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Pakistan warns India against hegemonistic mindset

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DAWN.COM | Front Page | Pakistan warns India against hegemonistic mindset

By Iftikhar A. Khan
Thursday, 14 Jan, 2010

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan warned India on Wednesday against its relentless pursuit of military preponderance and said it would have severe consequences for peace and security in South Asia and the Indian Ocean region.

The National Command Authority, which met here under Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani, took serious note of recent Indian statements about conducting conventional military strikes under a nuclear umbrella and said such irresponsible statements reflected a hegemonic mindset, oblivious of dangerous implications of adventurism in a nuclearised context.

The NCA also took note of the developments detrimental to the objectives of strategic stability in the region. It observed that instead of responding positively to Pakistan’s proposal for a strategic restraint regime in South Asia, India continued to pursue an ambitious militarisation programme and offensive military doctrines.

“Massive inductions of advanced weapon systems, including installation of ABMs (anti-ballistic missiles), build-up of nuclear arsenal and delivery systems through ongoing and new programmes, assisted by some external quarters, offensive doctrines like ‘Cold Start’ and similar accumulations in the conventional realm, tend to destabilise the regional balance,” the meeting noted.

A statement issued by the PM House said: “Pakistan cannot be oblivious to these developments.” It was the first meeting of the NCA after President Asif Ali Zardari promulgated the National Command Authority Ordinance and divested himself of the powers of its chairman in November last year.

The meeting expressed satisfaction over the safety and security of Pakistan’s strategic assets and effectiveness of its strategic deterrence. It emphasised the importance of Pakistan’s policy of credible minimum deterrence and maintaining strategic stability in South Asia.

The authority reaffirmed Pakistan’s policy of restraint and responsibility and its resolve to continue efforts to promote peace and stability in South Asia. It underscored the need for preventing conflict and avoiding nuclear and conventional arms race in the region.

The NCA noted that the India-specific exemption made by the Nuclear Suppliers Group and subsequent nuclear fuel supply agreements with several countries would enable New Delhi to produce substantial quantities of fissile material for nuclear weapons by freeing up its domestic resources.

It reiterated that while continuing to act with responsibility and avoiding an arms race, Pakistan would not compromise on its security interests and the imperative of maintaining a credible minimum deterrence.

The meeting reviewed plans for generation of nuclear power under IAEA safeguards as part of national energy security strategy to ensure sustained economic growth and welcomed the renewed international interest in nuclear power generation to meet the challenge of climate change.

As a country with advanced fuel cycle capability, it said, Pakistan was in a position to provide nuclear fuel cycle services under IAEA safeguards, and participate in any non-discriminatory nuclear fuel supply assurance mechanism.
The NCA expressed satisfaction at steps taken by Pakistan at the national level for nuclear safety and security, which would continue to be important considerations in the context of national nuclear power development plans.


It reaffirmed that as a nuclear weapon state Pakistan was committed to working as an equal partner in international efforts for general and complete nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation. In this regard, the NCA stressed the need for non-discriminatory policies and accommodation of the reality of Pakistan’s nuclear weapon status for promoting global non-proliferation goals.

The meeting emphasised that promotion of nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament objectives in South Asia were linked with regional security dynamics and the need to address existing asymmetries and resolution of outstanding disputes.

The NCA stressed that as the sole disarmament negotiating forum the Conference on Disarmament (CD) in Geneva should play its due role in global nuclear disarmament. As far as a Fissile Material Treaty at the CD was concerned, Pakistan’s position would be determined by its national security interests and the objectives of strategic stability in South Asia, it said.

“Selective and discriminatory measures that perpetuate regional instability, in any form and manner, derogate from the objectives of nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation and, therefore, cannot be accepted or endorsed. Pakistan will not support any approach or measure that is prejudicial to its legitimate national security interests.”

An official told Dawn after the meeting that India’s ‘Cold Start’ strategy was a threat to strategic stability of South Asia. India’s growing military prowess, capabilities and aggressive designs implied war-provoking intent by practical manifestation of the ‘Cold Start’ doctrine.

He said the hit and mobilise concept would further squeeze space for diplomacy and political manoeuvres for avoiding a conflict. This strategy was likely to increase the threat in an unpredictable manner at various rungs of the escalation ladder, he added.

He said it was inherently flawed to further engage nuclear South Asia in an arms race rather than diverting efforts and resources to alleviate social needs of poor segments of society. Strategic equilibrium prevalent in the subcontinent would be impacted with negative repercussions, he said.

Explaining the concept of the ‘Cold Start’ doctrine, a defence analyst said it envisaged applying linear ground forces for multiple thrusts, backed by massive fire power well before Pakistan completed its mobilisation and international community could intervene.

He said the doctrine laid stress on offensive strike, but without giving battle indicators of mobilisation to maintain chances of strategic surprise while remaining below nuclear threshold. Political decision for war would be taken at the outset.

Talking about the broad contours, he said traditional operational art of maintaining distinction between strike and defensive formations would be done away with. The war was planned to be fought by integrated battle groups (IBGs) synergised and supported by Indian Air Force and Navy.

Since the IBGs would be pre-positioned closer to international border and the Line of control, these would commence operations with least build-up and preparation and would thus achieve surprise under the doctrine, he added.

Shaping the battlefield through new concept of war, incorporating all available technical-driven assets and fire power platforms would remain the hallmark of an Indian offensive.

Analysts observed that in Indian military planners’ view there was space available for a short notice, short-duration war with curtailed objectives despite the nuclear factor. Nuclear capability has added to Pakistan’s security by impinging upon India’s liberty of action under the nuclear overhang.

As the efficacy of all-out conventional war within the nuclear environment became questionable, India started studying the possibility of a limited conflict with curtailed application of military instrument and objectives.
I hope this enough to open your third, fourth and fifth eye :)

On a serious note, what is wrong with Gen. Kapoor? He is not a politician and there is an acting govt. in India which has defence and foreign ministers to spit venom against the freindly neighbour ;), so why is Gen. Kapoor trying to create sensation?
I hope this enough to open your third, fourth and fifth eye :)

On a serious note, what is wrong with Gen. Kapoor? He is not a politician and there is an acting govt. in India which has defence and foreign ministers to spit venom against the freindly neighbour ;), so why is Gen. Kapoor trying to create sensation?

There is nothing wrong with Kappor.

You do not need a 3rd , 4th or 5th eye to realise that Gen kapoor being a general and is doing what he is supposed to do- prepare for the next war. He was speaking at a forum to an audience who were supposed to be in the loop.

Thats all. Now if the media plays it up, he cannot be blamed for this.

If Pak is ' satisfied' with its own defences as the article says then where is the concern ?

Lastly, in India we prefer Generals to do their job and not plan for the next coup.
Speaking of adventurism in a nuclearized context, what exactly was Pakistan thinking when it ventured into Kargil?

Any thoughts, comments from our Pakistani members?

I didn't think so.

And now Pakistan wants to cry foul and whine about India's so called 'hegemonic mindset'?? :lol:

Kapoor was talking about RETALIATING. period. For those who don't understand what retaliation means, google it. I simply don't understand why there has been so much hue and cry over his statements when he was simply commenting on India's ability to DEFEND itself on two fronts, should the need arise.
Just wondering what the article means by Hegemonisctic ? India does not have territorial ambition. It is infact trying to save its own land for that it needs to modernize its defenses so whats wrong with that ?

often Hegemonistic term is also used loosely against India mostly by only one country.
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Meanwhile Gen.Kapoor is getting good publicity which is kinda rare in India for a general.
haha... pakistan warns India against the hegemonistic mindset. irony is; it has no problems with US. even when they send their predators.:woot:
This article seems to be written for ensuring Pakistani people. They have stressed more on "Pakistan is all safe and we don't need to fear" rather than commenting on Indian general statement or doctorine.

But they are feeling insecure by growing military capability of India, backed by economic and doplomatic power. This is visible by multiple statements from various authorities.
Pakistan is right in being alarmed over the increase in conventional weapons capability that India intends to achieve - afterall there have been four wars between the two countries. And India upping the ante by acquiring firm to modestly superior conventional weapons capability will stir a feeling of frustration in Islamabad.

While on one hand, India can say that the increased weapons capability is imperative as India has been facing threats from two "brother :what: nations", Pakistan and China and not just one. But the fact is that while on the China front, the Indian focus will be to contain the war while the international community steps in, the focus on Pakistan front will be completely different - to achieve a resounding victory over the Pakistan Army by occupying and holding large swathes of Pakistani territory within the first hours of battle and before the international diplomatic commitments lead to cessation of hostilities. This defeat of the Pakistani forces should be clear and completely visible so that it sinks in.

The logic desiring this scenario is the following:

Most thinkers attribute the continued anti-India hostility and the repeated state and non-state adventurisms emanating from Pakistan to the plain and simple reason that India has not been able to achieve a resounding military defeat of Pakistan in the earlier skirmishes - one might bring up the example of 1971 and Bangladesh, but let us save that for later. Given this history there continues to be enough misformed conviction in the Pakistan Army and the Elite that the risk of contnuing to bleed India is very low and it is worth the rewards.

Hitherto, the "defensive defense" thinking of India against any acts of aggression has only fuelled this adventurist conviction of Pakistan and has not resulted in relative permanency of peace in the region which has been what India has desired all the years.

The "offensive defence" that India now aspires to achieve, looks more promising in delivering the desired permanent peace. Case in point - the only time that India undertook the offensive defence approach was in the 1971 war of the independence of Bangladesh and that is the only incidence of India's resounding victory over Pakistan and it has also resulted in relatively permanent peace on our Eastern front.

So the idea is probably to send a clear message to our "friendly neighbour/s" that India will not be bullied anymore and this time, the gloves will come off.

Instead of casting aspersions on India, Pakistan should immediately cease the support to all state and non-state actors working on an anti India agenda and rein in its terrorist assets that were created to harm India. Visible, measurable and sustainable effort of the Pakistani Government in such endeavour will automatically bring more trust in the Indo-Pak relationship and change the security scenario for both the countries to a more peaceful one and then Pakistan will not have the need to warn India at all.
Pakistan warns India????!!!

Why should that be considered with anything other than seriousness. Remember Mumbai. Pakistan could do well to act on that warning and get away with it. India could do squat about it other than gas-baggery from the generals about war on N fronts.
I hope this enough to open your third, fourth and fifth eye :)

On a serious note, what is wrong with Gen. Kapoor? He is not a politician and there is an acting govt. in India which has defence and foreign ministers to spit venom against the freindly neighbour ;), so why is Gen. Kapoor trying to create sensation?
The solution to the situation does not call for anatomical miracles such as 3 or 4 eyes. It just needs 2. But Pakistan needs to open them.

The fact that it is General Kapoor that has been making these statements and not the South Block clearly shows that the message is for the adventurist Pakistani Army. Since it is them who call the shots in Pakistan, it is better that the General sends the message. Is it not a historical fact that the Pakistan Army understands very well when the Indian Defence Forces are sending a message?

Please do not blame the good general for the political semantics required for communicating with your country's rulers.
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I hope this enough to open your third, fourth and fifth eye :)

On a serious note, what is wrong with Gen. Kapoor? He is not a politician and there is an acting govt. in India which has defence and foreign ministers to spit venom against the freindly neighbour ;), so why is Gen. Kapoor trying to create sensation?

May be a bit of delegation..:azn:
May be he has political ambitions and in India, a military coup is not the only way for an army man to become a part of the political government
or May be, army has been given a little more leeway now than it has had traditionally. And before every one here starts jumping up and down with "WE HAVE NUKES" and "WE HAVE CHINA & TURKEY", I dont mean an all out war (since that will damage Indian economy and we love our prosperity more than we hate pakistan)
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