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Pakistan trench along Afghan border enrages Kabul


Jan 20, 2013
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Finally, the Pakistani government is showing some balls.

Now if only we could send the rest of the Afghans to their side of the Durand Line -- one can wish!

AFP article here, excerpts below:

But Kabul sees the trench as the latest move in a new incarnation of the colonial-era Great Game, in which Pakistan hopes to destabilize its neighbor to extend its regional influence. It already considers Pakistan as the source of the Taliban insurgency it has been battling with U.S. and NATO support for the past 13 years.

"The people here have never accepted the Pakistan-Afghanistan border in the first place," said Gen. Abdul Raziq, the police chief of Afghanistan's Kandahar province, which borders Baluchistan.

"Pakistan is not doing anything to stop terrorism. If they want to stop it, they should stop producing it," said Raziq, who has long had a reputation for ruthlessness in battling the Taliban. "This trench is simply to draw a border with Afghanistan and claim our land as their own," he said.
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Borders will stay as it is. We have full capability to make sure borders remain as it is. Actually, we have capability to move Pakistan borders into Afghanistan. Afghanistan should look in the mirror and ask them selves, who are they kidding?
trench alone cant do much i guess
"Pakistan is not doing anything to stop terrorism. If they want to stop it, they should stop producing it,"

Guess this moron didn't get the memo on Zarb-e-Azb and previous operations.

"This trench is simply to draw a border with Afghanistan and claim our land as their own,"

Would you rather have us draw this border further in to Afghan territory? If not, then better shut up and live with it.
Poor Pakistan. Everybody thinks that these noble souls are the one producing terrorists. Conspiracy theory I say. The whole world is jealous of Pakistan's achievements and doesn't want it to progress. In-shah Allah Pakistan will defeat the nefarious designs of India in Afghanistan and Baluchistan along with China, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Russia and Afghanistan (well, after they remove the Indian puppets like that police chief ^^^).
Poor Pakistan. Everybody thinks that these noble souls are the one producing terrorists. Conspiracy theory I say. The whole world is jealous of Pakistan's achievements and doesn't want it to progress. In-shah Allah Pakistan will defeat the nefarious designs of India in Afghanistan and Baluchistan along with China, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Russia and Afghanistan (well, after they remove the Indian puppets like that police chief ^^^).
so you wasted a minute typing that shit ,interesting
Poor Pakistan. Everybody thinks that these noble souls are the one producing terrorists. Conspiracy theory I say. The whole world is jealous of Pakistan's achievements and doesn't want it to progress. In-shah Allah Pakistan will defeat the nefarious designs of India in Afghanistan and Baluchistan along with China, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Russia and Afghanistan (well, after they remove the Indian puppets like that police chief ^^^).

Were we supposed to give a fuk?:lol:

Thank you for wasting bandwidth .. Retarded troll.
we should 'colonize' afghanistan......just sayin'.
if we don't we definitely should wire up an electric fence on the border no matter how much it costs.

About time. We need to build a fence/wall of some sort along this porous border. I know it's difficult, but very essential for Pakistan. The border along Afghanistan is a source of instability misused by various miscreants to wreak havoc on both sides. If US/NATO fail to address this problem, Pakistan should take the initiative. Pakistan's survival depends on this fence/wall. Pakistan has to stay in this region. Others will be gone. I have been a staunch supporter of such an initiative. Better late than never.
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