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Pakistan treats US as a 'limitless ATM': Raymond Davis

The source of the news is indian. I doubt davis made these claims.

Why rage at this guy? Rage at your own government and ISI who let him go free. Should have hung him from his ungrateful b@lls and saved all this trouble.
He compensated the victims families and they had to let him go.

Coming from a guy who's a criminal and has murdered 2 people in broad day light what credibility this psycho have anyway.
I'd like to add that he also assaulted a senior citizen over a parking spot and went to jail for 3 years.
The source of the news is indian. I doubt davis made these claims.

He compensated the victims families and they had to let him go.

That's a simplification of what happened. The widow of the deceased would not have committed suicide if the family were not pressurized in to accepting the blood money.
As the WSJ’s Paul Beckett points out in a recent article this is a paradox of India: “A giant country that both dispenses and receives aid, a nation touted as a commercial superpower that has more poor people than any other nation on Earth.”

As a recent NYT article pointed out, the large U.S. assistance to Pakistan is at least as much about refurbishing the image of the U.S. in a strategically vital region.

this is really an interesting article and shreds the hypocrisy of India to smithereens...

India Journal: Why Does India Give and Receive Aid?

Does the United States of America pay Pakistan out of brotherhood or for the advancement of its interests in the region?

The correct comment.

USA assists Pakistan only to serve its own national interests, never out of the goodness of its heart. Always, as it should as a sovereign nation. And it always finds willing Pakistanis to help.

Massive infrastucture issues


ethnic intolerance

but I BELIVE PAKISTAN is in even worse state
So true its laughable. :-). Fortunately but belatedly the US has been waking up over the last 2 presidency's. the eyes are blinking and wheels are in motion.

Laughable is the Indian thought process which made them utter nonsense when they say Pakistan is American lackey. Pakistan is the only country in the world which run rings around uncle Sam, use and abuse him yet they keep on coming back for more abuse.
someone tell this clown that Pakistan also lost 100+ billion dollars in war on terror and Yanks only paid 30 billions that too after using our soil for ISAF transit.

Meanwhile we have eastern neighbour and their loved one Israelis who got most aid from uncle sam without serving any american interests.. Eastern one is also involve in stealing American jobs.

Massive infrastucture issues


ethnic intolerance

but I BELIVE PAKISTAN is in even worse state

Pakistan ranks below in corruption and bribery than India...

Has better road infrastructure, India has better railway, Pakistan natural gas lines are of 10,000 Kms, as long as India's, Pakistan ranks 1st in number of CNG vehicles in the world.

Also check the ethnic communal violence in India and Pakistan, it is many times more in India than Pakistan.

but I BELIVE PAKISTAN is in even worse state

The delusional barometer of happiness and satisfaction in the sub-continent. While a large number of people continue to live under sub-human conditions and endure (spend, not live) their life before the angel of death relieves them of the burden and they transition from one grave to another.
WASHINGTON: Pakistan treats America like a "limitless ATM" and most of the US aid to the country goes to the military's kitty, a private US defence contractor who was responsible for one the worst bilateral tensions, has said.

"For Pakistan, no amount of money ever seemed to be enough. The economic aid it received from the United States became a drug it alternately loathed and could not live without," Raymond Davis said in his book "The Contractor".

Davis, 42, was arrested in Lahore in 2011 on charges of killing two Pakistani citizens and thus kicked off a huge diplomatic crisis between the two countries.

Having a first-hand experience of how the system works in Pakistan, the CIA contractor wrote that most of the US aid ended up with the Pakistan military and not with the civilians.

"As dysfunctional as the relationship between the United States and Pakistan+was, it was made worse by the fact that most of the aid typically ended up in the hands of the Pakistani military, while much of its population continued to languish in poverty," Davis said.

In his book, Davis writes that the real power in Pakistan lies with the military.

"While Pakistan is said to be a parliamentary federal republic with a president who serves as head of state and a Prime minister who runs the government, everyone knows that the real power in that country lies with the military," he wrote.

"For more than half of the sixty-four years that had passed since its birth as a nation, Pakistan had been under military rule. It devoted nearly a quarter of its budget to defence spending. As recently as 2007, Pakistan had been under martial law. That same year, President Pervez Musharraf, a former four-star general, suspended the constitution, had the leader of the opposition party arrested, and dismissed the Supreme Courts chief justice," Davis said.

"In short, you did not want to cross the military in Pakistan," he said.

Between 1954 and 1959, the US gave Pakistan $1.28 billion.

"By 2011, the total amount of aid doled out by the United States+ had ballooned to $67 billion," he wrote in his book.

"After 9/11, the US, using Coalition Support Funds, also reimbursed Pakistan for any money it spent combating terrorism, a policy that was somewhat flawed because, while it was supposed to encourage the Pakistani military to fight local militants, it provided little incentive for it to do the job well," Davis rued.
"After all, if all the terrorists disappeared, so too would the seemingly limitless ATM that was the United States," he said in the book which gives graphic details of his arrest in Lahore and his subsequent release.

"Having grown dependent upon these annual disbursements of aid from the US and with fewer than two million of its 182 million citizens paying income tax, Pakistan had become the very definition of a "rentier state," a country that receives a disproportionate amount of its revenues from external sources, kind of like the ne'er-do-well child of fabulously wealthy parents," Davis said.

Bubba tell us something we do not know

The guy writing it has personal grudge. Little does he know, Pakistan is now a $304 sized Billion economy. US Economic Aid is barely $500-600 million. Pakistan itself offered $500 Million Aid to Afghanistan and launched development projects worth additional $500 Million in Afghanistan. This aid isn't required, US gives economic aid just to maintain some leverage. Eg: India has been the highest recipient of economic aid from US, does India need it , I don't think so. Same goes for Israel. In Pakistan's case, this aid gives no leverage to US.

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It is one thing to offer $500 million aid to Afghanistan
India has not gotten anything significant in economic aid from USA in 40+ years

Massive infrastucture issues


ethnic intolerance

but I BELIVE PAKISTAN is in even worse state

Check this for Pakistan and India infra....

Bubba tell us something we do not know

It is one thing to offer $500 million aid to Afghanistan
India has not gotten anything significant in economic aid from USA in 40+ years

...being delusional is one thing and believing and propagating falsehood is another...

India top recipient of US economic aid

WASHINGTON: India has been identified as the largest recipient of U.S economic assistance over a 66-year period in inflation-adjusted dollars although Washington's pet allies, Israel and Pakistan, received far more American dole in per capita terms.

Data compiled by USAID and released recently shows that India received $ 65.1 billion in economic assistance from the US in inflation-adjusted dollars in the period 1946-2012, closely followed by Israel, which received $ 65 billion.



These are the two key words here

" inflation-adjusted dollars "

All the assistance India received was in the 1960s and 1974

We are not including Pakistan's CSF payments who is aid in another name

...read this para from the article...
Data compiled by USAID and released recently shows that India received $ 65.1 billion in economic assistance from the US in inflation-adjusted dollars in the period 1946-2012, closely followed by Israel, which received $ 65 billion.

Aid given to Pakistan is also mentioned here in inflation- adjusted dollars, your point means nothing.
The Guy just forgot to talk about the Burden of millions of Afghan refugees on Pakistan..which too was provocked by the US invasion..
Just some selective rant from someone with deep hate of Pakistan..The guy went as far as killing 2 Pakistani citizens.. what can be expected from his mind!?
...read this para from the article...
Data compiled by USAID and released recently shows that India received $ 65.1 billion in economic assistance from the US in inflation-adjusted dollars in the period 1946-2012, closely followed by Israel, which received $ 65 billion.

It is economic aid. Look at the military aid portion. Add them up.

In any case Pakistan (which is 1/7 of India's size) has been recipient of assistance from USA. Pakistan has gotten 90% in dollars of what India has received. This is not including the CSF payments received by Pakistan.

Plot US aid to India over time. Most of the aid was in the 1960s and 1974

FYI I am not complaining. Foreign aid is a double edged sword.
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