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Pakistan tourism commercial

Hey guys! check out the video i made for Pakistan tourism. Indian members: this is my first ever video on youtube, kindly go easy, thanks. Enjoy :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-VxgccYuYk

Is it really made by u??

Good effort. :tup:

but its nothing to do with tourism, you should build a plot and storyline then execute it to the conclusion.

And the concluding message in the end (what u want to say for pakistan or why someone visit it or what's ur slogan)
yes it is. i was going to do all that but its my first video. So i'll learn, give me some time
good job, but i too find the video incomplete

this is my first video btw

i just recently posted

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Good job sir,

I think the video is perfect in it's own way but the word tourism might be inappropriate for this video however I liked the whole idea of this video and really enjoyed watching it
Thank you. I am writing down all your feedback and will try to include all the things you guys suggest in the next video. Once again, Thank you :)
It's well made. I actually thought it was an official ad for a while there. But like Bhai Zakir said, it needs a bit of a plot and I personally hate non-Desi music in these tourism ads. It kinda' takes away from them. :/
what software did you use?? movie maker? and how did you took parts of clips from various videos like string video etc?
I used video editor. Thats a long process. You have to download the whole video than extract the clips you need from it. Its a headache... Also a shout out to all the Indian members, very good feedback Thank you. I am now seriously considering making a tribute video for all the good feedback i received from Indian members :)
good effort- the branding "Land of Dreams" is just so super perfect fit on Pakistan- video was poor- wasnt representative yet the whole idea, I mean the Idea is simply great !!

Good Job over all --- try to contact some digital advertising company by personally visiting them and show them your idea- hopefully if they are not al kamino they will work it out with you and make some super duper cool promotional video with you about Land of Dreams...
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