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Pakistan will not offer bases to the US military.

Feb 22, 2014
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Pakistan will not offer bases to the US military.
- President of Pakistan Arif Alvi.
Pakistan’s President Arif Alvi sat down with VOA’s Ayesha Tanzeem this week for an exclusive interview
Bases aren't really needed though, b/c you can more or less fly sorties out of Qatar, UAE, Oman, etc. The real question is, will Pakistan give airspace access, and if not, what will it do say if Pakistani airspace is used for Afghan operations like the Abbottabad operation?
Bases aren't really needed though, b/c you can more or less fly sorties out of Qatar, UAE, Oman, etc. The real question is, will Pakistan give airspace access, and if not, what will it do say if Pakistani airspace is used for Afghan operations like the Abbottabad operation?

We will most likely not offer our airspace and if US violates then it will push us further to the China and Russian camp, even during the Abottabad operation China in response send a warning by setting up missile batteries close to our northern border.

Besides it will not make a single difference even if we grant you access, you have been at war there for over two decades, what a few more air strikes gonna do?, we are done fighting your wars for you.
USA doesn't need bases inside Pakistan. It needs overflight access for USN and regional based assets. Iran and Russia will not provide this. Pakistan should continue to cooperate with USA against al Qaeda types. Lets not repeat the mistakes of the 90's.
Bases aren't really needed though, b/c you can more or less fly sorties out of Qatar, UAE, Oman, etc. The real question is, will Pakistan give airspace access, and if not, what will it do say if Pakistani airspace is used for Afghan operations like the Abbottabad operation?

US planes will be escorted out of Pakistani airspace. It is really satisfying knowing that daddy America still needs Pakistan after so many years. All these lies that Pakistan is of no importance blah blah LOL

You cannot win in Afghanistan. There is no need to send planes. You are not fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan. You are fighting against Iran, Pakistan, Russia and China. Can you really win? Make up your mind.
US planes will be escorted out of Pakistani airspace. It is really satisfying knowing that daddy America still needs Pakistan after so many years.

You cannot win in Afghanistan. There is no need send planes.
If we take this approach we would forfeit any remaining good will. That's not a wise decision. Pakistan should continue to work with USA against Al Qaeda types.
If we take this approach we would forfeit any remaining good will. That's not a wise decision. Pakistan should continue to work with USA against Al Qaeda types.

What good will? There is none. Pakistan firmly belongs in the China Russia camp.

If people think that the US is fighting the Taliban, ISIS or AQ in Afghanistan think again. The US is fighting against Iranian, Russian and Chinese interests all over the world. That is what is really happening. The Americans already know the score, but would never openly admit the facts. It would make them look weak and pathetic.
What good will? There is none. Pakistan firmly belongs in the China Russia camp.

If people think that the US is fighting the Taliban, ISIS or AQ in Afghanistan think again. The US is fighting against Iranian, Russian and Chinese interests all over the world. That is what is really happening. The Americans already know the score, but would never openly admit the facts. It would make them look weak and pathetic.
Pakistan is not economically strong enough to make a complete break with the USA. Simple calculus. We should learn from history. If we helped USA kill OBL and destroy AQ in the 90's, we would be better off today. Lets not repeat those mistakes.
Pakistan is not economically strong enough to make a complete break with the USA. Simple calculus. We should learn from history. If we helped USA kill OBL and destroy AQ in the 90's, we would be better off today. Lets not repeat those mistakes.

We will keep these Americans at an arms length. That is enough. We don't trust snakes.
Oh really Mr President? So let's change the regime ! New order from USA to Pakistani power Pillers,
Pakistan is not economically strong enough to make a complete break with the USA. Simple calculus. We should learn from history. If we helped USA kill OBL and destroy AQ in the 90's, we would be better off today. Lets not repeat those mistakes.

So do you really want American bases in Pakistan?, I mean we already have the US embassy to deal with how many more bases can we really afford?
If we take this approach we would forfeit any remaining good will. That's not a wise decision. Pakistan should continue to work with USA against Al Qaeda types.

Preposterous.. when it's the US that has been funding/supporting groups like Al Qaeda, ISIS etc in the first place, US does not want peace in the region, and neither should Pakistan voluntarily swallow the same bitter bill and say 'Thank You' like it has been doing for decades only to get 'Do More' and get sanctioned regardless. Its about time our establishment put our national interests first for once.. that also means we would have to forfeit any extra shabash points.. that may otherwise warrant expatriates like yourself to speed up their US citizenship application.. I Know its selfish of us but we can't sacrifice national interests for Your convenience..
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