 'investment'.

I see Sharifs making billions here. All money in offshore accounts and proudly claim no corruption in the country. The claim that will be as shallow as themselves.
Nawaz terms $40bn Chinese investment a milestone in bilateral ties
Updated about 12 hours ago

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is being received at Heathrow Airport in London upon his arrival on two-day official visit to UK on Wednesday, November 12, 2014. – APP

LONDON: Terming the pledged over $40 billion Chinese investment as a “milestone” in the history of Pak-China relations, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on Wednesday said it would help address the years old energy crisis in Pakistan.

Speaking to media representatives upon arrival from Berlin, he also set aside the impression that the investment from China was a loan, saying, “It is not a loan, but Chinese investment, which would benefit Pakistan a lot and further strengthen Pak-China ties”.

He was appreciative of the Chinese government for their decision to make such a huge investment to help Pakistan meet its energy requirements. Prime Minister Sharif was confident that owing to his government's serious efforts, the years old energy crisis would be resolved during the current tenure of PML-N government.

Referring to PTI Chairman Imran Khan led anti-government protests, Sharif regretted that some elements did not want to see these issues resolved by his government. “But these elements would be left behind and the country would move forward,” he remarked.

The prime minister termed his meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel as positive and hoped that German companies would also make investment in Pakistan's energy sector.

To a question about the impact of sit-ins on Pakistan's economy, Nawaz Sharif agreed that the sit-ins did affect the investors’ confidence, adding that the scheduled visits of the leaders from China, Sri Lanka, Qatar and Maldives were also postponed.

Prime Minister Sharif, in response to a question, said the operation against terrorists was currently ongoing in Pakistan. However, he added that if there was economic progress and prosperity in the country, it would also help address other issues including terrorism.

Regarding the PTI's demand of including the country's intelligence agencies in the probe of alleged election rigging, the premier said politicians should not make such demands and the issue should be resolved within the given criteria.

To another question, Nawaz Sharif mentioned the appreciation of rupee against dollar as well as the record upward trend in the country's stock market as positive economic indicators.

“If the energy crisis is resolved with the availability of electricity and gas to consumers and factories and industries run smoothly, it is the only path of development, prosperity and the elimination of poverty. All other paths are misleading,” he remarked.

Earlier, upon arrival the prime minister was received by representative of British Government, Nicholas Jarrold and Pakistan's High Commissioner to the UK, Syed Ibne Abbas along with the officials of the High Commission.

During the visit, Prime Minister Sharif will inaugurate the Pakistan-UK Energy Dialogue / Investment Conference to be held on Thursday (November 13) in London, which will focus on assisting Pakistan in seeking investment in addressing its energy needs through sharing expertise and best practices.

In addition, British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond will also call on the prime minister to discuss bilateral relations.
Nothing gona happen bro china never invested such a huge amount of 42 billion dollars in last 60 years what they gona do now ?? this ganja noora is making people fool just to make people of pakistan happy with a fabricated story of chinese investment to get back his image of being a survivor of pakistan .. nothing gona happen chinese are only working for their own interest here our leaders are such an A$$ hole they mis leads nation .. Signing a MOU and calling it a winning a investment LOL Musharaf had signed more then 200 Billion dollars MOU's including Karachi water front project 60 billion dollar project with Limitless group , Crescent Business bay karachi with emaar etc etc so did anything happened on ground ???
There is huge difference in past 60 years, and now.. China has surpluse of 4 trillion USD bills which they cant encash, so they are buying land in africa, building ports around the world, building roads, buying fix assets, and that is the reason they are investing very small portion in Pakistan, that will benifit Pakistan as well as China..

If you guys didnt realize geopolitics, china has more to gain than Pakistan. But come on, its hard for people to see out of their well..

Wake up, china is investing in all countries, even in india.. as they have no other choice but to invest..

China is financial hub of worldwide from item A to Z all are made in China ...number 1 to 'X'.........RESULT.....they've Loads of US dollars in Chinese Bank...........when China demands USA to exhange your $ with our Yuans......American says...we've no YUANs & at the same time you posses more DOLLARS then Rest of America....so chinese gov buy American security notes (IOU's) in exchange to transfer Us currency reserves to them.
When Chinese businessman approach chinse bank...and demand for YUAN in exhange for US dollars......Chinese government have no other option...only to PRINT MORE YUANS (in collateral with American IOU's..issued by Us.Gov)..........RESULT......value of yuan diluting and in next comming years it will slow down Chinese Economy and inflation will rise
As by world renowned Economist - American Dollar is enjoying last decade of its formation and world has started dealing in their own currency instead of accepting HEGEMONY of dollar in international trade Moreover Trade giants like India/china/russia insisted to stop trading in US dollar esp RUSSIA....defied first time Openly worldwide to accept dollars...RESULT.....Big Trade Surplus countries like China are now preparing to DUMP load of US dollars in worldwide investment to secure its value before it fades away.....we will witness increase in Investments activity by China ......Chinese Economical Gurus understand that Phenomena....thats why they're dumping it methodically ...bcoz they dont want TRAUMA in international politics.....In that case they'll suffer it GREATLY as they've world largest reserves of Dollars.
China is financial hub of worldwide from item A to Z all are made in China ...number 1 to 'X'.........RESULT.....they've Loads of US dollars in Chinese Bank...........when China demands USA to exhange your $ with our Yuans......American says...we've no YUANs & at the same time you posses more DOLLARS then Rest of America....so chinese gov buy American security notes (IOU's) in exchange to transfer Us currency reserves to them.
When Chinese businessman approach chinse bank...and demand for YUAN in exhange for US dollars......Chinese government have no other option...only to PRINT MORE YUANS (in collateral with American IOU's..issued by Us.Gov)..........RESULT......value of yuan diluting and in next comming years it will slow down Chinese Economy and inflation will rise
As by world renowned Economist - American Dollar is enjoying last decade of its formation and world has started dealing in their own currency instead of accepting HEGEMONY of dollar in international trade Moreover Trade giants like India/china/russia insisted to stop trading in US dollar esp RUSSIA....defied first time Openly worldwide to accept dollars...RESULT.....Big Trade Surplus countries like China are now preparing to DUMP load of US dollars in worldwide investment to secure its value before it fades away.....we will witness increase in Investments activity by China ......Chinese Economical Gurus understand that Phenomena....thats why they're dumping it methodically ...bcoz they dont want TRAUMA in international politics.....In that case they'll suffer it GREATLY as they've world largest reserves of Dollars
I don't care if your analysis is true or wrong, you seem capable of thinking and that should be rewarded with a positive rating here.
Reality of $42bn investment by China in Pakistan

Is China buying a $42 bn insurance policy from Pakistan?
by Rajeev Sharma Nov 10, 2014
China-Pakistan relationship has been topping the radar screens of the Indian security and intelligence establishments.

The latest stunning development in China-Pakistan relations – the news of China agreeing to invest $42 billion in Pakistan-- wouldn’t have obviously gone unnoticed by the Indian strategic establishment which has been keeping a tab on the two countries India has fought wars with.

The truth is starkly different.

China and Pakistan may have repeatedly claimed that their friendship is higher than mountains, deeper than oceans and sweeter than honey, but the reality is that when it comes to China loosening its purse strings by way of economic aid or investments the Chinese have been miserly towards Pakistan.

Consider the statistics of a prestigious American think tank given below.


Pakistan’s top civil and military leaders – their presidents, prime ministers, army chiefs and ISI chiefs – have been visiting China at the drop of a hat. After all such visits to Beijing, the Pakistani leaders have been making tall claims. But all such claims have proven to be empty words.

Therefore, one will have to wait and watch about the veracity of one more such claim made by Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif after his recent visit to China. Sharif announced on 8 November in Beijing that China had promised Pakistan an investment of a whopping $42 billion, most of which will be parked in Pakistan’s energy sector.

While commenting on the 19 agreements and MoUs signed between Pakistan and China during Sharif’s visit to China, Amir Zamir, spokesman for Pakistan's ministry of planning and development, made the following on-record remarks to the press: "The deals being signed between China and Pakistan are worth $42 billion. The whole investment is being made by China. There is no loan or aid for the energy projects, but pure investment by the Chinese."

Well, the proof of the pudding is in the eating! This seems to be plain bluster. No country has parked so much money in Pakistan for “investment” purposes as Islamabad has claimed from the roof tops.

Even China, for that matter, has been “talking” about its upcoming investments in Pakistan’s energy sector, particularly nuclear energy. But this has remained in the realm of words only; with little investments actually flowing into Pakistan.

Chinese President Xi Jinping was to travel to Pakistan but he canceled his visit at the last minute in September, though he traveled to India in the same month. In a way, Xi dehyphenated India from Pakistan.

During his India visit, Xi had announced $20 billion Chinese investment in India for the next five years. Islamabad must have noted this and squirmed over the development. Here was their “all-weather” friend and ally which does not invest much in their country but loosens up its purse strings for the arch-rivals India!

Therefore, the $42 billion promised “Chinese investments” in Pakistan is Islamabad’s way of squaring it with India and an attempt at scoring a brownie point over India.

But the Chinese are far smarter. They put their money only when they are sure of deriving maximum strategic benefits.

Even if one were to believe that China is going to invest $42 billion in Pakistan (and no time frame of Chinese investments is given by either side) it is pertinent to note in what context this reported Chinese “pledge” has come about.

China is feeling the heat of the jihadist terror and knows very well that Pakistan is the cradle and fountainhead of such terror outfits.

China has repeatedly made uncharitable remarks about Pakistan’s role in harbouring these jihadist forces which, of course, have not been China-centric but off and on have hit China badly. At the same time, China cannot afford to dump Pakistan. China needs Pakistan badly for strategic reasons. China has been reaching out to Central Asia and to the Muslim world through Pakistan.

This is the China-Pakistan strategic template which is not going to change significantly in the coming years no matter howsoever poor Pakistan’s track record on the terror issue has been or will be.

The only way of looking at the Chinese promise of pouring $42 billion worth investment in Pakistan, if it turns out to true this time around, is that this is in lieu of the help that Pakistan is going to give to China with regard to jihadist forces active in China’s restive Xinjiang region.

Significantly, the Chinese foreign ministry highlighted this part of the arrangement with Pakistan – and not the Chinese promise of $42 billion investment in Pakistan. The Chinese foreign ministry quoted Nawaz Sharif as having said that Pakistan would "resolutely fight the East Turkestan Islamic Movement terrorist force."

If the promised $42 billion worth Chinese investments were indeed to flow into Pakistan, then this seems to be a price tag for China buying an insurance policy from Pakistan that in exchange Pakistan-based jihadist forces would no longer be troubling China.

In other words, China is buying a $42 billion insurance policy from Pakistan!

This is virtually a ransom being paid by China to Pakistan for keeping its China-specific terrorists in check.

In the Indian sub-continent this is known as “hafta” or the weekly protection money that is extracted by goons.

*The writer is FirstPost Consulting Editor and a strategic analyst who tweets @Kishkindha.
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