The K cry is for water.. after all.. and no offense, what can the Kashmiri's offer us.. or us to them?
They are a little too interested in hand me downs.. I remember during the quake.. this woman was giving an interview, whilst having a bottle of gatorade..granola bar in hand in the excellent tent city set up by the donors..and commenting that she is in bad shape, nobody is doing anything for her, call that ungrateful.
Pakistan offer's nothing more than cheap politics and bomb blasts to kashmiris...although there is the tourism magnet.
Apart from offering a free for all in the name of Islam(which is a very attractive option)... some trade opportunities via China.. there isnt much.
India offers a democracy, but also offers a loss of business to Kashmiris due to migration and settlement, although the Kashmiris would be better off feeding India's tourism industry. Yet ethnic tensions would mount again in the valley mainly due to age old perceptions.
So its all about the water.. nothing more.. for both nations.
That water feeds the plains in the collective Punjab.. and that gets us our food.
Both nation's need to feed their people.. so lets screw Kashmir over for it then.