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Pakistan, US heading toward a serious confrontation over Pak-Nukes?

lag gai shirt?
Here is an analogy for you; do you think that India can smuggle nukes in to Pakistan?

If Pakistan has managed to smuggle any nukes in to US, show us proof.

Otherwise, you will end up looking like a fool and a conspiracy theorist.
mossad and cia together blew up the twin towers, they still cant figure that out...so....
u can nuke usa and they might think of it as a false flag operation by CIA...

Getting influenced by Iranian President are you? Well let me assure you that he is wrong.

nevertheless, what i meant was that u dont just nuke cities, u nuke key places which cause loss to military like command centers, pentagon, nuclear power plants...

I assure you I know exactly what parameters are there while deciding on targetting for a nuke ... and as per doctrines of nations following no first use policy, any attack by CBRNs will invite massive retaliatory strike by means of own choce ..... so even if you only target an airfield ... it opens doors for massive strikes of own choice in retaliation.

u cant say it cant be done..
If there is full fledged war where we have already lost 99% of everything. This cud be only way of revenge.
Thats wat all intelligence agencies are based on , avenge and revenge..thats their game.

Thats not what Int agencies are based on ..... you are wrong sir
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