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Pakistan under Zionist attack


Jan 22, 2009
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Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Scretary of Treasury in Reagan Administration - wrote on January 28, 2009: “President Obama was a war criminal by his third day in office when he ordered illegal cross-border drone attack on Pakistan that murdered 20 people including 3 children. The bombing and strafing of homes and villages in Afghanistan by US forces and America’s NATO puppets are also war crimes. Obama cannot enforce the law because he himself has already violated it.”

Even the American puppet governments in Islamabad and Kabul had no choice but to criticize American wars on their countries. The American invasion of Afghanistan in October 2001 - had nothing to do with the so-called “fighting terrorism”, but was mainly American greed for the Caspian Sea oil reserves and containing Iran’s anti-Israel fever spilling into Afghanistan and Pakistan.

If Obama ever become victim to Jewish Lobby - the next man to hold power would be Vice-President Joe Biden, an extremist Zionist, who was reported by The New York Times in March 2008 - “The next president will have to rally America and the world to ‘fight them over there, unless we want to fight them over here’. The ‘over there’ is not, as President Bush has claimed, Iraq, but rather the border of Afghanistan and Pakistan.”

The old Zionist from Bush administration had a similar warning for Pakistan. Robert Gates’ first comments as Obama’s Secretary of Defense to Senate Armed Services Committee - “Let me just say, both president Bush and president Obama have made clear that we will go after Al-Qaeda wherever Al-Qaeda is. And we will continue to pursue this.” When asked by Committee Chairman, Karl Levin ( a Jew): “Is Pakistan government aware of this pursuit?” - Gates replied: “Yes, sir.”

As far as Obama’s secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, is concerned - less said the better. Her moto being: “If you don’t like Zionist regime in Palestine, I hate you.”

Read the rest of article here
Bad news for Pakistan then... I pity your position... Now, you might be taken over by the Zionists

But, its nothing much for us to worry about, I guess...

I just remember a beautiful proverb here, I hope I can quote it -

What goes around comes around...
Bad news for Pakistan then... I pity your position... Now, you might be taken over by the Zionists

But, its nothing much for us to worry about, I guess...

I just remember a beautiful proverb here, I hope I can quote it -[/QUOTE

Wat kind of statment you just stated ?? :crazy: please make more sense and the zionist will never take over us ! furthermore , please input matture posts and statments on here rather then ones that cause tension lets come back to reality check 123 boom wake up > :woot: thx:tdown:
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Bad news for Pakistan then... I pity your position... Now, you might be taken over by the Zionists

But, its nothing much for us to worry about, I guess...

I just remember a beautiful proverb here, I hope I can quote it -
I think the person (s) to be pitied are Judeo-Hindu Facists, who murdered innocent fellow Indians to tarnish Pakistan.

Get Educated for a change
Bad news for Pakistan then... I pity your position... Now, you might be taken over by the Zionists

But, its nothing much for us to worry about, I guess...

I just remember a beautiful proverb here, I hope I can quote it -

I Think Indians are happy about that. "Let Israel Take care Of Pakistan", On the other hand Israelis are thinking that we will arm India and "Let India take care of Pakistan". The question is " who is gonna Risk his Life to tie a Bell in Cat's Neck " :wave:
Pakistan is Headache for Israel because First of ALL Pakistan in only Muslim Nuclear Power, Secondly they know What we can do to them (PAF actions in 1967 and 1973), Thirdly we are the Only hope For ARABS in case of Full Fledged war with Israel.

MOSSAD and Zionist are trying their Level Best and are Looking For some solution to Tackle Pakistan and India is there Trump Card.
Israel continues to provide India with very high tech hardware, this is a concern for us, how do we counter it?
These Zionists are a pain in the ***, someone should supply Iran with some nifty weaponry and see how these Zionists will cry and try to jeopardize the deal.
Gokul i have a proverbs for you too...
Lataun key bhoot bataun see nahee maintey..
If your house is burning, there is not time to go hunting
The ruin of a nation begins in the homes of its people>>see ur maha India first talk about Pakistan later kid.
No one tests the depth of a river with both feet
Rain does not fall on one roof alone.
He who talks incessantly talks nonsense.>>applied to u specifically
Bad news for Pakistan then... I pity your position... Now, you might be taken over by the Zionists

But, its nothing much for us to worry about, I guess...

I just remember a beautiful proverb here, I hope I can quote it -

sir this is an utterly stupid post.
just remember that the west does not care about india either ,if pakistan falls the day wont be far when india will follw them,its a very dangerous policy for southasia.

sir this is an utterly stupid post.
just remember that the west does not care about india either ,if pakistan falls the day wont be far when india will follw them,its a very dangerous policy for southasia.


Don't worry, that's why he has a beautiful sign above his "beautiful" avatar, "Banned member". ;)
Pakistan is not under Zionist attack.Honestly we need to look at our self..Look at our country poverty levels, economy.It does not really need to be destroyed by external forces.It's already on the verge of civil war (At least in West Side).What we Pakistanis need to do is stop believing in conspiracy theories and do something useful for our country.Unfortunately, our government is not interested in doing anything useful for Pakistan.They appointed Jiala as a Education Minister.A guy who actually traded girls.GOP must provide proper education in all parts of Pakistan...
Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Scretary of Treasury in Reagan Administration - wrote on January 28, 2009: “President Obama was a war criminal by his third day in office when he ordered illegal cross-border drone attack on Pakistan that murdered 20 people including 3 children. The bombing and strafing of homes and villages in Afghanistan by US forces and America’s NATO puppets are also war crimes. Obama cannot enforce the law because he himself has already violated it.”

Even the American puppet governments in Islamabad and Kabul had no choice but to criticize American wars on their countries. The American invasion of Afghanistan in October 2001 - had nothing to do with the so-called “fighting terrorism”, but was mainly American greed for the Caspian Sea oil reserves and containing Iran’s anti-Israel fever spilling into Afghanistan and Pakistan.

If Obama ever become victim to Jewish Lobby - the next man to hold power would be Vice-President Joe Biden, an extremist Zionist, who was reported by The New York Times in March 2008 - “The next president will have to rally America and the world to ‘fight them over there, unless we want to fight them over here’. The ‘over there’ is not, as President Bush has claimed, Iraq, but rather the border of Afghanistan and Pakistan.”

The old Zionist from Bush administration had a similar warning for Pakistan. Robert Gates’ first comments as Obama’s Secretary of Defense to Senate Armed Services Committee - “Let me just say, both president Bush and president Obama have made clear that we will go after Al-Qaeda wherever Al-Qaeda is. And we will continue to pursue this.” When asked by Committee Chairman, Karl Levin ( a Jew): “Is Pakistan government aware of this pursuit?” - Gates replied: “Yes, sir.”

As far as Obama’s secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, is concerned - less said the better. Her moto being: “If you don’t like Zionist regime in Palestine, I hate you.”

Read the rest of article here

Why you mention ZIONISTS to all topics are you out of your mind?
THIS is just funny - just because some idiot talk out of his behind. Pakistan currently have too many issue on their hand. People who brain wash citizen are just plain terrorist. i dont know why government cant a thing about these idiots. zaid Hamid called Hamid Mir a CIA agent lmao. he talks too much wont it be good to send him on war against his so called schizophrenic enemy Zionist. Instead of talking all day about them.
time is for some pragmatic thinking and set aside these meaningless conspiracy theory. and bring a nation on track.

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